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"A plausible tongue and a fascinating expression are seldom

associated with true virtue"

- when people always have an answer for everything
- attractive, often deceiving
- do not always believe nice things people tell you

"Let loyalty and truth be paramount with you. If you have

faults, shrink not from correcting them"
- always be loyal and truthful
- do not be afraid to admit your mistakes, correct them

"Learning without thought is labor lost. Thought without

learning is intellectual death"
Learning without thought= you might learn the wrong things which makes
the effort you put into useless
Thought without learning= you think but you don't learn from your
Intellectual death= no progress

"In mourning, it is better to be sincere than to be

- it is better to be truthful and sincere than to exhibit proper behavior but
not mean it

"The faults of men are characteristics of themselves. By

observing a man's faults, you may infer what his virtues
- you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their faults. By looking
at his faults, you can tell what he values or what he believes is right

"The commander-in-chief of an army can be carried captive,

but the convictions of even the meanest man cannot be taken
from him"
You can take someone away from the place where they belong but you
cannot take away what they truly believe or who they truly are

"A youth should be filial at home, respectful abroad. He

should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love
to all, but cultivate friendship of the good. Then,
whatsoever of energy may be left to him, he should devote to
the improvement of his mind"
proper behavior of the youth

"(A disciple having asked for a definition of charity, the

Master said:) LOVE ONE ANOTHER!"
Charity can also be seen as generosity. When you love, you give love, and
love brings good things

"(Having been further asked for a definition of knowledge,

the Master said:) KNOW ONE ANOTHER!"
When you know someone you learn more about them. You learn their good
characteristics, and their bad. By finding those characteristics, you can
strive to learn from them which contributes to your knowledge

"(Someone asked Confucius, "Master, what think you concerning the principle that good should be
returned for evil?" The Master replied:) what then will you return for good? No, RETURN GOOD FOR

- when someone does good to you, do good to them

- when someone does evil to you, strive to make them a better person. But
do not be good back to them because they do not deserve it

"(A disciple having asked for a rule of life in one word, the Master said: Is not reciprocity that word?)

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you

If you do not want someone to do bad to you, do not do bad to them

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