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Background of the Study

Arnis is a Filipino martial art that can be performed individually or with a partner using a
single stick or a pair of sticks for striking and blocking; can also be used for self-defense. It was
founded by Remy Presas and he used it as a self-defense system. Arnis, also known as Eskrima,
Kali, Garrote and other names in various regional languages, such as Pananandata in Tagalog;
Pagkalikali, Ibanag; Kabaraon and Kalirongan, Pangasinan; Kaliradman, Bisaya; and Didja,
Ilokano, is an indigenous Filipino martial art and sport characterized by the use of swinging and
twirling movements, accompanied by striking, thrusting and parrying techniques for defense and
offense. This is usually done with the use of one or two sticks or any similar implements or with
bare hands and feet also used for striking, blocking, locking and grappling, with the use of the
same principle as that with the canes. Arnis was declared as the Philippine National Martial Art
and Sport on December 11, 2009 through Republic Act 9850 signed by Pres. Gloria MacapagalArroyo. As per R.A. 9850, the official adoption of arnis as the national martial art and sport shall
be promulgated by inscribing the symbol of arnis in the official seal of the Philippine Sports
Commission and by making it as the first competition to be played by participating teams on the
first day in the annual Palarong Pambansa. The Philippine Sports Commission is be the lead
agency to implement the provisions of this Act. -National Sport: Arnis (2015)
Through the supervision of the Department of Education Arnis Association of the
Philippines (DEAAP), students from elementary to high school have been given the chance to
learn and practice the sport. According to Al Pelgone, DEAAP National President, the inclusion
of the sport in many schools curriculum is vital because it would help the younger generation to
appreciate our very own national sport.- Fabrero (2012) Arnis is under the dual sports in the third
quarter of the Physical Education subject in K-12 Curriculum. For teachers, teaching arnis is
risky during their actual demonstration and performance because there are some instances that the
students may accidentally hit each other while they are playing the arnis sticks. Some schools
doesn't have enough facilities to accomodate learners to have a conducive learning. On the other
hand, equipment is also one of the problems that the teachers and students faced because some
students are lack of financial support.
The purpose of this study is to identify the different techniques and strategies that the
teacher used in teaching arnis. The researchers will interview the different schools that offered
Arnis. After the researchers identified, the researchers will have a curriculum guide for the
teachers to deepen their knowledge about arnis and they will know the effective techniques and
strategies that they can apply when they are teaching.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify factors in implementing combative sports in school settings, to
determine a specific solution in those various problems that teachers and students encountered in
a classroom settings in order to cope with those various problems:

What are the teaching strategies in teaching arnis?

What are the teaching techniques in teaching arnis?

What are the problems encountered in teaching arnis?

Conceptual Framework
This study wants to determine the techniques and strategies in teaching dual sports
specifically Arnis. According to Silver (2007) page 1 in the book ''The Strategic Teacher'',
the word strategy comes from two ancient greek roots: stratos, meaning " multitude" or "that
which is spread out " and again , meaning "to lead" or "to bring together" Thus, at its heart, the
word strategy celebrates the difference between teaching and nearly all other proffesions. In
addition Senin (2011) states that strategy usually requires some sort of planning. You'd probably
use strategy when faced with a new situation for example the strategy to win a game. Techniques
on the other hand according to Senin (2011) are a procedure or skill for completing a specific
task. Physical Education is concerned with the development of the total personality and with the
integration of the physical, intellectual, social and emotional aspect of individual. According to
Winter (2010)Physical Education programs resulting from the current recession include the low
workplace morale, the elimination of teaching as well as coaching positions, an increase in
physical education class size, and, a decline in resources (i.e., equipment and supplies). Physical
education teachers must understand the current economic situation they find themselves in and
react in an appropriate manner and timely fashion if they are to continue to develop
professionally and maintain job security. It is recommended that physical education teachers: will
remain visibly positive, be versatile in what they can teach (and coach), be able to teach and
coach at different levels, demonstrate large class teaching skills, be innovative and flexible in all
areas pertaining to their job, and be viewed as competent, professional and innovative teachers by
school authorities, parents, students and members of the community
Scope and Limitation
The research examines the school profile of the different corresponding schools that offers
Arnis such as NOHS, BCNHS, and LHNHS. This study aims to identify the different schools that
teaching arnis, the techniques of the teacher and the difficulties encountered by the teachers. To
attain this study the survey form will help the researchers identified those various techniques and
strategies of the teachers in the different schools. This study will only limit to all grade 7 PE
teachers in the selected schools and the researchers will only focus on the subject of physical
Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

