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Food delivery market in India worth over 12.5 billion, Online food delivery is
contributing more than 7% to this market. More than 50,000 restaurants in
India provides home delivery, indicates a very high potential and untapped
market in online food delivery space.
Players in the industry broadly classified into three categories--o Fully integrated: Those who process food and delivers (Dominos,
McD etc)
o Delivery as a Service
o Aggregators: Provides a platform for customers where they could
discover restaurants, navigate through menus of different
cuisines, and select the food. Delivery made by the restaurant. In
short, aggregates information about food for customers and
function as an order generating channel for restaurants.
(TinyOwl, Zomato, FoodPanda etc)

Reasons for growth in online food delivery industry :

o Increase in disposable income and deeper internet penetration of
customers (web/mobile).
o Restaurants tying up with online food delivery platforms claim to
get a profit margin of more than 2 to 3% than dine-ins.
These days people are prone to placing food orders online and capitalising
this trend a lot of restaurants are yielding good returns by registering
themselves on online ordering sites like Foodpanda, Tastykhana, JustEat,
Hyderabad Special etc and many local ordering websites are also following
suit. Food service Industry in India is a $41.3 bn market (as of 2014) with a
CAGR of 11% and is expected to reach $68 bn
Indian Organized QSR market is expected to grow to $1.2 bn by 2017
30% of the expenditure is spent on Food and Beverages which has risen over
the years.The reasons for the same are
Double Income households are on the rise
Changing Lifestyle
Food Preferences

The demand for home delivery is growing at a health pace with the value
reaching Rs 2.2 billion in 2013
Current Market
Expected Market
share by 2017

Driving factors
Greater awareness and disposable income along with deeper Internet
penetration, availability of more payment options, long working hours and
erratic lifestyle are contributing online food ordering business. At the same
time, with more and more people wanting healthy food, or food similar to
home cooked meals that too eas y on the pockets is leading to the rise of
online food business in the country.
Nixon Dsouza, Brand Manager, Nom Nom, says, Penetrating through every
commercial aspect humans have started using technology for everything and
food ordering is one such developments.
Rohit Chadda, MD and Founder Foodpanda, believes, Online ordering is
convenient giving the customers a broader option to choose from the
restaurants listed on the website.
Future of the business
As per the industry experts, the overall food delivery business is more than
USD 7 billion to which online food ordering contributes 5-7 percent and is
growing 40 percent per year than dine-in culture. The margin is however two
to three percent higher in deliveries. According to Ritesh Dwivedy, MD and
CEO, JustEat, The future seems bright for the online food business in India,
as we are trying to catch up with developed markets where 30 percent of
delivery takes place through online channels.
Major players
Online food ordering is at an exciting phase now. Many local and national players are joining
the space. In fact the foreign brand JustEat has also tied up with the Bangalore based
HungryZone. Foodpanda which started its business from Delhi-NCR is the major player in
the segment followed by JustEat and TastyKhana, a Pune initiative. Besides, DeliveryChef,
BigBite, Titbit and eatallnite are the emerging players in the online food delivery market
which is estimated to grow at 40 percent annually. On Demand Food Delivery Industry

Placing food orders online benefits consumers, restaurants and the food
delivery players. For consumers, it is not only an eas y and convenient tool
but it is also a great platform to avail good discounts.
Vasul Chauhan, Restaurant Manager, Smokeys Barbeque & Grill, said, We
have partnered with JustEat to explore new business opportunities and give a
push to our already successful home delivery format but till now the response
is not overwhelming.
However, Dwivedy is of the opinion that, The profit margin is 2-3 percent
higher in deliveries as compared to dine-in these days

Marketing strategies
Online food delivery platforms largely try to be present in all the channels
that drive awareness. For example, newspapers, television, hoardings and
billboards to the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, they
advertise in all. Chadda explained, We give about 15-30 percent discounts
on ordering through us. At the same time we have also organised several
campaigns including the food gifting programmes and buy one get one free
Today, only 40% of young college-age people eat lunch at home. Chiefly, but not
exclusively, teenagers and young adults use fast food facilities when they need
to catch a bite on the go. According to studies, 66% of young men and 33% of
women in Switzerland eat one to two hamburgers a week, and half the teenagers
eat French-fries once a week. The large chains have pulled out all the stops of
modern marketing, targeting primarily young consumers. They entice their
potential customers with TV spots, children's parties, gifts for small children,
and an ambiance that is generally child- and teenager-friendly. Large
distributors, bakers and butchers, snack bars, and so on, also exploit the fast
food trend and offer more take-out products. It's obvious that these campaigns
are at the expense of traditional home dining culture. Experts have coined the
term "McDonaldization" to describe this phenomenon.
Some noticeable facts about fast food industry are: Fast food had experienced
fast growth in past decade. Changing lifestyles, breakdown of joint family
system, increasing number of working women's and western influence in urban
areas are fuelling the demand for fast food.
India already has the entire requirement for a head start in food industry. Basic
materials such as food, vegetables and meat can be sourced locally or easily
imported if local availability is not adequate.
Food outlets are just beginning to appear in India's big cities and this is a time
for international chains to set a foothold. Competition will increase only with

