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In this part of the Cambridge Proficiency exam, you will hear short recordings from exchanges between interacting
speakers with two multiple-choice questions on each recording. The four recordings share the same theme, in this
case the theme is marriage.
Youll hear four different extracts. For questions 1-8, choose the answer which fits best according to what you
hear. There are two questions for each extract. You can listen to the audio twice.
1 The speaker makes the point that
A. It takes skill to write a memorable novel about miserable marriages.
B. It is immoral that people prefer novels about bad marriages to good ones.
C. Fairy tales give readers false hopes about the reality of married life.

2 Madame Bovary is used to exemplify

A. the lengths women went to in order to avoid being socially outcast.
B. how divorce made it easier for women to escape unhappy marriages.
C. how inescapable marriages make better stories.

In this part, you will hear a monologue. You then have to complete 9 sentences with information heard on the
recording. You can listen to the audio twice.
You will hear a radio programme about Biomimicry, the science of copying nature in order to create new
technologies. For questions 1-9, complete the spaces with a word or a short phrase.
1. Biomimicry imitates natures structures, processes create new ideas.
2. Velcro was developed after its inventor observed the sticking qualities of one particular plants...........
3. Wood has the beneficial feature of being able to.........................
4. The synthetic wood created for the post office will not......................according to surrounding environmental
5. The Namibian Fog Basking beetle uses its ability to................... in order to live in harsh conditions.
6. A................. on the beetles shell repels water and aids the formation of large droplets.
7. The Sahara Forest project utilised this concept in the design of a....................
8. The Able Project uses....................

from the composting process as an input to the fish farm.

9. The extinction of one species of..................


has prevented scientists from finding a cure for excess stomach

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