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“Any bath» work a rt ewe an upping eto tat ‘realm aes ron tse del cor ars em Bee Te Sadi Tie ub’ may be sew te Bebra i lei alé caption rural my en aes ain a on ay, the wal on ane. AE ‘Though Bay ry daly unde snepony reo ie puerta ok rst ey = ey 8 Wasnt Nes Ph tan ty ft ee certs dpe ‘ory res modem ‘bien bowed pase Sipe ot he ndendent "ly ras tore th opin al aprnch o pee © iy ht ‘nol the intone td idence f pls soda hang Son the mr wal tl th suppone net the sapry pte ttn ae 196" the fn ine at an ppc istwen ote bt ewok ae beh a uy Render wiley an ies a ening pee” iy Zi The Tgp “IA tld and fe ett book. Ep ad ge onion at smoeraly “the ees gr ya ry bl ey Sesh aga san Bf eo, eevee he. [email hv” Dit Art Te iy Smet Ua Header IOC 10154708, 5 This book i dedicat wo Breda M. Bayly, soho has ed through the eontoquences ofthese itorcal soon THE BIRTH OF THE MODERN WORLD 1780-1914 jeut History oF THe Wort. emt ‘al tas Pp ethan ac io The Birth of the MODERN WORLD 1780-1914 Global Connections and Comparisons C. A. Bayly Oren emye Anat “ih a A. aly el the Ac Wk te ‘ovine mie opr Dem Pr ‘mre Ne th ttm an a Sure ear fry wc Cope Dos Ra we Peco sired ia itd 4 Ba ig i (pti nos a ait a hy cA Cte A) ‘eles lec ots elds hatagml tonne Ang corel he ih pliemebicbreiaungso CONTENTS sof Maps and Tabs Aednowedgmens ones nd Convetons Invroducton ‘rosie Two: Global History and Pomme ‘Problem Thre The Comining "Rio he Men” (ContemingoStndas: Bly Poe Bulking Ouro fom the Bod: Commentary aad Comptes PART I THE END OF THE OLD REGIME 1 Old Regimes and “Archaic Globalization” Pesun and Ui. “The Paste of Diese Powers on the Fig of Stats ge fe ac Formas 2 Passages from the Ofd Regimes to Modernity ‘The Lan "Great Domesieaton” tad ncons ‘nd Trade : ‘The trl steal Lins of Aon “Indoriows "inde France, an Tanai: Europea Competing Groce “Bachwanines,” Lag and Connctres Proms 4 Converging Revolutions, 170-1820 Conemorses Ponder the Wars Cs 1 Summary Asatte Word Ces 1720-1820, Seppine he Leptncy of the States From France w Chi inate eran Sate and Epes, “Tae Tht Rovlatn Psi aod Commercial Peoples PART 1! THE MODERN WORLD IN GENESIS 4 Between Wor Revolutions, 61815-1865 ‘ening te Wreck of Nets” the Reval of Agrsre Bien A Say Va! The Les inte Ne Word Ode” 1815-1885 Problems of Hye Legrimac: Whos State Was 1? The Sune Gaim Sent, tnt Enos aro Legaimac in Asa A Sua Account Tomomic ind csp ot of he Avan Reson "The Vera Hanger apd Reborn Earape, 1848-1851 “The Ameran Co War 9 Global Event Converence or Dies? Industrialiation and the New City ivory Indoraton, apd ies (Gc m Crna of Pron, Corumpton and Poy The Urn impact of he Gal Cy 1780-1620 ase and Ci the New in ‘Word Usb Cure and Ces 134 18 6 Nation, Empire, and Esha, 1860-190 Pereunting Nanas: Memon, Nations Asoctons, “hd Pon ‘ro Community to Nation The Eurasian Epes ‘Whar We Sand with Navona Teopes wat Ste Petco Asian? Inna Hy The Late Nineteen Contry Dimersons ofthe "New Incr Fr Cll olan tnurnatoanm a Pracice [PART HI STATE AND SOCIETY IN THE AGE OF 7 Myths and Technologies of the Modern State robles of Dining te See "The Modam Sate Toes Rot: Govern! Dimensions Ghai to one an Sos af Poet ‘The Snes Resources “The St’: Onions t Secs Ti fe Sate Sie, Eco and Nation ‘AiiuanceShct What bad he Sate Aces? The Theory and Practice of Liberati, Rationalism, Coney aca! Hinary ‘The Comopin of be Rigen Repabtc: A Clase Theme Regn Reus Werbwie "he Avon brim a he Mate Libera and Land Raton: Rail Teor at Free Trad or Noses! Pla Beam? Reprveing the Peoples ‘Scorn a Posun: Teanensonal Asner “The Revere of Stim and ts Leal Resonanest SSence ir Gl Context 20 9 Empires of Ri The Rie of NewS Re Moses o Reious Dorin he Agents ad heir Forman Regous Author, Crating “Inge Reigins™ Formatiang Decne and ict, The Expansion of ner Reo” om te one and Pgrimae a Glbaton Prong snd he Popagion of Reon Rapes Building Reon and the Nason (Concise The Sper othe Age 10 The Worl ofthe Art and the Imagination brit and Unioemity in At cron the Gabe Lavelng Foces:The Mae the Everday, and the Mosc ‘The Arco the Boergng Na, 13601850. ‘ide te Wee Adapt an Dependency [Archnecture A Sino the Cay ‘Towards Wend Laer? (Gentine Ae and Sots PART 1V CHANGE, DECAY, AND CRISIS 1 The Reconrttion of Social Herarhien (Genser and Suboatin in he “Libera Age" ‘Sores indian Sumner ‘The Penn and Karl Laborer a Bod Sef ‘The Penta Got vay hy Ren SbsrinasonSunsied entero Sura Ste Sec and Commerce Meno Fever “Bond Ace in Europe Ssrng Supromaces (Conti or Change 12 The Destruction of Native Peoples and Esoogical Whur ea: by°N Europents and Natve Protestors 1820 Nave Popes inthe "Ape of Hits 38. ca a, oy ‘The White Dele, 1840-1890 The Deluge Price! New Zea, South Ait and the USA “he New ingen re New Nato he Strange Death of ntertonal Lien ‘Whe Wee te Meno of Change? Power in la nermainal Neto Contested Unormiy and Uae Complesy Revised