Table 1


Competitive Rivalry or Competition with Whole Foods Market (Strong Force)
Whole Foods Market experiences the strong force of competitive rivalry. This
element of the Five Forces analysis model deals with the effects of firms on
each other. In Whole Foods Markets case, the external factors that contribute
to this strong force of competition are as follows:
High number of firms (strong force)
High aggressiveness of firms (strong force)
Low switching costs (strong force)

Whole Foods Market is in the grocery and health food store business, which
is part of the retail industry. The retail industry is saturated with many firms.
Also, retail companies aggressively compete based on price, service, quality
and other variables. In addition, Whole Foods Market faces the strong force
of competition because of low switching costs. Consumers can easily shift
from Whole Foods Market to other retailers. To address this part of the Five
Forces analysis model, Whole Foods Market differentiates its products based
on high quality.
Bargaining Power of Whole Foods Markets Customers/Buyers (Strong
The bargaining power of consumers is strong in impacting Whole Foods
Market. This element of the Five Forces analysis model refers to the effect of
buyers on businesses. In Whole Foods Markets case, the external factors that
contribute to the strong bargaining power of customers are as follows:
Low switching costs (strong force)
High quality of information (strong force)
Small volume of individual purchases (weak force)
Most of Whole Foods Markets customers are individuals whose purchases are
small compared to the total revenues of the firm. However, it is easy for
customers to move to other retailers, corresponding to the low switching
costs. In addition, Whole Foods Markets customers have access to
information they can use to properly evaluate the companys products. As a
result, Whole Foods Market must address consumer concerns. Otherwise, they
could move to other retailers. Whole Foods Market addresses this part of the
Five Forces analysis model by implementing new policies for product quality.
For example, to address consumer demands about genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), Whole Foods Market plans to complete the
implementation of a new labeling rule for GMO-containing products in its
stores by 2018.
Bargaining Power of Whole Foods Markets Suppliers (Moderate Force)
Whole Foods Market faces the moderate impact of the bargaining power of
suppliers. This element of the Five Forces analysis model identifies the
degree at which suppliers impose their demands on business and the industry.
In Whole Foods Markets case, the external factors that contribute to the
moderate force of supplier power are as follows:
Moderate level of supply (moderate force)
Large size of individual suppliers (moderate force)
High number of suppliers (weak force)
Whole Foods Market has many suppliers, including local, regional and
national wholesalers and producers in the U.S. and overseas. This external
factor weakens the power of suppliers on the firm. However, Whole Foods
Markets suppliers are mostly large wholesalers, such as United Natural
Foods Inc. (UNFI). Because of their size, these suppliers exert moderate
pressure on Whole Foods Market. Also, the limited supply of truly organic
and natural non-GMO foods means that suppliers could impose demands on
the company and expect moderate results. Whole Foods Market addresses this
part of the Five Forces analysis model by expanding its supply chain, which

now has a global scope and emphasizes producers in developing countries.

The resulting diversification of suppliers in Whole Foods Markets supply
chain helps dilute the bargaining power of suppliers.
Threat of Substitutes or Substitution (Strong Force)
Substitutes present a strong force on Whole Foods Market. This element of
the Five Forces analysis model pertains to the impact of substitute products
on business and the industry. In Whole Foods Markets case, the external
factors that contribute to the strong force of the threat of substitution are as
High availability of substitute products (strong force)
Low switching costs (strong force)
Low cost of substitutes (strong force)
Whole Foods Market competes with many substitutes, which are products that
are not classified as organic, natural or GMO-free. Most of these substitutes
are cheaper. Also, it is easy for customers to shift away from Whole Foods
Market toward these substitute products. As a result, substitutes exert a
strong force on the firm. To address this part of the Five Forces analysis
model, Whole Foods Market focuses on high quality. Also, the company
occasionally offers discounts to attract customers.
Threat of New Entrants or New Entry (Strong Force)
Whole Foods Market experiences the strong force of the threat of new
entrants or new entry. This element of the Five Forces analysis model deals
with the effect of new firms in the industry. In Whole Foods Markets case,
the external factors that contribute to the strong force of the threat of new
entrants are as follows:
High ease of doing business (strong force)
Low switching costs (strong force)
Moderate cost of doing business (moderate force)
Whole Foods Market is in an industry where establishing a new business
requires moderate spending. Even small retailers can compete with the
company. It is also relatively easy to operate in the grocery and health food
store industry. Moreover, new entrants have high chances of success because
they can easily attract customers away from firms like Whole Foods Market.
Thus, the threat of new entry presents a strong force on the business. To
address this part of the Five Forces analysis model, Whole Foods Market
focuses on quality to entice and keep customers.

