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Five Elements of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is heavily
influenced by the theory
of the Elements. In the
Chinese scheme of the
Universe, there are Five
of these Elements, i.e.
Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth
and Water. All Chinese
astrological sciences
including the times,
years, and dates of birth
are categorized as one
of these elements. The
five Elements are also associated with colors, seasons,
directions, and planets. Thus for example :
FIRE is red, an auspicious color. Fire is also Summer and is
South. WATER is represented by the color black. It is also
the North and Winter. WOOD is the East. It is represented by
the color Green. METAL is white or sometimes gold. Metal
symbolizes the West. EARTH is Yellow. Earth is also the
For Feng Shui purposes, it is necessary to know that these
Five Elements have a mutually productive cycle and a
mutually destructive cycle.
In the PRODUCTIVE CYCLE: Fire produces Earth, which

produces Metal which produces Water which produces

Wood which produces Fire.
In the DESTRUCTIVE CYCLE: Wood destroys Earth which
destroys Water which destroys Fire which destroys Metal
which destroys Wood.
In considering the Feng Shui of locations and home interiors,
understanding these two cycles of the Elements enables the
practitioner to incorporate his/her astrological element to be
in harmony and productive with the surrounding. Thus if one
was born in a FIRE year, too much water in the home would
not be beneficial (i.e. black colored things, ponds, artificial
waterfalls, etc.) as Water destroys Fire. On the other hand,
lots of plants or green things (Wood) and indeed a wooden
house would be very auspicious because Wood produces
Fire. Additionally, it would be beneficial if one slept in the
room located on the south side of the house or apartment.
Another example. If one were born in the EARTH year, then
having too many plants (Wood) would not be very
auspicious. On the other hand, having red things, lights etc.
(Fire) would be very conducive since Fire produces Earth.
Earth people should sleep near or at the center portion of the
From these examples one can begin to see the various
combinations that would work or not work from a Feng Shui
point of view. Usually when the various members of the
family are born under different elements, then the Elements
of the Head of the Household should be considered for the
main rooms and the entrance. All other individual rooms can
be designed to benefit the main occupant of each individual

Use the table on this page to check your Element according

to your hour of birth. The relevant directions indicated for
your Element can be used to orientate your Front Door or to
determine the best orientation for your office desk, or your
sleeping position. On the next page is a Table which
categorizes the Elements according to the year of birth
(1900 - 1995). Use this to check the Element that rules your
against your TIME of BIRTH
11pm WOOD To face North
1am :
1am WOOD To face N.NE.
3am :
3am FIRE
To face E.EN.
5am :
5am FIRE
To face East
7am :
7am EARTH To face E.SE.
9am :
9am EARTH To face S.SE.
11am :
11am METAL To face SOUTH
1pm :
1pm METAL To face S.SE.
3pm :
3pm WATER To face W.SW.
5pm :
5pm WATER To face WEST
7pm :
7pm WATER To face W.NW.
9pm :
9pm WATER To face N.NW
11pm :

Check Your ELEMENT against your YEAR

Years of the
1900 Metal; 1912 Water;
1924 Wood; 1936 Fire; 1948
Earth; 1960 Metal; 1972
Water; 1984 Wood; 1996
Years of the

1901 Metal; 1913 Water;

1925 Wood; 1937 Fire; 1949
Earth; 1961 Metal; 1973
Water; 1985 Wood; 1997

Years of the

1902 Water; 1914 Wood;

1926 Fire; 1938 Earth; 1950
Metal; 1962 Water; 1974
Wood; 1986 Fire; 1998 Earth

Years of the

1903 Water; 1915 Wood;

1927 Fire; 1939 Earth; 1951
Metal; 1963 Water; 1975
Wood; 1987 Fire; 1999 Earth

Years of the

1904 Wood; 1916 Fire; 1928

Earth; 1940 Metal; 1952
Water; 1964 Wood; 1976
Fire; 1988 Earth; 2000 Metal

Years of the

1905 Wood; 1917 Fire; 1929

Earth; 1941 Metal; 1953
Water; 1965 Wood; 1977
Fire; 1989 Earth; 2001 Metal

Years of the

1906 Fire; 1918 Earth; 1930


Years of the

Years of the

Years of the

Metal; 1942 Water; 1954

Wood; 1966 Fire; 1978
Earth; 1990 Metal; 2002
1907 Fire; 1919 Earth; 1931
Metal; 1943 Water; 1955
Wood; 1967 Fire; 1979
Earth; 1991 Metal; 2003
1907 Earth; 1920 Metal;
1932 Water; 1944 Wood;
1956 Fire; 1968 Earth; 1980
Metal; 1992 Water; 2004
1908 Earth; 1921 Metal;
1933 Water; 1945 Wood;
1957 Fire; 1969 Earth; 1981
Metal; 1993 Water; 2005

Years of the

1909 Metal; 1922 Water;

1934 Wood; 1946 Fire; 1958
Earth; 1970 Metal; 1982
Water; 1994 Wood;
2006 Fire

Years of the

1910 Metal; 1923 Water;

1935 Wood; 1947 Fire; 1959
Earth; 1971 Metal; 1983
Water; 1995 Wood;
2007 Fire

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