Biography Inde a List OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1 Drening ner Japanese woman in Westend a Sage seang machine Ninccemrciy aps pt Nenterang tobe, of Py Ne Zand. Pains by {Ged Lindh ¢1880. Nena! Liter of Ass, (CenberaBecguman Ar iba 5 aed standard Arenas Inia women in Ween Clothes. Potngraped byte Royal Engines on Para lst. Prats Colecton/The Salen Colecton ipa An labe. 1 Op Reames ano “Arcuate GLopatizarion” LLL Chetsingderence: Qin Leng ispeting i 008, ty Giuseppe Csugone Pace Maney, Being 12 Auletiicampe Epo Sah jan rete emia general AL ardan Khan, 1038 Masha nite. (ney Aas MS 173; foo 13 ThA Ashi oon bray, Oxi 1.3 Hy Roman, begged, a emperor Hy Roms rpove Chass Vistas a Shoe Lasers [eerste by Mas erbard Bru. undesdelmaan, Viena. Photo bs E Here La Cltetme 04 World Mined marge A Spun tlhe Mexean Inn wie ander ch Pang ‘Mia Carrs Muse de Ame, Mashigeman rc Lbe 2. PASSAGES FROM THE OLD REGIMES To MODERNITY a3 o Indust Ci: nee of sp. Painting, intent centr Chinese. The re Acie, Masi ‘Thomas Date Neate Dah Ort “The fst ulate compratins: Lf Ct Howe Qu ‘Archiver an Alber Mani, Landon een Tees ‘bic where A senmates af Ameran arte vn ‘lina to Kings Coun, Mesaton fer roar Pate poised in Boer agai 1908 PavatcaetonBedgeman AR Lite Convercine RevoLurions, 1780-1820 Transactions The execution ofthe de Onan, 1795, Contemporary eit. Mary Ev lture Lb ‘apleon ny: Nap the pera oe, SF ante Dee ng ts, Me me ‘An Frasan Napoleon: Fath Ai Shab, king of Persia. ining Besaeman Art Liber Pott, ui and indo: Nene lowes of [Ade Tisemand 1852. ory Evans etre Lite Berwsen WoRLD REVOLUTIONS, ¢.1815-1865, Boywcan eee an rf: The Masa of Pee! ‘Ore Syston of Eng iter, Ae 181, Etching be Mans sh Susur, Landon! Inner author ess: Nang acl Phot by Jet Tose e868 Roy Gopapicl Sok, Ieper autor rons Bet defence of Aras Howe, ‘ar ain th seoy ters Lathogrp afer Wie Taylor Bish Ley, LondoBdgeman Ae iby Rigo eons: Joi Bows (190059), sone Dagserrtipe by Augsts Wishingtn, 1846-7 ‘Noto! Pores Gale, Stsonan Tsao, ‘Wahingnpowe SCALA. ” 150 5 sa ry Iypustarattzation axp THE New Cry eof indy: Women waking Lanes oon {3 07 Mary Evan iar Litany 1 ‘mtg nh rope Surabaya, Date Eat Indes, In the 1, Rol Conmonweash Socey Cece, Camas Users Libary, Y303340. 10 ‘Chinese ad Indien ore ingen one 0 Sieapere’s ew bases of hep owns, 1890s Royal Commonly Shey Caen, Cambedge Unies Libary, YOSIIG. 184 ‘Then accor: The Rlance Beg, Chicago, 1. Pho Baie. is Nation, Empire, ayo Enuwterry, ¢-1860-1900 Nason ate charg: Eauestan manus 1 ‘isn Emnaele Ste on va ep Scie, ese Hagen A ew 2 ‘eheting Paling oe Sts 1900. Aas, pate ‘Secon, Cr Pips Antone ‘arity Ea Gee Veta a seen by 2 Nigerian carver Lat ‘Socceuony fy pa moe, Yorba, ‘Nene Pat Rvs Marine, Une of Oxford (1968.10.1). 231 [Rel Cro inact Japunec nuns atending to Rin (tun in ho apne Red Crone t Chemie, Inthe Rusapanese Woe Popul prin The Ar Archie, 281 Myris axp TecHwoLogies oF tHE MODERN STATE “The aes omer rng: A Cine dnc headan, ‘Wo a Wc 1900, Pho by AH. Fate Rove ‘Commramesi Scey Clesten, Camtbdee Universi (okra, Per 08 a The oli ten ‘Ncw Gules on oar, ‘scum of Archacsogy ad Antropol, Cambridge Users P1284 2 "The aes sures of ower The site ofthe consrctin ‘Sovey Cate, Cambridge Unierty Lary, YS081R28. 208 [tantra for echng he hore of Sespesm, Ine nineteen of Achy a ‘Rate, Camere Univesity, S177. 8 Tur Treony axp PRACTICE OF LIBERALISM, RATIONALISM, SOCIALISM, AND SCIENCE 1 eran tins The on reformer Ret Rae ‘No oy 1882 Bok pay PCAC, by unnamed ari in The London Sheth Book, 1972 Mav Bras Pie Lire. 9 Enprnes oF Reicton 191 Lourdes: Prime atthe Gro. shop by unramed as (CTS08 Mary Bras Pear bry 92 God'etWon Linton Missnary Society Schl Tee Siaig SW Pac, Photo by A.C. Haan, 1888 Most of rchaslogy a Aniopols, Cambridae 93g of ce: Bloc plein’ map of te ‘Hind ho ems showing temples a the ee (Ganges 1903, Cents of Sout Aan Seas Cambrsge 195.4 Malet preaching he ed ofthe est of Raman, ‘igs 105, Photos CJ. P- Cave, Meum of Aen nd Anepogy, Cambridge Unnerst P15 03. The Musion Bop Sco! at Farag, Cyr, 199, Phos by AH. Fisher Royal Commenweath Scie Catia, Cuhsige Unversity, Per S157 6 The shluammadan tem" oe Napoe Desh, ‘Stneapors e188, Astor calleton ou wo 10 Tue Wont oF Tig ARTS axD THE IMAGINATION 10.1 Revoainay hein: Th Dat of oh Bae nner entay vera Da vn, Paitng y Jalon ‘Sous 1963 Maace Ona, PasetopeVile, Pas Trigun Ae ibe 102 Ar andthe snags: Pe Dah of Fon McC. Paining ‘spate Vander, 1804s Galop Sumner & May Cato ‘Sumner Galton Fund, Wado Atheneum, Hart (Connect, Photo ARG Landon 103 Testa Plating by Pal Gagan, 191, Mane Ory, Par. Poot by Enc LesaglAKG London. ‘Rie, Mash Province. Pi by Kat kara ‘The Newark Msumbna SCALMAr Rene, 405 Exporting he dase tan: Elementary dai iy the Maye Scho! of Aa, Labor, India, 100, Phe [RUHL ser Real Commonwealth Soe Clty Cantege Univerty Lita he 7 106 A Moy gamelan band, [480s Royal Comma