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Grade 6 Science Semester 2 - Vocabulary List

Unit 2Electricity

English Definition


Magnet (n.)

A piece of matter (such as iron or steel)

that is able to attract certain metals

Electromagnet (n.)
Current (n.)
Positive (adj.)
Negative (adj.)
Attract (v.)
Repel (v.)
Circuit (n.)
Terminal (n.)
Series circuit (n.)
Parallel circuit (n.)
Electron (n.)
Device (n.)
Coil (v./n.)
Reverse (v.)
Compass (n.)

A piece of metal which becomes magnetic

when electricity is passed through it.
The flow of a electric along an electric
circuit from the positive to negative
Containing or producing the type of
electricity that is carried by a proton
Containing or producing the type of
electricity that is carried by an electron.
When a substance makes another
substance move towards it.
When a substance pushes other
substances away from it.
A closed path through which electric
charges flow.
A point at which connections can be made
in an electric circuit.
A circuit in which there is only one path for
the charge to follow.
A circuit in which there is more than one
path for the charge to follow.
a very small piece of matter (= a
substance) with a negative electric charge,
found in all atoms
A machine or a piece of equipment that
has been designed to do a particular job


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to wind into a series of circles


to change something completely so that it

is the opposite of what it was before
an instrument for finding direction, with a
needle that always points to the north


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