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1 Careers teachers

A teacher or lecturer play an important role in part of education in an institution or

university. Most of the source of infotmation about the course is obtained from the lecturer. A career
teacher can be defined as a teacher that provide information about the career to his or her students
(Collins, 2015). Quality and performance can directly affect the reputation of a university or
institution. Therefore the teaching style and lecture notes and information provided to students are
one of the major consideration of students' choice. The main goal of a career teachers is to enhance
student learning through academic development (Troy S., 2003). However, career teachers also play
an important role in give advice and consultation assist to solve the problem faced by their students,
and also required to review and evaluate ones own teaching and learning strategies, methodologies
and programme/s in line with the National Curriculum Framework guidelines. (Teacher job
desription, 2016) Beside that, career teacher can also play the role as information provider to the
students on their future (Harris & Bell, 1996). Career teacher not only provide information or
knowledge about the related course to the students, but also responsible to provide related details
and information to the students during their pre-registered period so that they can have more clearer
and detail info about the relative institution or university.
2.6.2 Careers service

Career services can be mean by its atempt to seek to help students and alumni identify,
prepare for and enter into place of service through career advising and job searching assistance
(Services, 2016) It is served as a department in institution which to give to provide advices,
guidance and direction on career services. Career services not only to assist the students but also
give advantages to he staff and employers which it can used to contact with the outstanding
students. Career services also imortant for the students especially for who will have the internship,
because career services act to provide relative information and recommendation to assist the
students explore their career pathway as well as to identify their interest field and choose among the
alternatives based on their strength and weakness. Thus, this department had help a lot for students
in their decision making of their career because most of the students lack of information about
career, as well as knowledge and skills. It is necessary to develop the career service center of an
institution so thus the it can function well and effectively implement to the mission and
responsibilities of career service. (UWOSH, 2016) When an institution have a well developed
career service center, it mean that the institution had put emphasize and focus on the development
of the career of students , which is a important factor influence the undergraduate students' choice
decision of higher education .

2.6.3 Careers convention

Career convention can also called as career fair or job fair, which is a speed dating for
companies and professional job seekers. For the career convention in a higher education institution,
is more related to an event in which different institutions, college, or univeristies provide
information to potential and possible students.( Cambridge dictionary, 2016) Career convention is
an oppoturnity for the students to get the necessary information and detail on different institutions
and universities, either based to their field of interesting, specific institution, prefered location of the
campus and etc. This event is useful during pre-registered period for students who is post-graduated
lower secondary. Thus, they can be more involved in the community (Anderson, 2010) and decide
which course they are going to choose for the degree. The employee of the event and the staff from
different institution will give a lot of informations and details to the students , give advice and
consultation to the students on their direction of career.
Career convention not only give benefit to the students , but also help to increase the
reputation of an institution as it can help to spread their name and make promotion to the students
during the event. Career convention also play a part to help the pra-internship students to choose
their interesting company and also to get relative information and details on the relative job scope
which the students might take during internship.


Job desription (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 19
July 2016).

Services, B.J.U. (2016) Career service. Available at:

(Accessed: 19 July 2016).

UWOSH (2011) Definition and criteria career services. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2016).

Cambridge Dictionary (2016) Career fair meaning in the Cambridge English dictionary.
Available at: (Accessed: 19
July 2016).

HarperCollins Publishers (1979) English definition dictionary. Available at: (Accessed: 19 July 2016).

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