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http://textilelearner.blo gspo f-band-knife-cutting-machine.html

Features of Band Knife Cutting Machine with Advantages &

Band Knife Cutting Machine:
Band knif e cutting machine is an endless and looks like a loop. It is used f or the cutting of f abric rolls
without cardboard-inner tube. It is important instrument of cutting f abrics. T his cutting machine works
automatically according to the height of the relevant material. T his machine is with special blower decreases
resistance between f abrics and table,which enables the f abrics be moved easily and be cut precisely. And it
could adjustable speed to f it dif f erent f abrics. Band knife cutting machines have been recognized
around the world f or many years f or their high quality even when f aced with dif f icult customer-related
conditions and in applications with demanding materials.
Features of Band Knife Cutting Machine::
1. It comprises a series of three or more
pulleys,which provide the continuous rotating
motion of the knif e .
2. An endless knif e is used here.
3. Knif e is usually narrower than on a straight
knif e.
4. A large size of table is used to support the
f abric & f or cutting.
5. Air blower blows the air to minimize the weight
of f abric.
6. Balls in air blower help to move the f abric in
dif f erent direction.
7. Automatic grinder is used.

Fig : Ro und Knife Cutting Mac hine

8. In this method machine is stationary but f abric is movable.

9. High speed r.p.m. motor is used.
10. Required a large space f or it.
11. T his is like a saw mill cutter.
12. Knif e lif e time depends on f abric type & uses of machine.
Advantages of Band Knife Cutting Machine:
1. Suitable f or any types of line.
2. Very large productivity f or limited product
3. Such as collars, cuf f , placket etc.
4. Automatic grinder grind the knif e instantly
5. Air blower helps to reduce the f abric weight which increases smooth movement of f abric.
6. Possible to cut 900 angle of the lay.
7. Intensity of accident is low.
Disadvantages of Band Knife Cutting Machine:

1. Not suitable f or large component due to the length of the table.

2. Work load is high as machine is stationary & f abric is movable.
3. Running cost is higher.
4. Required f ix space.
5. Not possible to cut f abric directly.

Author of T his Article:

Saiful Islam
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST )
Email: saif
Facebook: Saif ul Islam

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