Sry Clecton, Came Univers iba, BAM 138, 11 Tay Reconstrrurion oF SociaL HrEKaRcHttES 111A pee stem of sinc? Pai cole bor on Maes ‘aber eae eaten cota. Cent of South ‘stn Sealey, Cambridge Unies 112 Reta’ suring ean: Pousing wit camel te tank ofthe Ne 1902 Phot by Donald McLee, Roya {Comsmonnea Scey Colleton, Cuidge Uaersty 1.3, “Thee mandarin: A graduate of the Chines examination systems aout he tine fs bein, Wes Hat Wey, 10, Phowo by AH Fer Royal Cammanweath Soe CCtleston, Camis Une Lary, Fiber 171255 114 High oon of empire The ingerpeor ta en ges ‘nthe ed For, Deh, 911 yal Commanests Soe {Catletion, Cambie Unersiy Liar, QM 20170 12. Tue Destaverion oF Native Prories AND Ecovocicat DerrepaTion 12.1 Shilus epseing the Bost on he White Niecy enti en, Moscum of Arcaclogy and Antropol, ‘Combege Uaiery, Po, 122 Dane ofthe Eland Bal Klaassen (San a Ko, tay went cet Munem ces an 0 123 Byterminng the wd A oli ice wih us, 190, ‘Photo by Er Haddon, Nise of Arcacalony and atirpolgy. Cambie Une, 39174 13, Conctusion: Ti Gnear AcceLeRarion, ©1890-1914 1341 Communiniog mode: Gusto Marconi sending ‘and Shaukat Ali take ship in defense ofthe Ottoman Kislafat {Inthe bono c 1911 Nedra Memo seam 15.3. Thestorm gates A seme onthe Nie 1914 Museum uf Archaealogy and Antropol Cambdbe Taw List oF MAPS AND TABLES “Toe wold under th O1 Rime 1150 urope drag the ne een century Ethan ating eg cy Renoredrepmes, 1830 Retetion and empl n East Al, 1825-70 fei and the Monin-Rebelion 1857-9 “The Ottoman Empire in the early anetcenth century ‘The word of an Major egos centers in hen entry ‘Toe nds wot ¢ 198030 Regional rig of mmigras to he United Sates, 0-130 mated word population, 1600-1000, [Namber of univer in dirt pans of he wo ‘Acrersing migration fen Earp te ars ‘tthe wort IST 1911 SERIES EDITOR’S PREFACE tno how humanity gen and How bas comet ts preset cone, two lan ote dit pce nthe como, none the es ‘oe uniter of man nen, exposed phe velo and pesopia Se fer clean. Onin telat few decades Rowers ast Seguno appear bth nce and poo mc tat eed ea of & ‘onal and stem pra ofataigble wide Hor lame is ‘rand methods an nt it» ranch of eae ‘tor ls soph, gon, ithe send lf ofthe eet ‘nt. Wort sary beg todo So aly the cog decades of he Set nec don he ne a by ees octal rae patchy and ugly tobe work rein and on the eer by the Ick fan accpeabe Bae pen whch To one a Proent nha lawl there wan ‘Both tales ne eng ily overcome, Tez alos 0 pat of ‘he melo peat fie ts, at notte subst iro ad ‘ephsucsted ivesigaon by ecboesopst and histor. I tor than ‘eres dt knoe ming and peeves hanging td mai SSeimee guy than tpl tanner cor ther nyse form, Neue he atm gar he human pst wae Ca sod ‘mustte made. Ase wich aos common ite af ean and ps ‘Sty craneophicwasrmation cee coosnon hn. A ene ne tine we nae cased to ble, Be loners of clei story id 8 ‘Seta aha cgi define sna salimatey staat by Be {atthe moment. And since we no longer suppose tat ii our busines 98 [Rvlonane vo deere prosai "The En of Hor” ip he rion of a fades, uma on, ther so sgl wh 1 ae or aden Hey tour, There bo rowing wea of ways in which wr story can be ‘rien. The lent ad spe en tha werd ry Des deri | ‘om wich (ome thigh all dange are i now son to be capa ot ‘pplcason sine the ete tes, Affliate fossa fhe tendeng of economic exchanges to create slsuisen but eer ‘anding “wort” which sin sucatine seme of pone and ule ‘nuthercone the rua character ofeach, by comparing the want which ‘hey have developed las cl lant, a ica of poms. “The Blah Hy of he Mod dow ot tek ely sy of sppeaces bat 9 suporthem ll wl oe thea by proving § ‘dem, compres, an accesso thee han ps planta ef bac in which he ndspenac maven overs one Fepal development wre bod gtr y gh sey fhe rcs ioscan of ts sures and sabes, a wel the dent ae ‘perience fs ator. In combintion, ome to dozen lume wl er "amewor in whi he inary eey prof te word abe ied tao aspects of human acti can te compare, a iret times ast een clues. fame pars perspective comparsn imps reps oe Sieence. Tht she begingf wht he pst ar oer eft “Every seboleld nc”— or ot any ete i aught ~ taste poi hewetn the er part of he egcenth cer an the oun the Greet War in 1914 saw the ih of the mode work Tough the sc ou Fe peurtins of policy wet abd sre proce athe ce fal he wri was changes separated areal fom ae ‘lr which hy ewed wih contegt, condescension, or mos Those ‘tho have oe hack upon hve aeced Whether te eration [Bhento ete wor ofthe Ames and Frac evans ad th come ‘ion ofth European tem af sing tr oh "Indl Rete {nd the sabordeution of os of wel’ pple an able esses 0 ‘he impeal and Goancal acres the Alen poms fe es Ingofthe author) of egon and manach inter i a re Is aoe been stm a eas eth 1850 hat "ihe may ive sowie the direct ru of th ranormatin,and i te Rr the modem worl she histor of ease cou, an encoun The ‘ening questo far to inpatnt to Be ft to torn ied the foundation af the made sal scene