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*Situation in the classroom*

Nosa : Hello how are you?
Annisa : Hey I am fine. Thank you.
Nosa : I am so bored. Are you free this night?
Annisa : No, I am not free this night. Why?
Nosa : Oh ok, i just want to go to art exhibition with you.
Annisa : i am sorry. I cant go with you this night but i can go on Saturday night.
Nosa : Its alright. The art exhibition open until Saturday night.
Annisa : OK, see you on Saturday night. I will call you later.

*Situation in the art exhibition*

Annisa : Hei Nosa! I am here. Lets buy tickets.
Nosa : No, i already buy it. Well lets we see the art exhibition.
Annisa : Ok, i cant wait anymore.
Nosa : Hei, look at there! There is a beautiful art.
Annisa : Oh ya! I like it!

2 hours ago..........
Nosa : Well i am so tired. The art exhibition is amazing.
Annsa : Yes, me too. I hope there is more art exhibition.
Nosa : Ok, lets go home now.

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