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Short Answer Questions

Write short note on the following. Each Question carries 5 marks
2) Breast feeding problems
3) Chemotherapy in children
4) Play therapy
5) Hypothermia in newborn
6) Toddler feeding
7) Reflexes in initiating Breast Feeding
8) Under five clinic
9) Cold chain
10) Pulse polio programme
11) Preventive Pediatrics
12) WHO Plan C for Severe Diarrhea
13) Principles of Immunization
14) Feeding a baby with cleft palate
15) Gastroschesis & Omphalocele
16) Role of a nurse in Immunization
17) Health education for a child with Hemophilia
18) Worm infestation
19) ORS
20) Infection prevention in ALL children
21) Characteristics of normal newborn
22) Ophthalmia neonatorum.
23) Marasmus
24) Scabies in children
25) HIV in children.
26) Photo Therapy
27) Child guidance clinic.
28) Kwashiorkor.
29) Explain the welfare services for physically challenged children in India
30) Administration of intramuscular injections in infants
31) Care of neonate in incubator
32) NICU
33) Pediatric emergencies
34) Neonatal reflexes
35) Pica : behavioral problem
36) General principles of management of behavioral problems.
37) Diarrhea
38) Meconium aspiration syndrome
39) Necrotizing enterocolitis
40) Neonatal resuscitation
41) Respiratory distress syndrome
42) Neonatal sepsis
43) Neonatal seizures
44) Vitamin A
45) Otitis media
46) Measles
47) Poliomyelitis
48) Juvenile delinquency

49) Habit disorders

50) Write short notes on
a. ASD
b. VSD
c. PDA
d. Aortic Stenosis
e. Pulmonary Stenosis
f. Coarctation of aorta
g. Transportation of grater vessels
51. Enlist the principles of growth and development.
52. Short note on psycho sexual development theory.
53. Short note on Under-5 clinics.
54. Short note on play therapy.
55. Baby friendly hospital.
56. Explain the historical development of paediatric in India?
57. Explain the concept of health and illness with the continuum model?
58. Write the advances and changes in child medical care?
59. Write the modern concepts and concepts relating to care of children?
60. Explain the trends in paediatric nursing and role of nurses in care of children?
61. Write short notes (any 3)
(a) Marasmus and Kwashiorkar
(b) Baby friendly hospital initiative (BFHI)
(c) Meningitis
(d) VSD
(e) Breast feeding
Essay Type Questions
1) B/O Devi 1 month old is admitted in pediatric ward with a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction.
a What are the causes of intestinal obstruction in a newborn?
b Explain the pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction.
c What are the complications of intestinal obstruction?
d Write the pre & post-operative management of B/O Devi.
2) Master Rahul 2 yr old is admitted in pediatric ward with a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis.
a What are the clinical features of Cystic Fibrosis
b Explain the pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis.
c What are the complications of Cystic Fibrosis?
d Explain the medical management of Cystic Fibrosis.
e Write the nursing management of master Rahul
. (2+2+2+4+5=15)
3) Master Rohit 1 year old is admitted in Pediatrics ward for cleft palate repair.
a) Define cleft lip & palate
b) Explain the types of cleft lip & palate
c) Describe the risk factors for cleft lip & palate
d) Explain the medical & surgical management of cleft lip & palate
e) Describe the pre & post operative nursing management of Master Rohit
4) B/O Radhika 8 mnth old is admitted in pediatric ward with a diagnosis of hirschsprungs disease.
a) What are the clinical features of Hirschsprungs disease. ?
b) Explain the pathophysiology of hirschsprungs disease.

c) What are the complications of hirschsprungs disease.

d) Explain the surgical management of hirschsprungs disease.
e) Write the post-operative nursing management of B/O Radhika


a. Describe the maternal & newborn reflexes involved in breast feeding
b. Describe the signs of good attachment & positioning in breast feeding
c. Explain the benefits of breast Feeding

Define Anemia
Describe the types of Anemia
Describe the clinical feature of Anemia
Explain about the prevention of iron deficiency Anemia