My role in the respective company was to give presentation about the product
to the merchants by explaining them about the newly designed application for
them as well as for the customers. I had been given a task to do cold calling
to the merchants, the restaurants owners, Managing Director of a particular
restaurants having different branches in several areas.
I had to perform a Demo presentation on the product in front of the marketing
team in which I was being evaluated and was also guided by the team on how
to be more creative and different in selling the product more effectively and
efficiently by being more expressive and enthusiastic towards the product.
I had been given a role to list out all the restaurants names, food chains and
updating the names on the tracker for further execution
I had to fix appointments for the meeting with the merchants, owners.
Managing directors of the respective food chains, restaurants in different
locations in Bangalore where required by explaining them about the product
by telling the positive returns and benefits that they would be getting out
from the application, also had to make them understand about the market
scenario the competitors of this applications like zomato, food panda, swiggy
that how this app is different from their competititors.
Besides this I was being told to send e-mails to the merchants and follow ups.
Was a part of the marketing team so on the daily basis I along with the other
Interns had to shell out atleast one marketing idea, plan on how to promote
the application by using different distribution channels like social media
marketing, advertising, direct marketing (cold calling) SMS blasts and other
promotional campaigns and through organizational activities.

Every week I had to keep a track on the tasks performed by other interns by
keeping a record on the tracker designed for all the activities and tasks
accomplished by them.


A. Conducting Market Research

Carried out market research to gain a clear understanding of what an

organization's customers really want. Marketing research enabled us to
identify new market opportunities, helping the organization create a market
niche for its products or services. Market research also involves studying the
organization's competitors so as to develop superior products and employ
efficient marketing techniques. Conducted market research using
questionnaires, face-to-face interviews or analyzing the buying habits of

B .Developing the Marketing Strategy:

I was responsible for developing marketing strategies for the firm. These
strategies outline clearly how an organization will promote its products and
services to its target market with an aim of increasing its sales volumes and
maintaining a competitive edge over its competitors.
C Customer Relationship Management:
Performs the function of championing customer relationship management in
the organization by collecting the information from the different corporate
offices and restaurants ownerss customer database to help and create a
customer satisfaction survey. Analyzing the shared information to ensure
that we offer excellent customer service to our clients in order to build
lasting relationships.
D. Identified New Business Opportunities

I analyzed market trends with an aim of identifying unexploited or new

markets for the organization's products and services. Through studying the
purchasing patterns of consumers, they can identify the peak and off-peak
demand periods for their products. By employing sales forecasting, they can
estimate future performance of the organization's products. Also through
market analysis and forecasting, they can develop strategies to ensure the
organization remains competitive.
E .Management of the marketing mix
The marketing mix includes all tangible elements that allowed me to market
the product. This includes facilities, the product itself, the cost strategy, the
process of selling, and how to promote and advertise. The extent to which I
got involved in those elements depended on how marketing focused on the
business was. A product focused organization will probably start with an
ideas for a new product, then try and determine who is likely to buy it. .I
tried to figure out what they want to buy. A marketing focus provides a
greater chance of success .
F. Work Activities .
Researched and analysed market trends
Identified target market and how best to reach them
Came up with marketing strategies
Planned campaigns and managed budget
Organized the production of posters and brochures
Designed social media strategies
Attended trade shows and trade meetings
Made sure campaigns run to deadlines and are on budget
Monitored and reported on the effectiveness on strategies and campaigns
Managed a team of interns


Outreach Events
I often arranged events to raise the profile of the firm or lend its brand and
name to a promotional events that represented the philosophy of the company.
Media Relations

Talking and getting connected on the social media with the customers and
merchants was a core function of public relations , arranged interviews with
key individuals and wrote blogs.
Social Media
One emerging function of public relations is to maximize an organizations
positive use of social media to build its image. Managing a Twitter feed, a
Facebook page and are all vital ways to connect with possible new
customers or stakeholders. Monitoring public comment about the organization
on the Internet can also give PR professionals early warning of any emerging
trends or problems.
Handling Emergencies
Sometimes a company or organization is struck by a disastrous event that
ruins its public image. This might be an oil company that has to deal with a
high profile spill, or a food company that has a contamination event. Public
relations professionals decide how the organization will repair the damage to
its image, communicate how it is dealing with the problem and regain control
of its message.
I aimed to create a partnership between the company and merchants rather
than consider the relationship merely transactional. Consumers who felt that a
business responds to their needs are more likely to continue using the
products and services that the business offers. Additionally, maintaining a
level of communication with consumers allows me to identify potential
sources of costlyproblems.

