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Welcome to

Grade 3
Curriculum Night

Our Program
The grade three program follows all curriculum expectations as outlined by the Ministry of

Language Arts
The students in grade 3 will explore reading through
guided reading, independent reading opportunities,
listening to read-aloud, and shared reading.


Every day when students enter the classroom in the

morning, they read independently for fifteen minutes.

Our writing program consists of journals, modeled writing, shared class writing, spelling words and grammar
and punctuation exercises. Students will have an opportunity to discuss their writing and receive input from
us during writing conferences. Also, each term we will
focus on different forms of writing including narratives,
procedures, letter writing, and reports.

Listening to Read-Aloud


Listening to read-aloud is an important way for students to hear challenging material and to listen to
materials read with meaning and expression. We use
read-aloud throughout the day. We will often share a
fiction book chosen because of its appeal to the students interests, or its relation to the material being
taught in class. We also choose materials which encourage them to explore and which they may not be
familiar with.

Each Monday, students will receive twelve spelling

words for the week. Please ensure your child completes the required task, and is ready for the spelling
test on Fridays.

D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read)

Guided and Shared Reading

In our guided reading program, students will be
taught various reading strategies or skills to improve
their reading skills. In shared reading, the teacher will
direct the class in reading a text together and afterwards, engage students in literacy focused activities.
We will also use the Tree House Ontario 3 guide to
practice our skills. Furthermore, students will explore
books through subject/author studies both independently and as a class.

Our math program is a combination of skills work and
hands-on activities that cover the five strands in the
curriculum: Number Sense and Numeration, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense, Patterning and
Algebra, and Data Management and Probability. We
are building numeric skills slowly but surely throughout
the day (i.e. Telling time on a daily basis, and the use
of the hundred chart). The rest of the period is dedicated to hands-on math using manipulatives and
seat work to practice the skills they have learned. If
students have any questions/concerns please know
that as teachers we are here to help. Remedial will
begin shortly.

Oral Communication
Students will expand their oral communication skills
during our sharing time. Throughout the month, students will be assessed on their oral communication.
This will be done through the retelling of a story that
they have read, heard or by recounting a personal
experience (text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world
connections). Students will benefit by safely engaging
in opportunities that provide practice of communication skills.

The grade 3 science focus for the first term is Growth
and Changes in Plants, and Strong and Stable Structures. In term two, we will focus on Forces Causing
Movement, and lastly, we will explore Soils in the Environment in the third term.

Social Studies

Arabic, French and Quranic Studies

During term one, the grade 3s will study Communities

in Canada, 17801850; describing the communities of
early settlers and First Nation peoples in Upper Canada around 1800. In term two, until the end of the
year, our focus will be on Living and Working in Ontario.

Our class has Arabic with Sr. Menouba twice a week,

and French with Sr. Ratiba three times a week.
Quranic Studies takes place every day with Sh. Abdul
Rahman. If you have any questions regarding their
program, please contact them at the school.

Important Reminders

Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies focuses on four main areas. These include: Aqeedah and Fiqh, Seerah, Islamic History,
and Aklaaq and Adaab. We will focus various lessons
on the shahada, wudu making, salah; Prophets which
include: Prophet Ayyub (AS), Dawud (AS), Ilyas (AS),
and Sulaiman (AS).

Students will be assessed in a variety of ways. Student
progress in different subjects may be assessed by observation, checklists, grades, percentages, or levelled
rubrics. The following table summarizes the different
levels and their corresponding grade or percentage.


80 100%

70 79%

60 69%

50 59%

Unfinished class work may be assigned as homework.
Please ensure that this work is returned when it is due,
otherwise the student will fall behind in class work
(Example: math textbook is needed everyday).
Furthermore, it is important to know that homework
helps to reinforce learning which has occurred during
the school day. Please check your childs agenda to
help facilitate good homework habits. Your assistance and input will help your child develop a positive attitude towards homework. Also, as part of daily
homework, we encourage students to read at home
for approximately 20 minutes.

8:25 am sharp. They are to be dropped off/picked up

outside the building
homework each night (you can look in the student
agenda to see what homework they have for that
child regularly to assist them with their homework/
review what was learned that day
on their library day (GirlsMon, BoysTues)
-marking gym shoes. Children
can either leave the shoes at school or bring them on
gym days (BoysMon/Wed, GirlsTues/Thurs)
Sr. Sundas will be teaching both Grade 3 classes
Health and Library while Sr. Aisha will be teaching
both Grade 3 classes Phys-Ed
child each day
-wide updates and
announcements at

Questions, Comments, and

If you have any questions, concerns or inputs, please
do not hesitate to contact us at the school.
Sr. Aisha and Sr. Sundas

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