The Teachers. This study will help the teachers deepen their knowledge about Arnis through
the curriculum guide. The curriculum guide will help them to enhance their techniques through
teaching Arnis in the classroom setting. This study will also improve their skills in assisting
students in teaching Arnis.
The Future Researchers. This study suggest to the future researchers on how strategies and
techniques in Arnis will guide them in their future endeavor.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are used in this study. Hence, they are defined both conceptually
and/or operationally.
Arnis Arnis / Escrima / Kali. Martial Arts from the Philippines, which teach a way of using
swords, sticks and knifes. First, the defense with sticks or other objects is taught. All strikes can
be executed with or without weapon. Kwon (2008)
Dual Sports - Provide students with knowledge, experience and an oppurtunity to expand their
skills in various racquet sports. Fitness/Conditioning is also implemented throughout this course Anonymous. A dual sport is one that can be played with only two people, such as tennis or
fencing. Tennis and fencing both have just two players who face off against one another.
MAPEH Teacher - A teacher who teaches Physical Education in a particular school. In this
study, this term refers to the teacher who is handling students in the P.E class in order to develop
the individuals physically, mentally, socially and emotionally through the total body movement
in the performance of physical activities.
K-12 curriculum - the k-12 program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6
years of primary education, 4 years of Junior high school, and 2 years of senior high school) to

provide sufficient time for mastery of concept and skills, develop lifelong learners and prepare
graduates for tertiary education, middle skills development, employment and entrepreneurship.
DepEd (2013)
Techniques - Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task. Senin (2011).
Technique on the other hand, it is a procedure or skill for completing a specific task.
Strategies - Strategy usually requires some sort of planning. Senin (2011) in teaching strategies it
is refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and be able to develop
achievable goals in the future.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains both related literature and studies that support the problem of the
study. It also includes both foreign and local literature that is significant to the study.
Arnis envolvement from a bladed weapon into its present systematic martial art form spans
a history over a thousand years. The scarcity of written record and the archipelagic nature of the
country contributed to its fragmented development across the ages, making it difficult for
researchers to establish it's chronological line of descent to the modern times. To this day, the
ancient art of arnis remains a mistery-shrouded and, interestingly enough, in a process of being
re-discovered. However many writers claims that arnis was a forerunner of a bladded weapon
called ''Kali'' an ancient malayan word denoting a large bladded weapon longer than a knife, and
the art had been derived from the native fencing of Indonesia called ''Tjakalele'. - Arnis Presas
Style and Balisong.
Arnis is officially recognized by the Department of Education as a sport. The
issued DECS Order No. 58 S. 1990 known as the guidelines and standards for the college of

physical education included arnis in the course individual/dual sports program of the service of
physical education. The FMA Filipino Martial Arts Arnis gained respect from the students in
the University. The active Hall of Fame awardee grandmaster Bobby Taboada and twenty one
(21) Masters of World Balintawak Arnis Escrima Cuentada System Mecklenburg Cennty, North
Carolina United States of America took pleasure in presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to the
University of Cebu Arnis Team (UCAT) and to the researcher in honor and recognition of their
continued efforts and accomplishments in promoting the art of the Filipino. UC has the biggest
population in terms of people the biggest in practicing arnis and it came up as a constant
champion in over-all tournaments. Many times UC bagged the gold medals which merited a
special interview in Bombo Radio and CCTN with Mr. Boby Inoferio. The World Nickelstick
Eskrima Club Balintawak Style and Arnis de Caballes had modified many antiquated techniques
and introduced new styles which are easy to learn. The improvement which the researcher has
introduced gained enthusiasm among the students and proved very effective. The researcher
learned from his late father Eusebio C. Caballes the principle of freewind which was introduced
to the students. The late father of the researcher formulated the principle using the effect of the
wind which blows in any direction from the north, south, east, or west, symbolizing the
combinations of motions and movements like striking from the different parts of the human body.
With this principle it has formulated a good self-defense training program for the students of the
physical education. With the application of the freewind principle in the craft of arnis, it produced
quality fighters as the students have proven in the national and international competitions, dated
January 15, 2005. - Manila Standard Today (2005)
Techniques of the Teacher
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (2015) The majority of the schools of physical
education and sports in Turkey consist of three departments, which are physical education and
sports teaching department, coaching education and sports management departments. All of these
departments are applying similar entrance examinations, and mostly similar curriculum and

