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Summary Sheet for Assignment 2: Differentiated Learning

Name & Student Number: Costi Tsakiridis - 2113358
Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson or Learning Task: Mathematics
Specific Topic of Lesson or Learning Task: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Year Level/s: 6/7

Differentiation Choices
Mark the appropriate box/es

1. For this assignment, I have chosen to design a differentiated:

Learning Menu or Agenda
Choice Board
Summative Assessment Task for Unit of Work
Lesson with Specific Adjustments for Students with Special Needs
Series of Tasks for Learning Centres or Stations
Learning Task or Lesson with Innovative Use of Technology to Support Differentiation
2. My lesson or learning task is differentiated to address differences in student:
Learning profile preferences
Although Learning profile preferences is what it is mainly differentiated for, it does alter in
readiness levels and interests.

This choice board will be introduced in a lesson towards the end of the unit on decimals,
fractions and percentages. A few days prior to this lesson, the students will complete a preassessment activity (see appendices 1) which will give the teacher an indication of whether their
students will be able to complete the task successfully. Students will be asked to select three
different activities from the choice board. The three activities that the students choose on the
choice board will be used as summative pieces of assessment. If the student fails to reach the
pass mark of 50% on the pre-assessment task, the teacher will spend extra time with these
students whilst the others complete their choice board activities. For the students who need the
extra time with the teacher, the amount of activities they need to complete by the due date will
alter; these students will only need to complete two tasks of their choice.
Due to the range of ability and readiness levels within the class this choice board ensures the
learning task is differentiated to address differences in students readiness, interest and learning
profile preferences. One student in the class suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The
pre assessment task has indicated that five students in the class of 30 will need extra time in
lesson 7 to work on their shortcomings in the area of decimals, percentages and decimals.
Students will have mathematics lessons as well as homework time to prepare their work. The

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lessons that will be dedicated to working on their activities on the choice board will be
highlighted in an overview of the unit plan below:
Lesson 1: Introduction to decimals
Lesson 2: Introduction to fractions
Lesson 3: Introduction to percentages
Lesson 4: Converting decimals to fractions & percentages
Lesson 5: Converting percentages to decimals & fractions
Lesson 6: Converting fractions to percentages & decimals
Lesson 7: Introduce the choice board to the class + work closely with students who failed
Pre assessment activity
Lesson 8: Work on choice board activities
Lesson 9: Work on choice board activities
Lesson 10: Work on choice board activities
Lesson 11: Presentations to the class

This choice board is an example of differentiation as it is providing the students with a range of
different ways in which they can choose to show their knowledge of decimals, fractions and
percentages (Algozzine& Anderson, 2007). Within this choice board, we have given the students
nine different activities, which have a range of different ways to present the students knowledge
on decimals, percentages & fractions. It caters for students who prefer visual, verbal,
kinaesthetic, technological, musical/rhythmic, logical/mathematical, naturalist,
intrapersonal/reflective and intrapersonal/group ways of presenting things.
Within the activities on choice board there is a lot of room for students choice when completing
a task (Tomlinson, 2010). For example in activity 3, we are allowing the student to choose a
recipe of their own, instead of providing one. This is an example of catering to students interest
because if this is of a recipe of a food they like, they will be more inclined to finish the task as it
is catering to their interests.
Each activity will have its own individual rubric (see appendices 4) in which it will be marked
from and the scores of the three activities that the student complete will be added together to
give them the final grade for this unit of work. Exit cards (see appendices 2) will be filled in by
the students in order to identify and assist those students who may be having some difficulties
with the task. Students will be provided with help cards (see appendices 3), these will assist
them if they run into difficulty remembering some of the rules with converting fractions, decimals
and percentages. Each student will receive an Activity Explanation sheets (found in lesson
plan) in order to give them an extended understanding for on what is expected of them. This will
allow the teacher more time to spend with the students who require the extra attention.
To cater to the student who has ASD within the class we will be sure to ensure that the work
given to the student is achievable. For this reason, the student will only be required to complete
one of the activities. He will also be working very closely with an SSO who will provide support
for him when he wants and needs it. As the student is generally a student who prepares creating
and working with visuals, I was sure to add in activities that would be appealing and obtainable
for this student. I was sure to add in as many visuals in the explanation sheet to give this
student, and other, a better chance of understanding what is expected.
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Lesson Plan: Lesson 7: Introduce the choice board to the class

