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Literary devices:

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things that are alike in some
way! A simile typically uses the words like or as for comparisons.
E.g. As big as an elephant!

A figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase
ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.
E.g. the curtain of night or the classroom was a zoo. He drowned in a sea of
grief! They are the apple of my eye! Roller-coaster of emotion!

Giving an inanimate object human characteristic!
E.g. The grass swayed left to right! E.g. the bees played hide and seek with the

A word/words to convey how something sounds! And/or a word that sounds like
the sound it is describing: SMASH CRACK BOOM BANG TICK TOCK SLAP

The repetition of identical or similar sounds at the beginning of words.
E.g. She sells sea shells by the sea shore!

Rhetorical question:
A question you ask without expecting an answer!
E.g. Can you please go to your room?

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