and sill dicate tv ape “The outing them, Eom Ary Sih 0 Ka! Mar an Max Webs an ‘her soccer downto th poet dy, ied amen abe ey ter spect of te orgs and nse of dtl sey an the ecu ot| ows oud on But they were unsamostscng the men ae ‘hou the hegemony of European, a lems Alani ose Barge, powerang clr. This they ate, fr ete wort devdopnents tc ou be raced in Bape sok) om i some the os in {il asnune) sound he beponing of te stent cnt, or eve sth) fom thecal and Jado Chistian pce te net Wo ‘satan th hie "Hares coun ano couse, Bee wie fn igerosy expressed fers lng tne wey a Papo e600, {nds hve proce teal end fhe wench century someting oF {Trvcton ins aumberefteachen nd wel pubcied sce of a8 spect of wold toy which aso aint the presen dean Of power and wean 20 the sper soil and clu dione f Pomenon. On bth sds, ever the apse betwen tose who eee Ercan the noel tesco ar orn consid esta a ‘anton of moderien sv «European aebierment a «ato pra ahve take or granted: One of he most consistent rer | the rest advances in er pars and periadsof woed sto) eadoned ‘scene Europe "the European fan “indi Sv and entre” ae peclly Eopean charset the very ‘oto Tn” an “Asa” ehamaches ich have atonal seed ihe common curency of comparative dein, especial nthe one ‘Se The sada ocr of ery and ener ave been weakened Jcomeguene cvs tu ey ve nt ul bow been epic she ‘hau aclewemes of CA Baly 9 ave deceit Fodor” ot noting wich ome people ose Fe il thee favored or deen tuts Sete of anematons n whic testo he people ofthe wr prscpted, and Yo ich mos the Contd ne snp ate obs rics ofthe sce a thes, Bat they dependently and renin. He doc 0 ot by prolamin “Spe or simpli formula eel sumac “ons, es Aang she haar and guns of peoples, cure an genera 0 {ey mun of unenal"ens” orgie” ba bY the eat ad ‘eran descr fan exmnsnary range of human ane, von, {uiiades nach no group of people and na ape of he Se Sven more, orl damit de Thi nde sms word sory 2 ten ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [ANY Nore ay consact om 4 prt eof the work of may ‘tesco Abock on ths eles deeply ndebedto awl genera of "tan ant many ser ae ne My nu de Se ever ae oon noha en loves fo thi word most lsat ss eckes amon, paral the oustanding tory weeabop™ a St CCathanne's Coleg, Cambridge Those eho have read and samme in ‘ep ae Cvs Ck (Gera ison, Jon Trempren (US ion Hane ‘an de Ven (Cine hae) nach roa a Copp Ricard Don {Commonly history) am vey tefl tose Bian ba an fag errs fact an intron ae in hoe. Gareth Senay Joes ‘ty commence the caper on piel hog, we David Csi, Dean Lieven and Linda Coley proved to beter help reader Bab [Moore wet wel beyond tse dy providing vale com ‘ent eps hinted St Ryoko of dey f Verce to sug many improvements tthe fet expec Suvopologit'spenpecve. Mictael Doon ew om Sat is hil {nu phoaphical ning to pit ut many incostnce erent ‘carpe poor psn. St Kapa urged ne ge he Bt irs ‘he aeta Shira pot ts of hing ght Ut would herrea Be Strong ne Samson promied + Pail perperine and # Pace von, Steshos Gus and Riche! Rowe heped rent with he rons we eee Beales and Kein Greenbank provid va ace. Raho Pot 4st the index with pet nse” Many ster people nego rextng, ‘ena {han them all mon wry. Tyme fcr ‘ey esponsh forthe eres anderen a ae Do 0 eh "AL maps dro fleet gees om The Tiny Aa of We Hc ‘Landon, 198) I tank he Cambridge Maseum of Arhaoogy and Aa ‘hropoloy he Carte UnvrtyLibray andthe Cent of Sth Asa Suile, Cadg, fr pein rps tion. NOTES AND CONVENTIONS “TeansLirerarions oforcgn wore ate a pernnial eaace, Chee ed ‘oraope more mda apd scare ers ni Tuts ad Aric Imes es Shab AKL abAse" ater hun the mints century "Sb [Abdel Anica” But I have abandoned the Artic "an" aspects wal how the word and nor specs may be confi. Wt Chinese words {hie nap the convenon in Jonathan Spence, The Sah for Mor Chu That i have od he men Payne of romanian her than tes Waele one (“Qing rather than "Ching" cept where» ‘ue wel elites in Englnk wage, "Canton rater that "Guan ‘hous By cones hk dw Bt” now fama enough rece "Pak “Psi” Wh reps prevention an selercosing, the ook ected 1 2 area scent om he ts of ge aber of standing esa a onal ‘he Ontond and Cad hte, the caeue Camb Hote he eng hor sre anther laches of wich his sa pa uay unl ave en the pat Arian cour tebocks parcalty ‘hoe desing wth est Ani Lan Amer, an the Used Stes fe Thane Feerenced the wrt ute lathe ede wil be eas ate const ‘he biogas an fers som When making gener pit have ek {e pone champs ana orton frm flere od sos Wich ‘Soper in snes, dre fom hee Broad rend These ave Be ‘eeenco awry of monograph tn some achital ouees specaly ‘when source maybe obscure othe eet “et thee en temps bee to ey #9 "pove” scl arumens by eapag up lace That woud be ngs fom a plwopiea! pint ‘ew and ve f mpi eld ay would rel 2 grea pa ‘on Rac came een in nde conte some fhe aman ere ‘thi and notte tne bent cennedon ade by tna ‘whch coomte te subwance ef ntl wing. The