Ballyhoo Today is a hyper-local that helps you find the best deals on
restaurants, pubs, breweries, night life and much more around you, just when
you want. Find a deal that catches your fancy, pay for it through the app, and
go to the merchant location to redeem it. is a podium
designed to enrich real life experiences of people eating and parties by
making them more interactive and fun at an affordable price due to deep
discounts being offered by our partner businesses.
Businesses have the benefit of targeting customers in immediate proximity to
them that are interested in their offering. Our-end to-end and highly costeffective offering for small businesses, leverages location based hyper-local
targeted advertising options to provide the right offers to right individuals at
the right time.
It is meant to help find treats and treasures at a discount!

To enhance consumers' food experience and create value for merchants
through data and technology."

Be the most trusted brand in food tech by offering our consumers and
merchants total convenience, complete control and the freedom of choice."

We believe that it's the people at who make this a fun and
exciting place to work and will be pivotal in creating the space we aspire to
lead. In our endeavour to be a company of giants where smart, passionate and
dynamic individuals contribute at their peak energy levels, we maintain an
open culture that a start-up should.

Privacy policy
1: What Personal Information Does Ballyhoo Collect?
Your phone number, location information from time to time
Any personal information that you choose to provide such as name, email,
Information about your device such as hardware information, operating
system version, carrier info if available.
2: Why is this information collected?
Your Services account will be associated with your phone number and this
account will be used for all our Services that you use. Information you
provide to one of our Services may be used with other Services from us that
you or your friends use. For example, location information we receive in
connection with your use of one of our apps may be used to customize the
content you and your friends see in another of our apps. We may also draw
upon this Personal Information in order to adapt the Services of our
community to your needs, to research the effectiveness of our network and

Services, and to develop new tools for the community .The contact
information you provide may be used by Ballyhoo to send you timely and
relevant promotions. By accepting this privacy policy, you give live in tech
the right to contact you by SMS or e-mail for such promotions.
Ballyhoo provides you, the user, with deals in vairous categories which are
highly customized to your location, indicated tastes and probable use. Since
the deals are real-time short lived and sensitive, we need to collect the above
information on a periodic basis. Your contact information is collected in
order to enable you to share the deals that you discover on our platform with
your friends at real-time.
3: How is My Information Shared?
Personal Information about our users is an integral part of our business. We
neither rent nor sell your indentifiable personal Information to anyone.
4: Friends and Followers:
Followers and people/brands you follow on Ballyhoo: Followers can see your
publicly available information and you can see the publicly available
information of users you follow, as described below (under "Publicly
Available Information and Apps").
Individuals reading this information may use it or disclose it to other
individuals or entities without our control and without your knowledge. We
therefore urge you to think carefully about including any specific information
you may deem private in comments, plans or tips or other content (location or
otherwise) that you create in the Services.
Businesses, Locations, Events and Brands: One of the key purposes of the
Services is to help users learn about businesses, locations, events and brands
(for example, a restaurant or a movie theater or a hotel) that are relevant to
them, and for these entities to provide information about themselves, their
locations and events to users, as well as to reward users when they visit their
location or event through offers and specials.
Publicly Available Information : When you use the Services, certain
information is public, such as your public user profile information, tips,
likes, saves, public photos, lists that you create and save, tastes and lists of
friends and/or followers (as applicable to a particular Service), and may be
searchable by search engines and be shared with or disclosed to third parties,
including through our API to a wide range of users and services. We may also
share or disclose aggregated and anonymous data, such as de-identified
location data, to third parties, including users you may follow and users of
our Service, for analytical or other purposes.
5: Determining your location
The Services deal with location, so in order to work, the Services need to
know your location. Whenever you open and use/interact with our apps on
your mobile device or go to one of our Sites, we use the location information
from your mobile device or browser (e.g., latitude and longitude) to tailor the
Services experience to your current location (i.e., we'll show you a list of
nearby locations, friends and tips). This information is NOT shared in a form
that is identified with you with others unless you are using a service that they
offer. Also, the Services use your mobile device's background location to
provide the Services, including to send you notifications of
tips/friends/plans/interesting things etc. near you. If you have background
location turned on, the Ballyhoo app will, from time to time, tell us about

