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[Girls taking a test]

Teacher: Continue taking you math test girls, Ill be back

in a moment. [Goes out]
[Miris notebook falls]
Miri: Oh no! [Picks it up, opens it, and puts it back]
Shani: Miri! That is totally cheating!
Miri: No it is not.
Shani: Sure
Chavi: What was that all about?
Devorah: Did she say cheating?!
Teacher: [comes back in] Girls, quiet during a test.
Rina: Guys, did you see what happened in math today?
Miri cheated! I saw her do it!
Chavi: Really? Miri cheated?!
Esti: Yeah. Just when the teacher walked out!
Aviva: How could she do something like that?
Batsheva: Cheating is such an aveirah. I never thought
she would lie.
Leah: Some people are so dishonest.
Devorah: OMG!
Basya: Um. Guys isnt this kind of loshon hara?
Rina: But its true. Even her best friend Shani said it.

Basya: thats the problem! Since it is true, its loshon

Leah: But everyone knows about it. Its not like were
saying it behind her back.
Chana: And we need to know about it. How do we know
she wont cheat again?
Avigial: Maybe she cheats on all her tests!
Chavi: I say we shouldnt talk to her. Girls who cheat
dont deserve to be our friend.
Chana: Great idea.
Rina: The silent treatment starts now.
[All go back to class]
Miri: Hey guys! Am I late?
[Everyone looks away or at the sky]
Miri: Um. Ok, I guess not.
Teacher: Miri can you please step outside with me for a
Miri: Sure
Avigial: [sing song voice] Someone is in trouble
Esti: Thanks to me. I told the teacher.
Batsheva: She deserves it.
Leah: Yeah. Cheaters should get punished.
Teacher: It has come to my attention that you cheated in
class today.
Miri: What?! No way!

Teacher: Dont play games I heard from a reliable

source. Let me see that notebook.
Miri: This is my Chumash notebook. See? It fell in class
and I picked it up!
Teacher: Im sorry for judging you. You may go back to
Miri: [To herself] Shani must have told the teacher! How
could she? [Stomp]
Shani: [Whisper] What was that all about?
Miri: You know exactly what it was all about.
Shani: What?!
[Miri turns away]
Shani: No. I really dont know what you are talking
Miri: You told the teacher I cheated. And I didnt. I didnt
[Miri runs out of the room]
Shani: Wait Miri! Im sorry! I should never have said you
cheated. Im sorry.
Miri: Now everyone thinks I cheated and no one is talking
to me.
Shani: Ill go tell them I made a mistake. Hey guys! I was
wrong about Miri cheating. Please dont be mad at her. Be
mad at me.

Rina: Oh. We knew she didnt really cheat the whole

time, right?
Esti: Oh, of course. We believed in you Miri!
Avigial: How could anyone think that you cheated?
Basya: And you know what? Its Elul- time for teshuva, a
connection with Hashem.
Shani: Time for friendship! A connection with each other!
Everyone: Friends forever!

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