7) B/O Radhika 8 mnth old is admitted in pediatric ward with a diagnosis of Anorectal Malformation
a) Define ARM
b) ClassifyARM
c) Desribe the clinical features of ARM
d) Explain the diagnosis of ARM
e) Explain the management of ARM
f) Describe the post op nursing care following PSARP.
8) B/O Mahima 8 mnth old is admitted in pediatric ward with a diagnosis of broncho pneumonia.
a) Define Pneumonia
b) Classify Pneumonia
c) Desribe the clinical features of Pneumonia
d) Explain the management of Pneumonia
e) Describe the nursing management of B/O Mahima.
9) B/o Vrinda, 8 days old baby is admitted in Pediatric surgery is admitted in Neonatal Surgery ICU
with a Diagnosis of TEF. Baby is posted for TEF repair.
a) Define TEF
b) Classify TEF
c) Desribe the clinical features of TEF
d) Explain the Surgical management of TEF
e) Describe the pre & Post-operative nursing management of B/O Vrinda
a) Enlist the principles of IMNCI
b) Discuss the components of IMNCI
c) Describe the IMNCI case management process
11. Explain the immediate and routine care of normal newborn. (15)
a. Define high risk newborn. (2 marks)
b. Explain in detail the assessment of high risk newborn. (5 marks)
c. Describe the nursing management of a high risk newborn. (8marks)

13. 11 year child girl child is admitted in pediatric emergency unit with fire burns in extremities, neck and
back (diagnosed as second degree burns).

Define second degree burns. (2)

Mention your approach in the treatment of immediate care. (3)
Write the medical management. (3)
Prepare a nursing care plan with nursing process for the management during hospitalization.(7)

14. Master Kartick 5 years old is admitted with the diagnosis of PEM.

Define PEM. (2)

Explain the differentiation between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus (5)
Explain the dietary management of PEM. (3)
Discuss the nursing process application for a child with kwashiorkor.(5)

a. Define preterm. (2)
b. Mention the physical and neurological characteristics of preterm. (5)
c. Draw the nursing care plan for the baby born preterm. (8)
16. Master Ravi, 5 year old boy is admitted to the Pediatric medical unit with diagnosis of moderate level of
Mental Retardation.
a. Explain the classification of Mental Retardation. (3)
b. Mention the causes.(2)
c. Describe the nursing management of this patient.(10)
a. Define Low birth weight neonate. [2]
b. Why Low birth weight neonates are prone to develop Hypothermia. [3]
c. Write objectives and nursing intervention for a neonate diagnosed as Neonatal Jaundice. [10]
18. B/o

Kavita 2 days old is admitted in NICU with diagnose of respiratory distress syndrome.
Define respiratory distress syndrome(2)
Discuss its pathophysiology (3)
Mention the clinical features(3)
Explain the management of respiratory distress syndrome(7)

19. Describe the organization of neonatal intensive care unit (15)

20. A 14 Years old girl child is admitted in isolation ward with diagnosis of tuberculosis
a. Define tuberculosis (1)
b. Mention etiology of tuberculosis (2)
c. Explain pathophysiology tuberculosis (3)
d. Explain clinical features tuberculosis(2)
e. Management tuberculosis (5)
f. Health education to family (2)
21. Master Ravi, 5 year old boy is admitted to the Pediatric medical unit with diagnosis of cerebral palsy
and fever
a. Explain the classification of cerebral palsy (3)
b. Mention the causes.(2)

c. Describe the nursing management of this patient.(10)

22. Define autism and its clinical manifestation and management (15)
23. Explain pediatric emergencies (15)


Define AIDS. (2)

Explain clinical features of AIDS (3)
Explain management of AIDS (7)
Prevention of AIDS (3)

25. a. Define tetrology of fallot

b. Enlist the defects occurring in tetrology of fallot
c. Describe the clinical features of tetrology of fallot
d. Discuss the management of tetrology of fallot
26. What is rheumatic fever? Describe the clinical features based on Jones criteria of Rheumatic fever. (3)
b. Explain the medical and nursing management of rheumatic fever (12)
27. Decribe in detail the Growth and development of toddler.
28. Discuss about Immunization schedule program and cold chain.
29. Write about breast feeding, types of breast milk, its techniques and advantages
30. Define the term paediatrics and describe in detail about concept of child care?
31. What do you understand by the term health and illness and describe in brief about historical
development of paediatrics in India?
32. What is VSD? What are the signs and symptoms and diagnostic measures for VSD?(4)
b. Write the nursing management of a post operative patient with VSD (8)
33. (a Define Epilepsy. What are the types of seizures(4)
(b) Discuss the role of nurse in the management of 3year old child undergoing seizure episode. (8)
34. . a.What is meningiomyelocele? What are the causes for meningiomyelocele. (2)
b. How a nurse will manage a case of meningiomyelocele post operatively. (10)
35. (a) What is hydrocephalus? Discuss the etiology, clinical features, medical and surgical management for
hydrocephalus. Explain the post operative nursing management of a child with hydrocephalus (12)

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