your device's location even if you are not directly interacting with the
6: Sharing Location with the Ballyhoo app
Your real-time location is not shared with anyone on the Ballyhoo app in a
form that identifies you .If you use a service from one of our merchants,
write a tip, like or otherwise interact with a place, users may infer that you
have been to that location. Some content, like tips, are time stamped and
other users could use that information to infer when you were at a place even
though tips can be posted when you aren't at the place you are leaving a tip
Your location data is ONLY shared with others when you proactively decide
to "purchase" a deal from one of the merchants on our platform. "Others" in
this scenario ONLY represents the owner of the service / product that you
have purchased.
B y default, location sharing is turned on and at a radius level is shared with
your Ballyhoo friends and is updated from time to time using your
background location. You can turn off neighbourhood sharing. Your location
is also shared when you proactively decide to "purchase with a "check in" is
the location information of that place.
9: Your Location History
We store your location history to provide you better quality deals. This
information is treated as private under any and all circumstances and is
NEVER shared.

Services offered (how they work) FIND DEALS WHERE YOU ARE
Ballyhoo uses your location to show the best deals near you. We can even
alert you when a great discount comes up in your neighbourhood, if you want
us to do so.

You can buy most deals by paying the full amount through the app, and
redeem at the merchant for a cashless experience.

This is just a friendly service for you to get a confirmed code for the deal.
The payments in full can be done at merchant.

Ballyhoo is meant for immediate consumption. Just open the app, buy a deal,
and you can redeem it immediately.

You can redeem deals with just a tap on a button - no printouts required!


We work incredibly hard to get you the best discounts on the services you use
the most. But please do not believe us- Try and decide yourself

We encourage businesses to offer a deal in real-time i.e. rest assured the deals
get updated atleast daily and sometimes hourly!

Driving factors
Greater awareness and disposable income along with deeper Internet
penetration, availability of more payment options, long working hours and
erratic lifestyle are contributing online food ordering business. At the same
time, with more and more people wanting healthy food, or food similar to
home cooked meals that too eas y on the pockets is leading to the rise of
online food business in the country.
Mr Abdul. Brand Manager, Nom Nom, says, Penetrating through every
commercial aspect humans have started using technology for everything and
food ordering is one such developments.
Rohit Chadda, MD and Founder Foodpanda, believes, Online ordering is
convenient giving the customers a broader option to choose from the
restaurants listed on the website.

Future of the business

As per the industry experts, the overall food delivery business is more than
USD 7 billion to which online food ordering contributes 5-7 percent and is
growing 40 percent per year than dine-in culture. The margin is however two
to three percent higher in deliveries. According to Ritesh Dwivedy, MD and
CEO, JustEat, The future seems bright for the online food business in India,
as we are trying to catch up with developed markets where 30 percent of
delivery takes place through online channels.

Placing food orders online benefits consumers, restaurants and the food
delivery players. For consumers, it is not only an eas y and convenient tool
but it is also a great platform to avail good discounts.
Vasul Chauhan, Restaurant Manager, Smokeys Barbeque & Grill, said, We
have partnered with JustEat to explore new business opportunities and give a
push to our already successful home delivery format but till now the response
is not overwhelming.
However, Dwivedy is of the opinion that, The profit margin is 2-3 percent
higher in deliveries as compared to dine-in these days

PRODUCT PORTFOLIO-An Online Market place and, Location-Based Marketing Platform .

-Real time online deal platform .
-Technology Integration App
-Marketing and sales support
- No Reselling hence, NO COMMISSION
- No Delivery Obligation
- No Pre Negotiations

The factors affecting the growth of E Business as follows:

IT and Security factors
Customer perception & Attitudes
Technological factors
General factors
Internet factors
Infrastructural & Internal resisting factors
Regulatory & Political factors
User interface factors

Information Technology & Security factorsMajor hurdle for growth of e business all over world is the security of online
Ensuring security of payments and privacy of online transactions is key to
widespread acceptance of e commerce
Virus, spyware, worms, Phishing increases fear
Denial of Service attacks & spoofing
Lack of transparency in electronic transactions
Internet provides greater access to data not only to legitimate users, but also
hackers, disgruntled employees, corporate spies.

Customer perception and attitudeLack of trust among customers for online business
Not sure of Restaurant food quality and service
No seen to Restaurant ambience
Many Indians prefer to go to same restaurant and they directly get discount
without any online transaction
Indian customers has attitude to bargain products
Its one thing to submit a credit card number to buy a service. Its quite
another thing to put your entire personnel dossier online and hope that no one
intercepts it.