learning styles to the students. The purpose of the present study was to determine multiple
intelligence domains of the School of Physical Education and Sports' students, and to compare
them according to variables of departments. To the other article the Educational Research and
Reviews (2014) it stated that The study was conducted in order to detect critical thinking
dispositions and learning styles of the students of school of physical education and sports, to
explore whether there was a significant difference in terms of gender variable and academic
department variable and, to discover the correlation between critical thinking tendencies and
learning styles of the students.
Understanding context is a key to management, and the context of physical education is
unique and variable. Beyond the obvious factor of students moving in a large space, the context is
influenced by variability in teaching sites, poor acoustics, a diverse student population, large sizes
and the need to safely incorporate simultaneously moving bodies, implements, and objects. For
these and other reasons, class management in physical education maybe more difficult than in the
classroom. Physical educators must have flexible skills that are adaptable to different teaching
spaces because physical education occurs in a wide variety of settings. Teachers at well-resourced
secondary schools might rotate their class through a classroom, weight room, pool, gymnasium,
and outdoor teaching sites throughout the year. Lindfors (2013) on the other hand study used
cognitive developmental theory to analyze how teachers learn to teach sport education. Two
groups of undergraduate pre-service teachers were studied, one group during their secondary
methods and corresponding field-teaching courses, the other during an independent teaching
course. Data were collected through ethnographic observations and interviews, and analyzed
using constant comparison. Findings revealed that the teachers encountered three pitfalls in
learning to teach sport education. First, group one teachers struggled with the tactical instruction
in sport education and, in response, retreated to the safety of decontextualized skill drills or noninstructional games. Second, group one teachers, in their descriptions of future pedagogical
intentions, expressed resistance, for a number of reasons, to incorporating most of the unique

characteristics of sport education into their future secondary classrooms. Third, group two
teachers misunderstood the role of skill development in sport education. The discussion centres
on mechanisms of knowledge acquisition related to learning sport education, and
recommendations for teacher educators and future research. Release of Journal Citation Reports,
Across the nation schools are adopting health and wellness policies, specifically physical
activity (PA) initiatives that aid healthy long-term lifestyles. Interest has been generated about the
inclusion of physical activity classes to complement existing physical education classes.
Furthermore, discussion has evolved as to if additional instructional resources are needed for
physical educators to be adequately equipped to instruct physical activity classes. In this study,
we evaluated the instruction and classroom management of physical education teachers
instructing a physical activity class over 10 weeks. The purpose of this study was to identify
specific instructional constructs that limit movement time. Implementation barriers were
identified and used to create techniques to enhance professional education practice and transition
a physical education teacher successfully into instructing a physical activity class. Adkins
Strategies of the Teacher
The process and impact of a self-responsibility model for delinquency-prone youth was
investigated using a variation of the case study method. Ten 4th-grade boys referred by school
officials participated in a 6-week special physical education program. Five of the six data sources
suggested that (a) the model caused some affective, behavioral, and knowledge changes in the
boys, especially in the special program; (b) the experience influenced the special program
teacher's attitudes and values regarding both delinquency-prone youth and the applicability of the
model for non-delinquency-prone youth; and (c) the model, with the exception of strategies for
transfer, retained its validity throughout the case study. Premises and limitations of the research
design are discussed. According to Philip J. Morgan & Vibeke Hansen (2013)
According to Gorman (2012) A major aim of the current study was to determine what
classroom teachers perceived to be the greatest barriers affecting their capacity to deliver
successful physical education (PE) programs. An additional aim was to examine the impact of
these barriers on the type and quality of PE programs delivered. This study applied a mixed-mode
design involving data source triangulation using semistructured interviews with classroom
teachers (n = 31) and teacher-completed questionnaires (n = 189) from a random sample of 38
schools. Results identified the key factors inhibiting PE teachers, which were categorized as

teacher-related or institutional. Interestingly, the five greatest barriers were defined as

institutional or out of the teacher's control. The major adverse effects of these barriers were
evident in reduced time spent teaching PE and delivering PE lessons of questionable quality.
According to Glanz (2013) A supportive classroom environment, the students utilize a wide
variety of observation, strategies and practise descriptive feedback, and collaborative problem
solving with one another, in the work setting, they work closely with a colleague, testing the same
strategies. eache of these activities develops skill, but more important the actual experimentation
establishes the validity of the specific techniques and builds learner confidence in his or her
ability to use this techniques effectively.
Problems Encountered by the Teacher
Physical education programs throughout the country are feeling the negative effects of what
is proving to be the longest and most severe financial crisis in this country since the Great
Depression. Potentially negative issues in physical education programs resulting from the current
recession include: (a) low workplace morale, (b) the elimination of teaching as well as coaching
positions, (c) an increase in physical education class size, and (d) a decline in resources (i.e.,
equipment and supplies). Physical education teachers must understand the current economic
situation they find themselves in and react in an appropriate manner and timely fashion if they are
to continue to develop professionally and maintain job security. It is recommended that physical
education teachers: (a) remain visibly positive, (b) be versatile in what they can teach (and
coach), (c) be able to teach and coach at different levels, (d) demonstrate large class teaching
skills, (e) be innovative and flexible in all areas pertaining to their job, and (f) be viewed as
competent, professional and innovative teachers by school authorities, parents, students and
members of the community. Winter (2010).
Physical educators need to think creatively when providing equipment for use by their
students. The problem that has been identified is: "How does a teacher provide for the daily
equipment needs of the students when the financial resources are severely limited?" One common
solution is the construction of "homemade" or improvised equipment. Although there are an array
of resources that provide examples of self-made equipment, the physical education literature is
somewhat sparse in providing guiding principles and underlying concepts to assist the "builder"
during the decision making, design and construction phases. Marston (2014)
Akomolafe (2016) showed a paper that examines the relevance of physical facilities in
enhancing the level of motivation and the academic performance of senior secondary school
students in South West Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto design. The population consists
of all senior secondary students in South West Nigeria. The samples of the study include one
thousand and fifty senior secondary school students from three states out of the six states in the
South West Geo-political zone. The researcher made use of a questionnaire and an inventory to

