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Complete each sentence with the verb between brackets in past simple:

1. I

to study at 8:00 PM. (to begin)

2. She

a big breakfast. (to eat)

3. I

her a beautiful watch for her birthday. (to get)

4. My cousin

his wallet at the bar. (to lose)

5. My grandparents

6. She

me a bracelet. (to make)

7. He

up very early this morning. (to wake up)

8. I

all my money last night. (to spend)

9. They

me the truth. (to tell)

10. David

1 I (see)

when they were both 20. (to meet)

that Nancy was very pretty. (to think)

George last week - he looked very well.

2 Seven people (ring)

while you were out.

3 I (leave)

my mobile phone at home this morning. I had to go back.

4 Dinner was great. We (have)

5 I (tear)


my shirt when I fell off my bike.

6 I think you misunderstood me. I (mean)

7 I (hurt)

my leg playing football yesterday. I can't walk very well today.

8 Pedro (teach)

me to speak Spanish in a year. He was a great teacher.

9 I'm sorry that I (forget)

10 He (drink)

'bed' not 'bird'!

to call you yesterday

all the wine last night

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