examples ake i ‘at clear that hntosians woking in dierent regions are in unaware tat secs of icra processes dey depict weteconmecte. In other ase, isor= se sje ens le Sy tween state Dui i ibetecemry Jape tnd Vicars ~ ft hve ao le the noe to incopese a oader entetin he werk Abel hs ook tes ott cameos ene ‘ierences between wal pacer Lage sues finda narcsneviay appear inthe took. To ie ave onl spp der sparingly for sme ma rs The work ues he word "society" a fod dea Isnt ony conse pias ba any spied anhopoigsts who ve dened te ex ‘is ot intended bee to tele co essetiee bared colar! ene 50 raat bent the vl ofthe loa and aor he eel a he oa, ‘the village eve or wo isu networks within each we the work AS ‘Beclasscal popes i howere there ae ts lhe way de” INTRODUCTION “rma book dm itary ofthe world rom 1780 the begaing ofthe ‘erfoona asso 81 he onstofte Fire West Ws whch pe apa ‘iecomerporty smote snd epi stows torial eds Thu somes of event ma une been seated separ i eponal ot ‘onl ators cnt ght togeher Three he esconnecedness linerlepndencef plea andor chnges acon the word wall ‘be supposed ane the contemporary phe of otelanton” ae 105, ‘On ate enc handy the ratertons of cell mk event such 08 the Baroean reo of 1789 1948, rend utara merged with corsonstving nthi ther woe societies. On the ober bab, eens ‘uid the emoring European sd American “cr” ofthe asi wold ‘Somos such be mircetryrlon sn Chinn and Tis impacted ‘Sek ta oe ing Sesops an Saping ne socal ad ola {Safi As wold event ase moe interconneted anderen 0 ‘Kemsotiomon ation ated soca ther and cameo esembleeachthet ‘ios th wor The bok ese traces thera bal afoot in tbe ‘tur rligon poli sles an econo he the develo) ‘eine cena. Ti row nomi war enor on in get ise such the, al euro ape of ase Tass purot wb the ok cll “wy paces he wy im ich people ‘Send poke, te and mage eons win ares “These pay devon conecionebatacen dierent human sce turing necon snr ceed many Bybee, med ole, nd sme of bal samo att ey tthe sme time these ‘Simonton could ao bight the see of dec, and even tags, ‘erwen poole i diferent seis, and epi between the cis, Tncringy panes, nanan Aes france, fund eng in thar own nerd sens frail, reflow, o curl lensty when enfved with esetre halleges wich aoe or the new aba 0 ‘my, an cpcuay fe Earn enim. ‘he paradox tat bal tcl toric Ain Appa wel fete the Caterer a ence Butt mln atop foren the ise ad the kel ‘he nineteen cents nation-states an contending terra empires ook Sme une sth sites cones na ihages eter them puke So Brad ace of el hang stcopbend sh appearance of rence rome iarwa an ways therefore, be lobal histories, t's no longer realy posse ro wee tar many hts are end ting th eI the 19503 and 1960 the red format obal seal and canoe histor forthe earl mer pri” leer forthe nineteen. This parle apne etry ofthe inperal sats of Europe, bath the Ini-empes such ab Rus, ad the teal Cater Hal for Bean a Geaey Hosting and Domine Lieven™ espal ates Meanie, Bin Weng” Kenneth Pomeranz? Wang Gang ‘Wi and Jona Wily-Caen "ave gun to wee Chinese soya gba Ikon, aking coe account af he Chinese dapore which pet an ete unr the sure of Ween iperial heey, "What wet the ea ring foes ta account or he world’s ring ‘cechcetuy? No eed stay of ths perio ould poss seep the ental portance ofthe pomingeonami Smiance of weer Fare ‘rere sill powerful, work-lss emit and most of Af and the Paibe ‘Reon was ruled by signe pope 1914, by cna, Chia ap the Orton sates were on the poof egmentabon, and Alia al Bees rt sued by Furepean goverment, commer fs 9d i= ‘her Bete 1780 and TOL, Europes had expropriated ast | land fm ingots people, pein meter ante A ih produc per headin western Barope athe seaboard of Noh Americ a5, not ce that of Sout Asa a marl ore tana cont {Chita in 100 the dierent ho widened to en tne or more a etary ‘he Uased tes wee now pat of what hstoran hee eles “eral tpi” where pars of poner Between Ist and sue ested, Ppa dominion was acunpnid by dient dees af etl peices Scaler see toned ine eet, entice an compeson eben European oto became conta and crn Buen pr Thom eon be fo ferneepen eran eat sue TEP ETSe mest mnt and cnn of fe domination by epee porer ee. Atte bpoing ofthe pv conse by hs {So te dw sl sce ea A Sth As and [Roea ered damien nt inte Seret aay of tcl nd ‘ene er cenf poner competive sang ha say acu t ‘repaints yen peta sw [Nas nd teen siping A hey pei he rw demasnec uber detent nd appr coi, ins hart che erdepennce of worl vent whe wing fore trait of Wem domain the ae ie a show ew et Seger of the nr he Eorpean domination was ony parce =o ones. THe ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK eee eer Che ee eect ei edgier Senseo Goes Seo ee oe Seo etaeteecenmeccmerer Sie Taliesin hence 70 ‘he coats nce Chi and he ret eon of 1857-9 Eiipciair or cntmecae sce SSicaaesaramancce: = Tr ine rrp oop eo ‘The Mexican tls had akeady recced eatusanic supper fm ‘he 1848 rebels