Technological factorsE business partners find it hard to invest & update with new technologies
Bandwidth: Transmission capacity of a communication channel is a major
barrier for products that require more graphical & video data.
Rapidly changing technologies & emerging of new technologies
Financial costs: Storing information, data mining, processing orders has
High costs of developing, purchasing new software, licensing of software,
Integration into existing s ystems, costly e business solutions for optimization

General factorsLack of awareness & understanding the value of e business & security
involved in it
Lack of understanding on how E business operation works
Lack of trust: Safety, security, delivery
Lack of IT knowledge to purchase online
Different local languages & cultural factors
Leaders of many SMEs have less literacy in computers & IT area

Internet factors-

According to, India with a population of over 1.1

billion has estimated 6.9% (81 million) Internet users by 2008 [5]
E business depends on speed, bandwidth of communication.
Internet connections yet to reach many rural areas.
Broadband connections are limited to urban & sub-urban areas.
Low internet penetration as well as low credit card population.

Political & Legal factorsTaxations: Octroi, entry tax, VAT and lots of state specific forms which
accompany are confusing at times
Lack of regional legal framework, and legal framework on e-signatures
Need of harmonized taxation laws
Misuse of E commerce (child pornography, cyber squatting)
Rights to e-consumers still a major issue
Domain name registration policy, domain name disputes, privacy & data
protection issues

User Interface factorsSome products require more graphics than textual data
Some websites GUI confusing at times
Limited menus, poorly designed navigations, difficulty in comparing multiple
products on same screen
Lack of online support with product selection
Room for improvements in sound and picture quality
Virtual immaturity: This area in which much progress has not taken place
Web page design can change customer preferences

Free platform for the merchants until they access a sales of Rs 8000 through app
3% is deducted when ever there is online payment from the customer as
payment processing and support
After the marchant gets a sales of Rs 8000 then they have to pay a
membership fees to
- 1499
Quarterly - 3999
Semi-annually 6999
Annually 11999
For the customers its totally a free app , even they get rewards points when
they do any transaction through the app .

1. Traditional marketing, like pamphlets and hoardings. Posters are stuck in
the buildings where they serve. Partner restaurants will have pamplets
available at the counter which the customers can take with them. Partnering
with already popular restaurants helps their cause.
2. Online discount coupons. They regularly have coupons for special
occasions, or for certain days wherein they have 1+1 offers or a certain %
3. Making people download their app with special features or exclusive

TECHNOLOGYServer : Varnish cache server, which is based on nginx web server for core
libraries. This server has similar configuration to that of nginx webserver.

Databases: It's very difficult to predict what database server is being used
for a particular website. I am able to guess only that M ySQL (with innoDB
storage engine) might have used for databases.
OS: As Varnish cache server only runs on *nix systems, so may be Ubuntu/
Debian/CentOS/RHEL/FreeBSD/NetBSD etc.
Language: Probably PHP is used at server side as server response sets a cookie
PHPSESSID (Please see image above)
Content Delivery: Zomato use it's own Content Delivery Network (CDN)
servers, zmtcdn(dot)com
IP Address: with both the ports open 80, 443 (http & https)
hosted on Akamai servers.

Innovative Culture
An innovative culture helps to produce unique products and
services that meet their customer s needs "Innovative Culture " will
have a long-term positive impact on the entity, which adds to its value.

Financial Leverage
Financial leverage allows to use their balance sheet to
expand their business and increase their profits "Financial Leverage " has a
significant impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it. "Financial
Leverage will have a long-term positive impact on this entity, which adds to
its value. This statements will have a short-term positive impact on this
entity, which adds to its value.

Cost Advantages
Lower costs lead to higher profits for . A low cost leader can
undercut rivals on price "Cost Advantages " has a significant impact, so an
analyst should put more weight into it.
Superior technology allows to better meet the needs of their
customers in ways that competitors cant imitate

The online market offers the ability to greatly expand their
business. can market to a much wider audience for relatively
little expense.

Emerging Markets
Emerging markets are fast growing regions of the world that
enable to quickly expand

New Services
New services help to better meet their customers needs.
These services can expand Ballyhoo.todays business and diversify their
customer base .
New Technology
New technology helps to better meet their customer s needs
with new and improved products and services. Technology also builds
competitive barriers against rivals.
New Markets
Ne w ma rke t s a llo w ba ll yh oo. toda y to e xpa n d t he ir bu sine ss an d d i ve rsif y th e ir
p o rtf o lio of p ro du ct s an d se r vice s

International Expansion
International markets offer new opportunities to expand the
business and increase sales

Work Inefficiencies
An inefficient work environment means that BALLYHOO.TODAY goods and
services are not being utilized properly "Work Inefficiencies" has a
significant impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it.

