Profile Mathematics Problem Solving of Junior High School'S Student Based On Adversity Quotient (Aq)

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Study Program

: Ngestiramanda Prameswari
: 12030174005
: Pendidikan Matematika
: Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
: Universitas Negeri Surabaya
: Dr. Siti Khabibah, M.Pd

Problem solving is one of the things that are important in learning mathematics.
Problem solving is required to develop students' skills in the developing of ideas and
practicing the applied concepts and skills they have learned. In solving a mathematical
problem required diligent and unyielding attitude in students because most students will
quickly despair when facing difficulties. Students need motivation in themself to be able to
cope the despair of the difficulties to turn it into an opportunities. From this situation,
Adversity Quotient (AQ) is considered to have an important role in learning, especially in
solving a mathematical problem. AQ is the intelligence of a person in overcoming difficulties
or may be called by the intelligence in the face of challenges (fighting spirit). AQ is a
determining factor for students success in dealing with mathematical problems. Stoltz
classified students into three types of AQ, namely climber (high AQ), camper (medium AQ),
and quitter (low AQ). This three types of AQ have a different response in facing a given
problem. This study (enggak research t??) aimed to describe the profile of junior high school
students' mathematical problem solving based on the type of AQ, namely climber, camper,
and a quitter. Indicators of problem solving in this study is to describe understanding,
planning, implementation planning, and checking back to its solution.
This study is a qualitative descriptive study. Subjects in this study were three students
of class VII-D SMP Negeri 36 Surabaya academic year 2015/2016, each of the students
climber, camper, and quitter. Data in this study were obtained through three methods, namely
the methods of questionnaires, the test method and the method of interview.
The results showed that the profile of climber student in solving math problems is
mentioning all the information in the problem completely, reiterated the given problem using
his own language, planning thereof are used to solve problems, make alternative settlement
plan, write down steps to resolve in a coherent and clear and conduct the re-examination of
the settlement. Profile of camper student in solving math problems is not mention all the
information in the problem yet, reiterated the given problem by using its own language;
planned first troubleshooting steps, write less detailed steps to resolve; no checks back to the
settlement. Profile quitter student in solving math problems is not listing the information
completely, reiterated the given problem by using their own language, getting some
difficulties in planning steps to resolve, writing the completion steps difficultly, do not reexamine the settlement.
Keywords: Problems of Mathematics, Mathematics Problem Solving, Adversity Quotient.

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