again author eEurope" Hate, cmon express tere taunted fot scrote word Bt, only expo ob hanges could encourage Met plc, and ndinry pele to sts ‘erence het salary, By the 186 the pec Ces i Sonar and Wester gos, or Sump, bad ade Indes Arby ad {Chines mre ava ofthe dine regu patie, oem f Papal af irene Wel so reed farther bl ink Tn ilk ‘har Japanee contemporaine ope ast ran at ttcoquated wir so tc om mors The sin droghout he aks ‘combine what might be called tra ya sare ny of emection = wih “verizal ory the hsory of the delopment of “Chapter I, 2, 5, and the second al of the bool theres ate mo ‘tematic ia sppronh. "These chapter cone the great sa nce hich tarebern sdb serine) were ieee cetay wre {ou pubic characte th dona ange the ince [mang hse concep the ef the mary tase ain, pos ofthese cher ting ogehe tel Gon range of eo kolo bce ted a empowered in dren lice anda ent Peo aime. They stempe rope ayo cans and ness iho eveaiagtoasinple ew ote aon twarsfmodemey ns Shminan, onal” European or Attic eter. Here nay te bok lass on he portance othe ato clean’ a colic Enropean peopl and autrdiwtd grup ton European an cnr ‘Socket in shape contemporary wold nr So frien thes tuon ofthe Furpeen Roman Cathet ry fr 1870 ws pare = ‘much derpocesrofeceocting “welds whihwas aking sce the Hind, Confucian, pa Budd wes a mucha he Chien, This opr a mater of analog, bof dirt catston Cheat shure ep to cooperate nd reste new egananine a home presly Ree der peare rn w sed nam or cher tious adem sreding "monster Formal dependent ue The bok ends with eof pei efor the Ft Word Way ben Sipiomac ales an intematoma eanemie changes were fig the ‘Wass Hew Sircban emp” wan ders weld wa, ee sand ar +c war within the uropean core of the weed sie Tat ‘ent st ier,” att eal le which wt co down Shrgh the weit century aed the Rowing ter ae Ios eres any of them aging tide Eo an preentnton We cose thee of tem hee ble opening the dsc ‘Zin consrig te oth fury inne parce are, he eam Pronem Ons: ‘“PRime Movers’ AND rue ECONOMIC Factor Most profesional itor il ave ate bck f the ind te qusion ff'Suky things cuneed’” Hiserans and pibsopen who ied i te ‘Green cetur fended to fink that Rirry wan moved long YB ‘Su nd nec hg Too Go he te {teed 2 Buvpetn Chin “Grime mise.” Ofer nop at fae and coilasons sone ap ad dw acorn tomar ws of npetuon sv and dein, he tee eu, uterine fron of change caren he fo By 1980, man ang stra bd (Eenincncd ys hor sa sar the lope fsa captain Ste oman fc xine change bua a er 1750. Ta Een change tc nce century war the ai fb met poral Sey a secre tovads ony iui Te dre of apa “su deco td eae aor war probe face oe ‘Sener nr crn he Wes, trac A ad Ai. "Tt perf wenden fa he Egh-anegs we niente in pin Ee Hotsheet furome work aes is ‘Spa especialy is TheGoal However Pey Anderson read ‘then ices utbiograpy maple n 210, he et pel and Itcceldecopmesa cbr eth cyl ot near workon "tine sake wich det eet se underpin sowth of he power of ‘ra capa The moet of ecnomien ope and a were ‘icaheeeayconcn Te tended itera. The French Rvs {dominant cea othe ein occured befor sia nda ‘Soon hedcccedeveninBeiand low hare ow seth evan St trump of te “toute” Cerny, many wpe and “mde espe” tuk pat the rv, bo hey wee hanger f sobs and ‘pal ure am ict aps Even 187 eh ae ‘tei scorn obs nerpean, howe and arr Sed heap ateen pecan eed toca emer aa the geo een and pes nd ve cha he ‘ean age of ese Tne of hte robles, sme hsrins owas teed ofthe ooh cettry cat thes and “permet paral the domine. ‘Stgoig, Wesemaple ue, he "pine mover” i Be hor rama. Bucs dee no zeay xe he poblon ite, The caer of the tmovem sate wus ein chumly connected withthe BER comme ‘anges ofthe erat seme et, even i want py eee by em Besides tee te he sate raf goverment in dct ‘ete sles te uneringQueson ned, i he nde see ‘op ata? The purse weve om cab we renee at eet vel pba projet af he rhe Une Sate of mei, had ae ‘ean wo fn bee the 180 and esas come ‘gesened sucess elon oa te doibesing Earp ste “Thisbonk snot desgned cell ads sch snes of Svpcaton, Invncion bowen ocelot, puke and esnonic te ‘vay. The coor ery am tia le he gue Fa ttre asc tiation, Chaperone come ‘or onde Vers concep ofthe “una eel” can be fl ‘panded to ack many forms of economic tecaton which habe ccaring om the wold ie at kes T050. Ove the cert cnt, “nusousrevtusons” were cating ofr soon nase of sire neato, Capt nor mee bing ade er hdr oan ‘out Cin to himatusetsSacak letenlogsa meen Were ‘utched by mosikrion the tran o gone ant pecs’ ater Ibis: Pesan amie came prosper fang ia ey shophech- er became un bugs Arsen, Malaya Fer, Py ated ‘euerauty fod and cig oe honors sau "ett suss the pone of dois evolutions ak doe i sot necro Bre pry nike xan of ac pe ‘Sonomic motor Ferindusiou elton rent sop bate angst Se drbaton of ater ces, Tey were so oleate to we today rg. People's riz of denis changes bee rn Son abut he ie an Meso ating popes aedy cling fst “Ming