High Staff Turnover

High staff turnover can hurt ability to compete, because
replacing valuable staff is expenses "High Staff Turnover " has a

significant impact, so an analyst should put more weight into it. "High Staff
Turnover" will have a long-term negative impact on this entity, which
subtracts from the entity's value. This statements will have a short-term
negative impact on this entity, which subtracts from its value.

Bad Acquisitions
Bad acquisition can hurt by increasing their costs and
reducing the value of their combined businesses. Acquisitions can also
distract from the core business and merge cultures that dont complement
each other "Bad Acquisitions " has a significant impact, so an analyst
should put more weight into it.

THREATSInternational Competition
International competitors are numerous and difficult to combat, because they
can have many competitive advantages that give them an advantage

Intense Competition
Intense completion can lower Ballyhoo.todays profits, because competitors
can entice consumers away with superior products

Substitute Products
The availability of substitute products hurts ability to raise
prices, because customers can easily switch to another product or service
STP Segment

Young population, working professionals looking for

information of restaurants

Target Group

All Smartphone Users

Positioning provides the real time deals of

restaurants & food guide to the customers

2.2 Sales Forces

The company does not require the larger number of sales force team as they
have single branch of the company and its a start up company, that they can
built relationship with more and more merchants and marketing their
2.7 Competitor Analysis
Competitive analysis is a process used in the formulation of strategic plans in
most organizations. Very often, it is adopted due to its rational process of
making long-term strategies. This is a process for identifying a specific
acceptable strategy for each individual organization, determined by its own
particular circumstances.
In any competitive analysis, industry structure analysis is unavoidable. The
first step in analyzing industry structure is to define the market or industry.
Having defined the market, the next step in the analysis is to identify the

structure of that market. We can do this by analyzing the external factors

which may affect the market usually termed as Porter s 5 forces. These
include Threat of new entrants, Rivalry among firms, Threat of Substitutes,
Bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of buyers. This can also
be done using SWOT analysis of that particular industry.
Analyzing the forces and making judgments on their relative importance
should lead managers to see how they can deal with and influence the forces,
thus identifying competitive advantage. The purpose of identifying a markets
structure, and the sources of competitive advantage it causes, is to draw
conclusions about strategies that will match or fit the environment.
Based on such frameworks, the manager need to demonstrate that strategies
recommend fulfil a strategic logic. Strategic logic means that a proposed
sequence of actions is consistently related to the objectives of the
organization and yet matches the organizations capability to its environment.
Therefore, in order to achieve this, various analytical techniques to determine
the strategic logic of a sequence of actions have been prescribed. They
include SWOT analysis, Life cycle Analysis, Portfolio analysis and Value
chain analysis.
5.3 Summary of all the competitors

khana/ Just Eat

Sw iggy



Offers and coupon

discounts, Market share
across Bangalore,
Promotion for brand
awareness, recruiting
delivery boys (12000 at
the end of the year

Timely delivery and

excellent service,
more than 150
delivery boys

Ultimate destination f
food includes table
bookings, home
delivery, and discover
of the restaurant.


Payment delay to the

restaurants, no cash on
delivery on some

Services are down at

peak time.

Home delivery begins

in only one segment o
their entire market.


Customers order food via

app and online is

Customers order food

via app and online is

Customers order food

via app and online is


New entry

New entry

New entry



Raised $110 million in a

fresh round of fund
raising from rocket
internet and other

Raised $16.5 million

in additional funding
to make a play for the
Indian market.

Raises $50 million in

funding led by existin
investor Info Edge

Short term

Increase restaurant
partners from 12000 to
15000 at the end of
October 2015

Increase manpower

New product line i.e.,

product which will
allow the users to pay
restaurant bill through
mobile application

The average value of

each order ranges
between Rs 500 to Rs
Around 45-48% of the
transactions come from
smartphones based app
and the transaction size
of this platform is 20%
more than on web.

Delivers over 70000

orders on a monthly

9000 delivery per day

all over India.

50% more orders

shifting from the
website to the app

Online ordering is mo
when compared to
mobile app.

Purchase and


5.4 Competitor Analysis Grid


Sw iggy


FoodPanda is
one stop
destination for
ordering a
meal at your

Swiggy is an
early stage ondemand food
customers in
Biggest focus :
never let our
customers stay

Zomato wants to
become a singular
platform for

Online &
platform Open market
place that
enables online
ordering from
restaurants &
picks up and
No Preordering
available. All
deliveries done
on demand
35 - 45
(Delivery fee
is fully waived
if it takes

Online and mobile

platform for
discovery of
restaurants, table
bookings, home
delivery and

Company info.


