Idioms With BULL

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Idioms with BULL

to take the bull by the horns = face a difficulty boldly

like a bull in a china shop = a rough and clumsy person

like a red tag to a bull = likely to cause anger

a cock and bull story = an absurd and improbable story, used as an excuse or
explanation = un cuento chino

to move like a bull at a gate = to move very fast, ignoring everything in your way

to hit the bull's eye = dar en el blanco

to shoot the bull (US) = to have an informal conversation about unimportant things

don't mess with the bull, you'll get the horns! = if you look for trouble, you'll find it

Choose the right answer.
1. This is a difficult situation, be we will have to

2. She broke three glasses while she was washing them up.

3. Come on, let's go to the bar tonight and

4. Sarah was late for her appointment so she

5. I don't believe you are late because you the bus driver forgot the way. That

6. He supposed that his wife was shopping a lot of things at the market and
because when she arrived, she had a lot of bags on

her hands.

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