50-minute lesson
30 x Decimals, Fractions & Percentages Choice Board Activity Sheet
Smart Board
YouTube Clips:
o Math Antics - Convert any
Fraction to a Decimal
o - Converting Percentages
Fractions Decimals
o Simplifying Fractions
Overview of Lesson:
The main goal of this lesson is to introduce the students to their final summative piece of work
on the unit of decimals, fractions and percentages. The students will be shown the storyboard
and each activity will be explained and discussed with the class. If students have any questions
throughout this period, they are to put their hand up and questions are to be answered as the
teacher works through this. Before the students are sent to complete their tasks, explain to the
students that you may be working with smaller groups throughout this time.
Ask the five students who failed the pre-assessment task to be the first group to work with you.
This group will work with the teacher for the next 20 minutes showing new videos, which further
explain fractions, decimals and percentages in order to try to help these students. The teacher
will then ask the students to work back in their book to work on previously attempted questions
on decimals, fractions and percentages. With the teachers eye close on their process, they will
be able to determine where the students are making errors and therefore fix the problem through
discussion and instruction. After this is completed, explain to the students that they only need to
choose two activities to complete instead of three, as they have lost the time that the other
students had to work on their Choice Boards.
The teacher will then roam the room to ensure that all other students are okay with the task or if
they need extra assistance in their learning. If there is another few students who are struggling
pull them aside and work with them in small groups like you did with the initial group of students
who were having trouble. Tell these students that they are also allowed to complete two of the
three activities.
Body of lesson:
Introduction - 15 minutes:
Explain each section of the choice board to the students. The teacher will explain an overview of
the expectations of each activity. This will give students an opportunity to begin thinking about
which activities would best suit them. The Activity Explanation sheet below will be given to the
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students along a copy of choice board. Larger images

from the sheet to will be displayed on the Smart Board to
assist the students, for the remainder of the lesson.

Activity Explanation sheet

Activity 1:
Use a visual organiser to compare and contrast fractions,
decimals and percentages. Be as creative as you like, you can
use a computer to make it if you like. Here is an example of a
visual organiser, which is about algebra:
Activity 2:
Create a PowerPoint presentation explaining how to convert percentages to
decimals and fractions. Within your
PowerPoint, be sure to use visuals. There is no time limit on how long your
PowerPoint must be. Here is an example of an excellent PowerPoint slide
with visuals about fractions:
Activity 3:
Covert a recipe of your choice that converts fractions into both decimals and
percentages. Display the adjusted recipe and prepare the food to share with your
classmates. The recipe can be your own choice. Be sure to check with a parent if you
will be able to get help at home with cooking and buying the ingredients prior to picking
this activity. If this were your recipe to the right, I would expect that the percentages and
the decimal be added next to the fraction.
Activity 4:
Create a spreadsheet of a budget with at least 10 items of your choice.
Each item should be in dollar (decimal) amounts. Identify the percentage
of the budget spent on each item. I recommend using Microsoft Excel to
create this spreadsheet unless you have another program that you know
how to use. An example of what it might look like can be seen here:
Activity 5:
Write and perform a poem or rap about fractions, decimals and
percentages and how they work interchangeably. An example of what your rap/poem may sound like can
be seen at this link, which we will watch now:
Activity 6:
Make a chart comparing decimals, fractions and percentages. This can be done
on poster form by hand or charts which are made on the computer. Be creative in
your displays.An example of an eye catching display can be seen here:
Activity 7:
Research an environmental topic of interest such as endangered species or global
warming. Write a report of your findings using fractions, decimals and percentages throughout it. The
report can be as big or as small as you like as long as there is evidence of the correct use of fractions,
decimals and percentages throughout it.
Activity 8:
Write a journal or diary about a day in your life. Explain where fractions, decimals and percentages were
used throughout your day and provide examples (at least 5 different things). Try to be creative in the way
you present your work. You can use technology to produce your work if you choose.
Activity 9:
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In a group with at least two other students, discuss real life situations where you would use fractions,
decimals or percentages. Make a list of at least 10 uses and act these out for the class. Be sure to find
two other people who will be interested in this activity before choosing it. Your groups can be larger than
that if you like.

Tell students that they are to start working on their choice boards and that they will have the rest
of the lesson to do so. Students who identified as failing the pre assessment task to join the
teacher in a small group in a quiet spot in the classroom.
Body - 20 minutes:
Work with the small group of students who are having problems with fractions, decimals
and percentages.
Watch videos;
o Math Antics - Convert any
Fraction to a Decimal
o - Converting Percentages
Fractions Decimals
Answer any further questions which the students may have in regards to fractions,
decimals and percentages.
Work with these students on previous questions and problems which would have been
attempted in classes previous to this one.
Routinely check in on the rest of the class throughout this time. Have students who are
not working with you in the small group use the colored cup approach in order to help
you gauge immediately which students need help.
One you feel the students who are working in the small group have a good enough
understanding to complete the activities, tell them that they only need to complete two as
opposed to three activities. This is due to the extra time spent teaching these students.
End of lesson - 15 minutes:
Ensure all students have an idea about which activities they are choosing to present their
knowledge about fractions, decimals and percentages.
If there are any students who were not in the initial group of five who received extra help
who are still struggling, have the same mini lesson you had with the first group with these
students. Tell them that they only need to complete two activities due to this extra time
Five minutes before concluding the lesson, give the students the exit cards to fill in
before they are to leave.
Total: 50 minutes
By looking at each students exit cards, the teacher will be able to determine which of them have
decided on what activities they will be working on at home and the next three lessons. If
student/s have not stated which activities they will be completing, be sure to approach these
students and assist them at the beginning of the next lesson.

