Kinds of Texts: Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios NO.36

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Centro de Bachillerato Tecnolgico

industrial y de servicios NO.36

English Project

Kinds of texts

Teacher: Sandraluz Garcia Gutierrez

Student: Cristy lee Gonzalez Arzola
Specialty: Contabilidad 3B Vespertino

Literary Text:
The literary text is one that uses the literary
language, a kind of language that pursues a
certain aesthetic order to capture the reader's
interest . The author of literature seeks the right
to express their ideas refined manner and
according to certain criteria of style words.

Excerpt from the novel The Regent . Leopoldo Alas ( "
Clarin " )
The heroic city napped . South wind , hot and lazy,
pushing the whitish clouds torn apart by running
north. On the streets there was more noise than the
shrill sound of the swirling dust , rags , straw and
papers that would brook creek from sidewalk to
sidewalk , from corner to corner fluttering and chasing
, like butterflies sought and flee and air wrapped in his
invisible folds. Which mobs urchins, those scraps of
garbage, those scraps all gathered in a heap,
parbanse as sleeping for a moment and jumped back
startled , scattering , climbing around the walls to
trembling crystals lanterns , others to the bad paper
posters stuck to the corners , and had pen arrives.

Cientific text:

Any text that can be considered part of this

genus , must meet certain formal , own
characteristics of all science.
There are a variety of these types of text. Since
the manuals that are used in schools, to
complex writings of great authors such as
Darwin , they can all be defined as scientific
texts , although it is very different works in the
style and the purpose they serve.

Extract the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
When we compare the individuals of the same variety
or sub-variety of our plants and animals grown older ,
one of the first things that impressed us is that they
generally differ more from each other than individuals
of any species in its natural state ; and if we reflect on
the great diversity of plants and animals that have
been grown and which have varied during all ages
under the most different climates and treatment, we
are led to conclude that this great variability is due to
our domestic productions bred in conditions of life not
so uniform and somewhat different from those to
which has been subjected to the kind mother nature .

Journalistic text:
The newspaper article is a fundamental genre of journalism
that aims to publicize the facts of collective interest , whether
social or also political.
It is a text that expresses the opinion that writes the same
audience to which it is directed , in order to find the reader
the formation of opinion and knowledge of the subject.
He speaks of a newspaper article is simple , since it does not
need to be explained in depth, but is exposed from one view
to the other purposes of seeking their opinion on the subject.
No need for a specialized or precise vocabulary , but
something that is very ordinary and clear , meaningful and
open and clarify doubts the reader . It does not require a level
of long argument, but rather to open the doors of the
imagination of readers to keep looking information.

The holiday will last as long as they have enough money; then "God will say". With
only 5,000 pesos Jose Hernandez expects to spend a weekend in Acapulco; his
wife Rafaela and his two sons George and Joshua, expected to be a limited but
memorable holiday. Find accommodation itself are concerned, but I see there. ---We're on our way, the rest God will say ----, said as he smiled and hoped to find a
cheap despite the demand of tourists. His family arrived a little before 9:00 pm at
the bus station in the South, where they bought tickets that cost 400 pesos per
adult and 200 per child. But are not the only risky to travel last minute. Irma Rosas
and her husband, Ricardo Gonzalez, decided to take holidays. Although they are
accountants, this time did not do well accounts for only 6,000 pesos lead to stay
until Tuesday in Huatulco Oaxaca. The money is part of the expenditure of the
month and will return and how to pay. However, there are those who planned his
departure itself these days; This is the case of Ismael Gonzlez, his wife and three
children, who will visit Zihuatanejo. In February they bought a package (we
presumed), which were included transportation, lodging and food. Saturate central
Teamsters! Since the beginning of the day, the arrival of the capital with suitcase in
hand reach the Teamsters Central South and North, produce their effects of chaos
and stress. Every five minutes out trucks with various destinations. Quintessential
destinations are Acapulco and Huatulco, whose tickets are easy to find. In the
North station they are: Pachuca, Hidalgo, Tlaxcala, Toluca, State of Mexico and

Puerto Vallarta; in the South, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo, Cuernavaca, Taxco, Puerto

Escondido and add to the list of places where the capital looking to reach the last