peopl” wanted emus compton fy et which wee epresingthemsle in ote ising a passive aye Se BS eo of cnc sh ch spewed te eres arope, ok range af the hunger an bess wo ink te nds elo together acon the wei wich armed siping sed monly Compan. The xine fem of the Caskoes pec the om ‘eesti even Thee vocal and economic changes were uneven and useing, They opened up dierent between groupe and. betwen dient mci ‘They spaned a for wealth eos and eo apo They vencs war equ! seat, sol rm ene ning fea Ted autora, al andrews. The url wan werd, Pen Dlosops and repo teachers ncn Aria equal the impos of the now connstons and he rules they anes. 1 ma hi Context that many leased confit spun ot of cote aos he word ‘wees 1720 and 1820, epee 1780. The aprete French Truttonaysote fall engendered many fee cnemie‘The European Ene is clon foie and asncent non Buopean sates notaly the ‘tan Hop Chie pe and Tagen an, oe Timo de ow esp, They ba 0 enc ino aes of ey at ‘former been szonomeos "The politcal and eco hanes ofthe revousionary ea were, hee fee ems,” ine seme tat they cou mo Be pected OF | Counted or snp the cso the contains an eons of hea ‘Rens or sven ultimately onthe devdopnent capa sane: These tev pore y the ew Msg which cis ad pera, Svcd Hn olor Els bated er nc fhe erty ite ety th he problem af der and leptimacy that dhs caused. cli and Jalal confit had inf chee bal cl, oe canoe or Ie wre cashed acres och of the wel. Tie ea tal $35 {Seo frce el spendin soi eology which ad ead Do ‘Sere by wider spans a poner aes, ie, a8! an neon afr sat 14 fice tat he pata, at now ee i soln fe ka bl le ‘etn in Epis reblionsio Aa andthe Amescen Cl ‘ae Ruling groupe moked to sae the Sci de y promoting ‘etn ora ar posing me for arian provide te router for he ae and now wenps frac. Te ge of eapa 5 need arsed bythe 8705 st Hh surmised But the men of ‘Spal cou si ony toque tats and rerpecaby by sero nen {he news hard-edged tonne. The age of cael waster io ‘rnd ner hc as pepe and eigen Dame moe Sra {demanding capes 9 ad Tt tempt show: the boa tenn hen, boa development sem 1 have been dcined by compl prlslogam of fren snsated by econo ‘henge, cli coors, ad mechan af the sate: Develop tment he worl eanony donot eal Sem to have been "rie othe isp and pil seacare se any saghforeand sense. These Aman pncated ad ifcaced cash oer to iret depees and 2 ‘Sere nes, So ete wre pers when the ate a he pont art ‘hes poole cent aout ware the "se af toil change Toe ‘wr esos of tx an By a fo iance beemeen 1815 ad 1850 [so there weve indeed pends nbn spent coool Terug ‘umalatncydccmine the diesen of genet a te sop ‘Antje ifeed ver tne he ance fev ements ered Hor Prostem Two: Gonaz History AND PostMODERNISM A second probe in ing word tons hows, dei fom the eset ‘keto pominene a we striae who So not ka hs wy al and ‘en total rand arate” capi th sas td ven slg ‘ng. Mer aboot 1980, sme Matra wee fnuensd hy send | ‘ought hatha se eal porate? potest: Waters lag Imew-aaties, whi hey an re comple mt he wry pace ‘perm nd api wich hy ses decent ie Stor fatal dsb above, wuld ensue tm fears fe ‘Stoned tori wt thi ty oe he cet ‘rates of peopl witout poner Thee shempoweted people ae eld 10 fave ben sorted bythe Burge and Ameen male xpi ws ‘voce the piel specs snd government mates ofthe ae, Cane {hen he vos hae teen peat expunged ror the pan ara {hesof win constuction arn ‘ome hit wring therfore rene an arcottenson, The ead balan’ besos te soa nae concep oft any. We some ofthe Bsc astumptions of woe story wong Rove ben abet 1 ‘tinge ct by portman om he pds ta they Doogeee ‘man experince ans outer of "pope wis poe “Thee reas why the uma sins shoud ape theme ‘nethoicogy. Consors af snr ca Be gitepaductve Hato has {vay lured when deen eso histor weting are ave oe Same booksel wen guetons aout "what happened ate alent ‘he goes Who ald ad "Wha id sean” Ti wet ne subordinated woman or the “nate,” the pestmodmist and posal tora mate can french selon, ad ena al trond phocean, but anes which a omnes then fe Sted in Sach counts. The postnoemist works thelr, nly cone sie om “dering mct-nare,” which poli an aang oe igs {nuimpcaons For eample many of ee acount see at ‘eer wor might ave cove sch soil ene dna “he uta sae parr, or Western Eager roa bd ot been to power AIL sity then een onc of the “gmc” ate Simply uaeral hitars Weting word Noy cin stele el 1 Sheorer a vary of hide tetas. Ths party the ae ‘Soran sts wera lee wel toche pence tbe pene etinu oy hrs nr har epee: nda an us etc an th acne of the poco of sary ae snp ‘emulsion oa ‘Sinn a pepe “te get cme ney cel Noah Sst arionbcane inp ener, Barents bene {Ei Darcag women team quer eo ay coed hen Bete founda of sauna ona Hue oom ema ope Cri dno more fr eto the eof copy te eden ‘eyorthe cocycle oo es od ales te hat ea thing sot Br hg er tbl ey oy te ‘Seng pmntrt ran ody he prac ee ot ‘Shae toardconoeniy oer he og tenth ee ‘Onur lola hrredox he wae, snd i