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CHOICE BOARD - Fractions, decimals& percentages




Use a visual organiser to

compare and contrast
fractions, decimals and

Prepare a 3 minute oral

presentation explaining how
to convert percentage to
decimals and fractions. Use
visuals within your

Covert a recipe of your choice

that converts fractions into
both decimals and
percentages. Display the
adjusted recipe and prepare
the food to share with your
class mates.





Create a spreadsheet of a
budget with at least 10 items
of your choice. Each item
should be in dollar (decimal)
amounts. Identify the
percentage of the budget
spent on each item.

Write and perform a poem or

rap about fractions, decimals
and percentages and how
they work interchangeably.

Make a chart comparing

decimals, fractions and





Research an environmental
topic of interest such as
endangered species or global
warming. Write a report of
your findings using fractions,
decimals and percentages
throughout it.

Write a journal or diary about

a day in your life. Explain
where fractions, decimals and
percentages were used
throughout your day and
provide examples (at least 5
different things)

In a group with at least 2

other students, discuss real
life situations where you
would use fractions, decimals
or percentages. Make a list of
at least 10 uses and act these
out for the class.




Students will be marked against the rubrics for each activity (see appendices 4) and a final score
will be given based on how many of the activities they completed. The teacher will be monitoring
exit cards throughout the remainder of the unit to identify if any students are having trouble with
the task.

Algozzine, B., & Anderson, K. M. (2007). Tips for teaching: Differentiating instruction to include all
students. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 51(3), 49-54.
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Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. ASCD.

Learning Objectives

Describe probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages (ACMSP144)

Compare fractions with related denominatorsand locate and represent them on a number
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions (ACMNA157)
Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of another, with and
without digital technologies. (ACMNA158)
Solve problems involving the use of percentages, including percentage increases and decreases,
with and without digital technologies (ACMNA187)

As a result of engaging with the differentiated lesson or task, students will:

understand that

Fractions, decimals and percentages are used in our everyday life.

Know(e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information)

Fractions, decimals and percentages

are interchangeable.
The meaning of terms such as
fractions, decimals and percentages.
Converting percentages to decimals is
done with division.

Be able to (do)(Skills, processes)

Convert fractions to percentages by dividing

the top number by the bottom number and then
multiplying it by 100 and adding the % sign.
Convert decimals to fractions by multiplying
both the top and bottom number by 10 for
every number after the decimal point.
Simplify fractions.
Converting a percentage to a decimal is done
by dividing the percentage value by 100.

Essential Questions(These should help students engage with the big ideas or understandings)
Where do we use fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life?
How do we convert decimals to fractions & percentages?
How do we convert fractions to percentages & decimals?
How do we convert percentages to decimals & fractions?
When should we convert decimals to fractions & percentages?
When should we convert fractions to percentages and decimals?
When should we convert percentages to decimals and fractions?

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Pre-Assessment Activity (appendices 1)
Fill in the blanks

Exit Cards (Appendices 2)

Exit cards
I have chosen activities;




Any questions I still have;

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Student Help Cards (Appendices 3)

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Rubrics for Activities (1-9) (Appendices 4)

Activity 1 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students compared and
contrasted fractions,
percentages and decimals
Student work is well
organized, written neatly,
promotes creativity and is
completed on time.











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Activity 2 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students compared and
contrasted fractions,
percentages and decimals
Student work is well
presented within the power
point and they spoke
clearly throughout











Activity 3 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students were successful
in converting fractions into
both decimals and
percentages throughout
their recipe.
Student successfully
completed their recipe and
made a plate of food for
class to share










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Activity 4 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students were
successfully in their
calculations within the
Student work is well
organized correctly and
presented well.










Activity 5 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students prepared a
rap/poem that correctly
portrays information about
decimals, fractions and
Rap/poem is well
presented and performed
clearly throughout










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Activity 6 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students compared and
contrasted fractions,
percentages and decimals
Student work well
organized, written neatly,
promotes creativity and
completed on time.











Activity 7 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Students calculations are
correct throughout the
written piece.
Student work is organized,
written neatly, promotes
creativity and is completed
on time.











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Activity 8 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Student identified where
they use fractions,
decimals and percentages
throughout their day and
are correct in their
calculations of these
Student work organized,
written neatly, promotes
creativity and completed
on time.











Activity 9 Rubric
Student demonstrates the
knowledge needed to
convert a fraction into a
decimal and a decimal into
a percent with no
Student worked efficiently
in their group.
Student work was well
presented to the class










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