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Context: The classes that I chose to do my broad spectrum on

came from classes I took at Portland Community College. I took my
Organic Gardening (BI 163) class, and Public Speaking (COMM 111),
during the summer of 2014. I took my Teaching Elementary Children
Math class (MTH 211) in the fall of 2015, and I just recently took my
Introduction to Personality Class (PSY 214) summer of 2016.
Content: This shows a wide degree of classes which I took to
help broaden my horizons. I took the gardening class because it
showed me how to grow plants, and I can use this knowledge when I
am working with my students. I use the speech I used for this
portfolio, because I owe my going back to school to my niece Sierra,
who inspired me after her death, to seek more out of life. I learned a
lot from my math class on how to instruct students when teaching
them math it also helped me to do better in my ED 124 class (Math,
and Science Application class) I hope one day to be able to complete
the series 212, and 213. Finally, the Psychology will benefit me in my
dealing with students and their families, because everyone is unique,
and has their own personality.
Contemplation: I learned a lot from the extra classes that I
took during my time at Portland Community College, however, since I
already had a degree in Sociology and Religious Studies from Oregon
State I was limited in my general education classes. However, there

was a lot information that I gained by taking various courses that I

hope one day to be able to use when working with students one day.

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