Expository text:
Expository text is a kind of textual modality that presents facts
objectively , ideas or concepts. Its purpose is to inform of topics of
general interest to a lay audience , and sometimes without prior
knowledge. Belong to this type of texts: lectures, textbooks , newspaper
articles and reviews , among others.
Expository texts are those that establish a topic or argument provides an
oral discourse because it contains social arguments of one or more
subjects ; ie , you can choose a topic or more to go to deliver a speech
or presentation.
On the other hand , they specialized not report but aim to understand
the scientific aspects , which require a more specialized receptor with
greater knowledge of the subject . Present , therefore greater syntactical
and lexical complexity. Belong to this scientific , legal and humanistic
texts .
Global warming is a term used to refer to the phenomenon of the
increase in global average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and
oceans, possibly it reached the level of heating of the medieval era in
the mid-twentieth century, to top it from so.
All collections of representative data from ice cores, the growth rings of
trees, etc., indicate that temperatures were warm during medieval
times, cooled to low values during the seventeenth, eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries and they reheated later with rapidez.2 When the
Holocene (last 11,600 years), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) does not see evidence that there were warmer global
average temperatures is studied that nowadays.2 If projections
approximately 5 C warming in this century materialize, then the planet
will have experienced a number of global mean warming like the one he
suffered at the end of the ice age wisconsiense (last glacial period);
according to the IPCC no evidence that the possible future global
exchange rate has been matched in the last 50 million years by elevated
temperature comparable.
Global warming is associated with climate change that may have
anthropogenic or cause.

Informational text:
An informative text is a text type through which the issuer
discloses to its receptor any fact , situation or circumstance .
When we talk about written text information , we refer only to
that text that has been written by an issuer whose main
intention is , as we said "make known " something without
involving primarily their emotions and desires .
There are many things you can to publicize this way , the
focus of the text in this case is information. This does not
mean that in an informative text never feelings or desires of
the issuer , since this does happen sometimes express
themselves, but anyway they always into the background .
This is done so that recipients will find out , not necessarily to
be excited and to be entertained . The texts pursuing these
objectives will be poetic or literary texts, not informative .

The dog or domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a carnivorous

mammal of the family Canidae, which is a subspecies of wolf (Canis
lupus). A study published by the journal Nature popular science reveals
that, through the process of domestication, the dog's body has adapted
to a certain kind of food, in this case the almidn.6 size or size, shape,
and fur is very diverse by race. Has a highly developed hearing and
smell, the latter being the main sensory organ. In small breeds you can
achieve a lifespan of about 20 years, with careful attention by the
owner, otherwise his life on average is around 15 years. It is believed
that the gray wolf, which is considered a subspecies, is the most
immediate ancestor. Archaeological evidence shows that the dog has
been in close cohabitation with humans for at least 9000 years ago, but
possibly as early as 14,000 years ago. Fossil evidence shows that the
ancestors of modern dogs were already associated with humans
100,000 years ago Ads Dog training Avoiding
your dog Urinate, Bite, Ladre, Jump, Throw the strap and not Obey.

Narrative Text:
It is one that includes the account of events that unfold in a
place over a given time frame. Such story involves the
participation of various characters , which can be real or
The narrative is composed of a succession of events . In the
case of literary narrative inevitably sets up a fictional world ,
beyond that the facts are based on reality. This happens
because the author can not be abstracted to include elements
of their own invention or qualify what happened in the plane
of reality.


Once upon a time a very small Koala that was lost in the woods and was
very sad because she missed her mother.
A day dawned with a hen and the hen asked: Who are you?
I am Roberto, said the Koala. Then the hen ran it from home.
The Koala was very sad to find his mother and at night was very afraid.
The next day dawned with an owl.
Who are you? He asked Mr. Owl.
I am Roberto, said the owl Koala and ran it from home.
The Koala was very sad to go looking for his mother. He came again
Roberto night and looked for a place to sleep. The next day dawned with
a butterfly.
Who are you? He asked the butterfly. I am Roberto said the Koala.
And what are you doing here, why are not you at home? He asked the
I got lost and do not know how to get to my house, I do not know how to
find my mom said Roberto.
Do not worry about the butterfly said I'll help you find your mom; Come,
let's get her.
Butterfly knew where in the forest lived all koalas, so it did not take long
to find the house of Mrs. Koala.
At last he came home! Roberto and his mother became very happy.
Now, he thought Robert, I can sleep easy because thanks to my friend
the butterfly, and nobody is going to run this house.

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