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Work design

Work design is the creation of work to enhance organization productivity and

effectiveness. And ensuring that the place of working is the best for safety healthy
for all employee .It is the combination of methods processes for getting desirable
results. The key characteristics of work design are -shifting away large-industrial
productivity ,the requirement for employees to express positive emotions in the
way in which they interact with costumers, shifting in the demographics of the
workforce, growth in the number of employees engage in knowledge work ,
development in the technology. A system is asset of practices or activities that fit
together and interact to achieve a purpose.Process centred org avoid a rigid
system work and concentrated on the stream of products.this is focus on horizontal
processes that cut org boundries.Work system design covers the planning of
process such As flexibly manufacturing system and supply change
management.Process planning may determine how manufacturing should be
divided into a series of stages such as machines in a production line.When
designing a work system it is necessary to see that it will: fit work requirements for
efficiency and flexibility, ensure the smooth flow of processes, provide a good
work environment in terms of working conditions. Smart working- aim to drive
greater efficiency and effectiveness in achieving job.Characteristics of smart
working are: self-management, the use of virtual teams or work groups, high
performance working use of advanced communication technology, hot-desking
,working from home.Flexible working- is a pattern of working practice or working
hours that deviates from the standard or normal arrangement.The aim is to provide
for greater operational flexibility, improve the use of employees skills and
capacities increase productivity and reduce employment costs.
(functional,structural,numerical) .High performance working is the sum of
processes ,practices and policies .Lean manufacturing is the reducing of waste.

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