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Chapter 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life Stupy Guivée Tre Your Answers. Coe Veena ives fle coat bonds aependeon cag cand with makepossbie nT denial wlan [trou ‘soups Lr de No nk Tan ehror pa Tunctoral” | Jvancingetains| [bree pt ‘44 Organic chemistey is the study of carbon compounds ‘Organiccompounds ate those containing casbon and su ally hydrogen. Early chemists could not synthesize the ‘ample melecules found in lv exganisns and there fore tributes ther formation to ie force independent ‘of pysical and chemical laws a bebe known as ls, 2» Organic Molecules and the Origin of Life on Earth Stanley Milles 1953 experiment showed that organic molecules could form under condisons belived t0 Simlate those on early Earth. Mecnism, the piloso- hy underlying modern organic chemisty hls hat physical and chemical explanations ave aulicient to Secouat for all atual phenomena INTERACTIVE QUESTION 4.1 How di Miler’ classic experiment apply mechanism to ‘the origi offer ‘42 Carbon atoms can form diverse molecules by bonding to four other atoms The Formation of Bonds with Carbon How many covalentbonds must carbon (vith an atomic numberof ‘6 form to complete ie valence shell Carbon’ valence ‘of four is the center oft ability to form lange and Complex molecules. When carbon forms four single ‘covalent bonds, its hybrid orbitals create a tetra Shape. When two carbons ae joined bya double bond, the other atoms bonded tothe caro ar in the same plane, forming a fat molest Molecular Diversity Arising from Carbon Skeleton Variation Carton skeletons can vary in. length branching, placement of double bands, and the pres: ‘ence of rings. Hydrocarbons consist of ony carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbon chains ate hydrophobic Jue to thelr nonpolar CH bands, and they release energy ‘when broken down, Tgomers are compounds with the same molecular formalabut diferent structural arrangements and ths diferent propertis. Structural Isomers differ in the ‘covalent arrangement atoms and often inthe lotion ‘of double bonds. Cis-trans isomers (formely called ‘geometric isomers) have the same sequence of covae Temtly bord atoms overall bt ifr in structure due totheinvexibity of double bonds Acs isomerhasthe ‘same atoms attached othe eaons onthe same side the double bona frms isomer has these atoms on ‘opposite sides of the double bond. Enantlomers are Ine and righthanded versions ofa molecle and can lf gently in their biological activi. An eymonarc ‘ard sone that is covaenly bonded to four diferent Kinds of atoms groups of atoms, whose arrangement can result mer images. TNTERACING QUESTION 42 ently the structural somes, tras mers, and ‘ronsomes othe flowing compounds, Wh of thecinrastomerststhe oer? goon woe HGcH woe En i i on 4 Dist fama ad i eon we toa Teste | ale hon é latytetiee sea 43 A few chemical groups ae key tothe functioning of biologial molecules ‘The Chemical Groups Most Important in the Processes of Life The properties of organic molecules are Taygely determined by’ characteristic chemical groups attached 9 the carbon skeleton. The flowing six functional groupe may participate in chemical e9c- ‘ons, These hyelrophilc groups increase the solu Chapter 4 Cato andthe Mer Disersiyof tie 21 SSR et ee Soe faeces pel ma “hcg en Beh tcl oth nn ae Sac Ree Seal gy ea ot a ae TR ST SC eh SACS NRE das ee 8 SASS ae at et gap se oon de tet te abet sa SeaneCESH Epa ankle EIS ww gece oe CRs ra tga easy sean tite wena png Sbaceaccai Sah put cso er tom won ES gt “tay le SOR AR ean don oy chest en pee ts UaIO alae oped te ers hs Teagan Sc gn CE hcd pn ty o peer het mncbsunriate Conan or 1 bn Igri Sn of are or or Feet “Cn pp Actas Pete meds tee Soe siege mia reece SUR ktgneeadecy en ‘The Chemical Elements of Lif: A Review Carbon, ‘oxigen, hydrogen itrgen, and smaller quantities of Sulfur and phosphors, all capable of forming strong, ‘ovalent bons, are combined into the complex organic molecules of living matter, Dern ‘carb. = coal (srt groupa chemical group presentin “organic aids, consisting of carbon atom double ‘bonded to an oxygen atom and also bonded t0 a hydro group) fenantis = opposite ountoner molecules that are m= ror images ofeach other due to the presence of an symmetuiccavbon) 2D Unis: The Chaisry of ie Inydro- = wate iirocaron: an oxganic molecule con. ‘sting only of carbon ae hydrogen) Iso. = equal (Homer: one of soverl organic compounds With the sume molecule formula but diferent ‘Structures an therefore diferent properties) sult sulfa (ide group: a chemical group that consists of 9 suf atom bonded to a hydrogen ‘to I. Construct a concept map that illustrates your ne derstanding ofthe characteristics and significance ofthethreeypesofisomers.Asigsetd nap sin the tocar section. Compare ond discussing your map ‘nh at of tty parte ould be mt help 2 Bilin the following table on the important chemi cal groups of erganic compounds. (Chanetetics Chemical | Motcular | of Compounds Gro Fee | Contain Goup ‘igenye oreo por group | Thais cosine bls resin Phosphate MULTIPLE CHOICE: Chose thon est ons 1 Which ofthe follwing did the results of Stanley “Miles experiments spor?” 1 aloe sythes of erani compounds pil fit tage in the origin oie mechan 4. vai Carbon valence of for most direty results from steed ape, 1 every alight eletronegatiity * feurcvaat bonds 4 eat to form ingle, double, and ple bods ts ily tem chains and sings feb atoms Hydrocarbons ate not soluble in water because 2 they arehydophii: Beco gs A they store energy the many C—H bon along the ‘ton cone they aelighter than water Which ofthe following isnot trve ofan asymmet- ric carbon atom? 2 Itisatached to four diferent atoms oF groups be rsuls im ght anc efehanded versions of 8 rece tis fund in all enters 4 Itsconfiguraton sin he shape of etraeron, fis found in alleen Which statement is not true about structural 2 They have diferent chemi properties ©. They have these molecule orl, © Ther atoms and bonds ae aranges in ifeent sequen. 4. They area sult of restr movement aon a

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