collect data. A self-designed questionnaire tagged "Motivation and Academic Performance of

Senior Secondary School Students" (MAPSSS) was used to elicit information from the
respondent. The result showed that there was a significant relationship between physical facilities
and students level of motivation and academic performance. Based on the findings of the study,
more physical, human and material resources that are of high quality should be made available in
public school to motivate students towards learning. More priority should be given to allocation
of funds to make the public school conducive for teaching and learning to take place; this will
improve the academic standard of public schools.
Relevant references and sporting associations are referred to so that the correct safety
precautions are followed. According to Peter (2009) the standard precautions and safety measures
minimize any potential risk to students, all items of equipment are safe, regularly inspected,
repaired and maintained records of inspections, maintenance and repairs are kept at the school
and Teachers have the recommended qualifications and experience for: sport education. Hazards
and risks are identified and controlled following risk management processes. Supervising
teachers have first aid training. Kahan (2003) about 25 % of child injuries occurs in schools,
most of them during physical education activities. Physical education safety guidelines are one
strategy to reduce the number of student injuries. However, based on the findings of a recent
evaluation of provincial safety guidelines, only two-thirds of physical education teachers use the
safety guidelines. This article discusses some of the major barriers for use of the safety
guidelines, which include lack of awareness, the high cost of implementing safety
recommendations, local cultural sensitivities, saturation of policies and guidelines for the
classroom, teachers' perception of self as a professional, and the inherent nature of children.
Although there is much debate about whether or not to make the use of safety guidelines
mandatory or voluntary, the author recommends voluntary use to allow for maximum
professional input. If combative activity has such transformational potential, why is it such a hitor-miss part of the curriculum? Concerns over successful implementation in a coeducational
setting, lack of adequate equipment and facilities, importance compared to more traditional
offerings, and effective reduction of potential liability through proper risk management appear to
deter physical educators from wholeheartedly embracing combative activities. However, by

understanding how to modify them based on student characteristics,

Methods Materials and Methods
Research Design
This study uses the descriptive design. A descriptive study is one in which information is
collected without changing the environment sometimes these are referred to as correlational or
observational studies. Descriptive studies, in which the researcher interacts with the participant,
may involve surveys or interviews to collect the necessary information.- Trochim (2005)
This study will be conducted in order to find out the techniques, strategies and problems of
the teachers in teaching arnis. In this study, the survey method will be used to evaluate the
common problems in the implementation of combative sports in the K12 curriculum; it will also
used in gathering data. The study utilizes questionnaires in the collection of data.
The study include all grade 7 PE Teachers teaching arnis in the cooperating schools such as
Bacolod City National High School, Negros Occidental High School and Luis Hervias National
High School.

The researchers used a survey questionnaire as instrument; An appendix A contains of ; ,
Techniques, Strategies and Problems Encountered. The survey form consist of three major
components namely: a brief letter to the respondents, a set of items for the respondent profile and
a set of questions aligned with the objectives of the study to identify the common problems in the
implementation of combative sports in the K-12 curriculum.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers undertook the following steps in conducting the data gathering;
1 The researchers had a occular visit into different schools

2. The researchers draft a letter

3. The researchers come up a approvation signed by teacher
4. The letter delivered to cooperating schools
5. The researchers made an initial survey questionnaire
6. The survey questionnaire was validated by the teachers
Statistical Tool
The gathered data were tabulated, grouped and presented in tables and graphs in the next
chapter. The following statistical measures were used to analyze the data.
Frequency count. This was use in the study to determine the common problems in the
implementation of combative sports.
Mean. this was use in the study to determine the common denominator of selected schools.

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