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Maritime Communications in

the Philippines
National Telecommunications Commission
September 9, 2013

Basic Maritime Communications

Global Positioning System (GPS)
A satellite-aided measurement system that enables a ship to
locate its position anytime, anywhere expressed in degrees and
minutes of latitude and longitude.
a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location
and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or
near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to
four or more GPS satellites. The system provides critical
capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the
world. It is maintained by the United States government and is
freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

Basic Maritime Communications

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
an international system which uses terrestrial and satellite
technology and ship-board radio-systems to ensure rapid, automated,
alerting of shore based communication and rescue authorities, in
addition to ships in the immediate vicinity, in the event of a marine
Under the GMDSS, all ocean-going passenger ships and cargo ships of
300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages
must be equipped with radio equipment that conforms to
international standards as set out in the system. The basic concept is
that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping in the
immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted
through satellite and terrestrial communication techniques so that
they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the
minimum of delay. (more info can be found at

Basic Maritime Communications

NAVTEX (Navigational Telex)
an international, automated system for instantly distributing
maritime navigational warnings, weather forecasts and warnings,
search and rescue notices and similar information to ships.
A small, low-cost and self-contained "smart" printing radio receiver
installed in the pilot house of a ship or boat checks each incoming
message to see if it has been received during an earlier transmission,
or if it is of a category of no interest to the ship's master. If it is a new
and wanted message, it is printed on a roll of adding-machine size
paper; if not, the message is ignored. A new ship coming into the area
will receive many previously-broadcast messages for the first time;
ships already in the area which had already received the message
won't receive it again. No person needs to be present during a
broadcast to receive vital information.

Basic Maritime Communications

Satellite Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
An earth station in the mobile-satellite service, the emissions of
which are intended to facilitate search and rescue operations. A
radio beacon when activated transmits the geographical
coordinates of the unit in distress expressed in degrees and
minutes of latitude and longitude intended to be received by
the COSPAS-SARSAT system.
A satellite-aided search and rescue system for locating distress
vessels by the use of low-latitude near polar-orbiting satellites
and designed to locate distress satellite EPIRB beacons.

National Telecommunications Commission

National Telecommunications
Sole body that exercises
jurisdiction over the supervision,
adjudication and control over all
telecommunications services
throughout the country;
Created under EO 546, 1979 and
conferred with regulatory and
quasi judicial functions; and
Adopts and promulgates
guidelines, rules and regulations
relative to the establishment ,
operation and maintenance of
telecom facilities and services

NTC Functions
Grant Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity/Provisional Authority to
install, operate and maintain telecommunications, broadcast and CATV services.
Grant licenses to install, operate and maintain radio stations
Allocate/sub-allocate and assign the use of radio frequencies
Type-approve/Type accept all radio communications equipment
Conduct radio operator examination and issue Radio Operators Certificates.
Monitor the operation of all telecommunication and broadcast activities.
Enforce applicable domestic and international laws, rules and regulations,
prosecute violations thereof, and imposes appropriate penalties/sanctions.

Issue permits/licenses to operate land, maritime, and

aeronautical and safety devices.
Prepare, plan and conduct studies for policy and regulatory services.

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

Regarding NAVTEX and EPIRB
MC No.01-01-02: Mandatory Installation of
NAVTEX Receiver and satellite EPIRB as
additional navigational aids equipment of ship
radio stations engaged in coastwise trade.
MC No.13-09-02: Amendment to above MC
extending date of compliance
MC dated 28 October 2002: deferment in the
implementation of MC No.01-01-02

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

Memorandum Circular
MC No. 4-09-88
Prescribed Equipment for Ship
Stations of Various Vessels Plying
Domestic Routes and Other

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

1. No passenger and/or cargo vessel
registered with the Philippine
Government shall attempt or wilfully
leave any Philippine port without the
prescribed radio installation on board.

Prescribed Radio Installation

LINERS (Passenger Vessel)


Below 350 GT and less than 5 hours of


VHF with capability on 156.8/156.3/156.6 MHz

350 GT and above, and less than 5

hours of navigation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.3/156.6 MHz

Below 350 GT and more than 5 hours

of navigation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.3/156.6 MHz

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz

350 GT and above and more than 5

hours of navigation

Telegraphy installation with capability on 500KHz

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz
VHF with capability on 156.8/156.3/156.6 MHz
Main and reserve receiver and reserve power

Prescribed Radio Installation

LINERS (Cargo Vessel)


Below 350 GT and less than 5 hours of


Radio installation optional

350 GT and above, and less than 5

hours of navigation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

Below 350 GT and more than 5 hours

of navigation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz

350 GT and more than 5 hours of


Telegraphy installation with capability on 500KHz

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz
VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz
Main and reserve receiver and reserve power

Prescribed Radio Installation



Below 350 GT and less than 60 miles of navigation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

Below 350 GT and more than 60 miles

of navigation

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

350 GT and less than 60 miles


VHF with capability on 156.8/156.3/156.6 MHz

350 GT and above and more than 60

miles of navigation

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

Prescribed Radio Installation



Bay and River Operation

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

Coastwise Operation

SSB with capability on 2182/4125/6215.5 KHz

VHF with capability on 156.8/156.6/156.3 MHz

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

2. It shall be the duty of the Radio
Operators employed by Station licenses
to operate properly the ship radio
stations of vessels and to ascertain that
each authorized radio equipment is in
good working condition and capable of
transmitting and receiving messages in
the following distress channels:

Distress Channels

500 KHz
2182 KHz
4125 KHz
6215.5 KHz
156.8 MHz
156.6 MHz
156.3 MHz

MF/CW International Distress Channel

HF/SSB International Distress Channel
Alternate HF/SSB Intl. Distress Channel
Alternate HF/SSB Intl. Distress Channel
VHF International Distress Channel
PCG Harbormaster

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

3. Radio officers of vessels arriving in
port shall make arrangement to
provide access to representatives of
the Commission to conduct inspection
of the ship radio station at any
reasonable time before the next
departure of such vessels.

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

4. To promote further the safety of
navigation, all ship radio stations, duly
licensed by the Commission, are
hereby required to maintain
continuous radio watch during the
entire period of navigation of vessels

NTC Maritime Related Rules and

5. Since transmitting and receiving
equipment must utilize assigned
maritime frequencies efficiently at all
times, only those radiotelephone
equipment type-approved by the
Commission for maritime operation
shall be accepted by the NTC for
licensing purposes.

Thank You and God


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