Define Egyptian Response Function in ETABS

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Define Egyptian response spectrum curve (building loads

code_2008) in ETABS
1- Define the response spectrum curve from:
Define/Response spectrum Functions

2- Use Eurocode8-2004 spectrum (NOT Eurocode8)


4- Define the response spectrum curve as shown below (Parameters

values are as shown in Table (a))

Table (a): Parameters values according to Egyptian code:

Data from Egyptian code
ag *

Design Ground Acceleration in g, ag =

ag= Table (8-2) Page 115 ,

(importance factor)= Table
(8-9) page 145

Note: Do not include g in ag

value (example ag= 0.15 ,
Spectrum type

Curve 2 for the whole Egypt.

Ground type
Lower Bound Factor ( )
Behavior Factor (q)

Curve 1 for the medianteranine coast

Table (8-1 ) page 114
R/ (R from table ( A ) Page 151
from Table (8-4) Page 120

6- Define Response spectrum cases

Response in X-direction (RESX) : use values as shown in circles
Initial Scale factor = g = 9.81 (this will be modified based on the ratio of
shear from equivalent static method to shear from response spectrum)

Response in Y-direction (RESY) : use values as shown in circles

Initial Scale factor = g = 9.81 (this will be modified based on the ratio of
shear from equivalent static method to shear from response spectrum)

Define static load cases: QX (force in X-direction), QY (force in Y-direction),

To define parameters use the values previously used in response spectrum.

For Time period you can use the following:
1- Define the value of Ct (from the code, ex. For space concrete frame Ct
= 0.075) (Anex B-8, page 152)
2- Let the program calculate it (RECOMMENDED)

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