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@ Write the correct vertebrate group and match the sentences to the photos. a. __Birds are warm-blooded. They have wings, feathers and beaks b. ______ are cold-blooded. They are born in water, with gills, and move to land when they grow lungs and legs. a are warm-blooded and have fur or hair. Their babies drink their mother's milk until they can find their own food, d. are cold-blooded and their bodies are covered in scales. e._ are cold-blooded. They live in water and breathe with gills. {__ ]tr0g { | manta ray {__}gorita {__Jturtle [2 } gotdfinch @ Rewrite the sentences with the correct information. a. Herbivores eat meat and carnivores eat plants, Herbivores eat plants and carnivores eat meat. b. Consumers produce their own food. = - an c. Mammals, birds and fish are carnivores. d. Most amphibians and reptiles are herbivores. 3 Sree @ complete the texts about how animals eat. Match the texts to the pictures. chew short flat hooked digested thin sharp chambers nuts | { a. Camnivores have long, sharp teeth to help | | ‘them catch and eat other animals. | b. Herbivores have lots of —___ teeth for | grinding plants. | c. Ruminants have four — in their | fe | | stomachs. When they eat, their food goes to the first | chamber and is partly __.. Then, the | food returns to their mouth and the ruminants. | fe it again before swallowing it and finishing the digestion process. | a d. Birds like eagles have sharp, — beaks for eating meat. e. Birds like sparrows have beaks for eating seeds and _ zs | f. Birds like hummingbirds have long, beaks for drinking nectar from flowers. | -~ © choose the correct option and order the stages of respiration. Respiration in fish citation in reptiles, birds and mammals [| water enters the body through the {Blood cells absorb the carbon dioxide / gills | mouth. ‘oxygen from the lungs and transport it around the body. Waste carbon dioxide / oxygen leaves the body through the gills. {| waste carbon dioxide leaves the body through the diaphragm lungs. {the oxygen is absorbed into the blood through veins / capillaries in the gills (Jair passes into the /ungs / gills. © complete the sentences about respiration in amphibians. a. When they are young, amphibians are a@U2tiC_ animals. They take in the ° ‘they need from the water through their g b. During m ____, their gills close and they develop | c. Adult amphibians can absorb oxygen and expel ¢ through their moist s @ complete the texts about different types of reproduction. egg Most mammals are viviparous _. The develops inside the mother and she gives birth to = offspring birth embryo xiivipareus inside live ovoviviparous offspring oviparous | 2 s Birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians are animals. The embryo grows outside the female’s body inside an —_ , which hatches into new . A few species are ___. These animals produce eggs but the eggs develop and hatch the mother. Later the mother gives _. to live offspring. @ identify the parts of these invertebrates. © complete the chart about invertebrates. ‘Arthropods tarantula ctustaeeaT arachnid ~centipede __ beetle myriapod sear insect 1 crustacean Molluscs: cephalopod mussels. .gastropatr squid bivalve spait gastropod Other invertebrates starfish cnidarian jellyfish annelid —_fireworm echinoderm sponges @ choose the correct word. a. Myriapods | Arachnids | Gastropods have long, thin, segmented bodies. They live in dark, darn places b. Insects / Echinoderms | Cephalopods have large heads and tentacles. They live in water. ¢. Arachnids | Insects / Starfish have three body parts: a head, a thorax and an abdomen. They have two antennae, three pairs of legs arid usually have wings.

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