wee cx inven. The tung of mor Cha lege bees of rnd am on chang «pre amg ‘Reis lot montis. New center pow rete Se ‘ire macnn, oe wep of Sen! bor Alte nme te np snd ne Soman i and tug were inteningy aed by he mpi Sommer om of goverment. They ere ce by om Stour eatin athe en of cnn opi rt, Ser iio ben aces nd pte cme ede he fn coring, Ti ook ete fp he oe aS peo ‘Sno ets between soy cl ago ede overs an th sty othe oad pics sich ome de Proste THREE: THE CONTINUING “Rippie oF tHe Mopern”” Ieisnow or dive arsine the se ofthe mea word whichis 1W50sand 196s 5.N- Essa” andes sed ewer deote wcrc fatal deropmensy wich combined o crs mep-hange orn ie Jnuman orton and experience which they aed “mater” The ange hey turd ated many ieten emsine of man ie. These Jaca he replacement big. extends ie ith smal race fase, {change which we seca ih wanton Tey encom nds enn a gh and can he theremin wrk fax Weber te Gorman ocologinwinen Yenc ‘Wetec alaps ad Kat Marni ee tough be mghaied he ‘ependnt oie a slog hangein bis thor Comey ch ‘log of Bena and oer ra writs fh prod Rad an cmon ‘oth et of Slab te A of hem ended Tose the ie oe ‘em inte stent cet tut teenth ey oe ‘hue Alf them ended aot pels the West th so a al Shane the aos West ap amen repent whch oul crn “ath By te 108s, the porn “mndcrazaton theres” hd come adr sack fom a numberof mately Rosle quarter. Detogrhers ose Sistas tepi todoute tat man elon "ned hve pe ‘rough ps of indtalaton.Soilogi voke hela ae ‘i pr in 1979, he onward arch of sens Chay toe USA, wo challenge the der ofthe raph of acai. Afr abo 980, ‘are began 1 eof “male moderates’ sping at » Weer ‘mode might be quite dierent um, a, «Senna a0 Ino ne nh feos they wee aging log sar es 0 plan an ery apued for "ney i or may Ino es dade oe wen it centr he mie roman confvaed. The postmodern lose ber Brun Latour utd ware eer moe,” ong the ellen ‘ens emotions and apprehensions of magi whic cota be lea atte bourgeois idan! subject er dominant. Meanie her ‘och hrs, notably Bes Gelber," Alan Matis," and David andes role mined onthe rly of he dle of he ter’ ‘Seonceansoral ep forenoon ‘the pace, hi bon asp he le th eel pr of ing mole thinking youre modern Modems an iene" th the mer” war pc fist sad ors sce el ‘ken nt, bese aba 1780 and 114 nceasing mambo of pepe fide a hey were mse, ott thy wer ing a dry ‘ether thy ted or mt The Seat ad French ish othe Sleentn conury Bld tht oad dele al previous ana tage eal satelybedarpe. By heed ofthe etch cea tae Inodemiasion~ the the serpin, the leone wee a dt “rama sens By 100 any ite Asn and Acasa | ere to ble tats was mn age men ctr ain pathy 8 Ser felon and commuy were rd nd should eae at: Om theodher duno of ikars war bgining co epee dcop. ‘em though they belted ely rongiin he dele ofthe moder. ‘eee: then be stent cers wea oft rel ecu a considerable number ethene, seme, a seas 0 ounce ordering otc bell tbe mse sae se ects poe ao brine people ard he world ought sa ey uldonprove the saanant ecco by aopngtndges tho mesa ‘Seen, wheter tee were watches, mbell, new rious "Ti steer des no ay hat people Before the ieee cena adver persed epuchal changes nman isn. THe date 6D [Sener ey ele wed dvb these change nso aye wc dd otunpy the name peo tp forward in seclr ba wis cel ‘Sc ies ofthe modern, Tose enter comments peel andersoed| pe for ise, bleed at he port eing of aan trv bcig vested een wl toy wee changing te wy people ered Try ad ising he leas the novel meds es Equal (Chnstescolrs ofthe eptcnts century beet te pious tare ston oarie gs wis bing rsiored ude he ng te wamscene| [Blof the contemporary Qing nay eventhough the clea a yas “Asecond wa nich peopl a though about major changes naman tinny were mallenaan me, th sey, people Behr htt sere the spel he ewenly Hd eke” than sory oping anc age af godine oreo propbeny. Ths ain wed | ‘ese of scr sh aed ment whch obsessed an hiner | Satsmen ater abou 740 These vo ear aes of tougspersied | ‘ence cena ncn te ofthe modern. Und oe of te ned tothe So for tance scent, modest Marin tila | wa about i ofthe ier of the exraton of Para on ear. Bua, ‘eueymulenasan enters oh sat econ sch 2 tose them ceary Tip eel Chi od Co gt Dd of pons an telepoph ne, ar symbol of modemiy 2s mach a1 Rene they Wee “es frhatorany ssl aot geen oy ta serch wat tte ae only een pooplen the pantthowgt a. Ho ard recover Pala, soi an economic tes "out tee” beso the avery sed “Thishok tke he eta coneporay change er 0a te ‘et with each thes pout ts pei could Fens be ‘bce a "he bn fhe mer werd” Ieenenpased he he ita, dem enalatin of oe yay oa ete slide ‘yale a maske epunin fob commetl td inlet ae ‘Tae imernatonal pnt of ndsaeton and anew ae of bs ing empounded hte pofand deren Te tepng oa these et “sepia ney changein a ssi opin Eve cea ele feng brondened rota Moder then war tony procs but hoa pick began ath endothe eighth century ands cone

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