"Food Panda Your One Shop

Stop For

Zomato the
destination for all
things food

Product and

Principle product

Online &
platform to
discover and
order from

Pre-ordering facility facility

45-60 min
Delivery duration

Determined by
Delivery cost

charges ( 40rs
- 70rs

No Pre-ordering
facility available

Delivery charges

Service Timings


for each
mentioned in
the website.

depending on
the distance/
ordered from )

11 am to 11 pm 11:30am from Monday

10:45pm from
to Sunday.
Monday to
Positioned as
an online food logistics
solution (150+
platform where delivery
more offers,
coupons and
seamless ondiscounts are
available for
operations and
compared to

Providing a user
interface platform
to restaurants.
Hence giving the
restaurants the
power to direct ,
accept orders ,
change menus,
attract customers ,
provide important

Target Audience
and Marketing

Primary Target

Strategy used to
market their

Tech savvy
youth, working
couples in the
age group of
18-40, people
hesitant to
cook and go
out to have
food, who need
food at their
door steps on

Tech savvy
youth, working
couples in the
age group of
18-40, people
hesitant to
cook and go
out to have
food, who need
food at their
door steps on

Tech savvy youth,

working people,
working couples in
the age group of
18-40, people
hesitant to cook
and go out to have
food, who need
food at their door
steps on demand.

offers which is
appealing to
the customers.
Using the
format to
promote its

Area focused
sales teams
and online

Currently they are

focusing on
segments such as
Online food
ordering, restaurant
services and billing
inside of

rates by 180%
and reduced
their cost per
install by 39%.
Growth by
similar startups like Just
Eat, tastykhana

Slow and
locality wise
expansion with
strength of
logistics team
in the launch
phase to create
the right first

1.4 million

3300+ likes

13.2K tweets,
2760 favorites

520 tweets,
126 favorites

followers 691
listed, Uses
mainly to
brand their

followers, 52

280+ posts.

followers, no

No. of visitors

66,583 daily,

17,949 per
538,470 per

366,353 daily,


tv ads, online
pop ups,
stickering at

online ads,
logos and

online marketing,
stickering at
restaurants, ads


Dependent on
brand name, word
of mouth through
its network of

Social media





Sales Promotion

30% off, 300

off on 450,
50% off, buy 1
get 1

Rs. 75 off on
any order

combo offers


Locality search
option. Chat
Login option
FAQ and

Locality search
option in the
center. Chat
Login option

Locality search
option visible.
Collection and
categories of
cuisine on right.
Specific meal
search on left.

User interface


available. Food
primary. No
proper list of
sorted as
restaurants not
present in the

Attractive. Food
ordering not
primary. Providing
restaurant and
cuisine information
primary target. Not
user friendly.

Minimum delivery

yes depending
on restaurant

yes depending
on restaurant.
Rs 30 delivery
charge for
order below

yes depending on

Mode of placing

mobile app

mobile app

Website, mobile

Operating platforms

Android, IOS,


Android, iOS,

No. of

1 million+



Minimum no. of
steps involved


Less than 10

Less than 10

Features of mobile

(From search to
order placement)
Info about selected
restaurant given

Reviews and
location in

No info/
Delivery time


Reviews about
restaurant given

Given while
restaurants and
in the info

Not given

Not given

Market Share
1) Theyve grown to become one of the largest food ordering portals in India.
2) Built a network with many partners including some of the well know
brands in Bangalore like: , Mast Kalandar, Faasos amongst many others.
3) We have quite steadily shaped the market towards ordering food online,
instead of ordering on phone. This has helped us gather a lion share of the
food delivery market, and propel us towards a leadership position in the

India is a market with huge potential where the scope for growth is immense.
However, with internet penetration of only 8%, it is only logical to target the
more cosmopolitan Tier I cities which have a sizable working population with
mature internet users.
Bad acquisition can hurt by increasing their costs and
reducing the value of their combined businesses. Acquisitions can also
distract from the core business and merge cultures that dont complement
each other "Bad Acquisitions " has a significant impact, so an analyst
should put more weight into it. .

Tie ups with restaurants

At present, we have hundreds of restaurants. In the next six months we will
probably be at around 2000 restaurants across Bangalore . We believe in
quality over quantity. We have always concentrated on adding good quality
restaurants, and if we see that a restaurant is not really performing- then we
take it off from our coverage. The most important thing for us is consumer

Strategy of BALLYHOO.TODAY works with keen interest on various strategies to achieve
their goal. It includes
Financial strategy: To increase their fund and revenue
Marketing strategy: To tap their customers from across the globe
Growth strategy: To grow continuously and increase their customers and page

Globalization strategy: To expand themselves across the whole globe as a

leading service provider.

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