Process of Making SAP Quick Viewer Report

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Process of making SAP Quick View Reports With SQVI

Date: 21-09-2016

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasan

What is Quick Viewer Report?

Quick Viewer is a simple tool to design custom reports without the need for any programming. We can use it
to design and run Quick Views (reports designed using Quick Viewer) and export them to spreadsheets.
Note: These reports are user specific and cannot be shared generally with other users. If we create
transection code against these kind of program than its possible to use these reports globally by all the users.

Here we will develop a report where we can find plant wise PO with their Material number, Materials Net
Value and Moving average price.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

Open t-code: SQVI

Give a programm nameand press create buttone.

Insart title and comments.

Select Basic mode radio buttone and press enter.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

Click the insart table button and enter the table name.

Add table: EKKO, EKPO, MAKT,MBEW and EINE. Drag one fild on another tables field (similar) for joining
two single tables. Right clicking on joining lines we can delete the field or can do left outer joining.

After joining press back button.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

Save and execute.

Insart desired information and press exicute button.

Finally check the report data.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

Afte downloading the report into excell you can also calculate the percentage differences between material
Net price and the Moving average price.

Process of making T-Code for SQVI program

1. Go to SQVI t-code and select your query name go to the Quick view menu additional functions
Generate Program.

2. After Generating the program again go to Quick view menu additional functions Display report

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

3. Copy the program name and press enter.

4. Now open t-code SE38, enter the report name in program field and execute.

5. You will get the Initial Selection screen of the report. Go to Menu of System -->Status
6. Note down the Program name and Screen number
7. Go to SE93 and Create a Z tcode for the query, Enter the description and importantly you have to
select the 2nd Option radio Button Program and Selection Screen (Report Transaction) and Press

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

8. In the next screen enter the Report name In Program field and enter the screen number.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

9. In the classification Section select Professional user Transaction

10. In GUI support section select all the options i.e. SAPGUI for HTML, Java, Windows and save.

Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

The system will ask for Package select your package if not there then select local object.

11. Finally execute the Z tcode your report will run successfully.

--- End ---


Document created by: M.N.M. Ashfaque Hasam

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