Network Protocols - TCP-IP

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Network Protocols - TCP/IP

Importance of Protocols
Standards define how devices communicate with
each other and access media
Once a standard is implemented in software it
becomes a protocol
Protocols define how devices and applications
The protocols on a network affects the way in which
it functions and its ability to interface with other
CP2077 - Networking

Protocol Suites
 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
the most common of all network protocol suites, is the standard
in modern networks, used for communication on the Internet
 Internet Packet eXchange/Sequence Packet eXchange
(IPX/SPX) developed by Novell, ensures communication
between Netware operating systems, provides similar functionality
to TCP/IP, can be routed but only to communicate with other
Netware networks
 AppleTalk popular networking protocol in American
educational establishments, used for communicating between
devices using the Mac OS
CP2077 - Networking

TCP/IP Suite
 Developed for use on the Internet for the American
Department of Defence
 Two Parts:
 TCP responsible for connection oriented communication using error
 IP implemented in the addressing system used to identify devices

 Although designed for the Internet it is used to build LANs,

WANs and MANs
 Most widely used protocol suite, used within Unix, Windows
and Macintosh platforms
CP2077 - Networking

TCP/IP Protocol Suite



(Network Network
Managem Window
Transfer Transfer
Daemon) System)
Protocol) Protocol)


(User Datagram Protocol)


(Transmission Control Protocol)

(Internet Control
Message Protocol)

(Bootstrap Protocol)

(Internet Protocol)

Physical Data Link


Session Presentation Application



Token Ring

(Fibre Distributed
Data Interface)

CP2077 - Networking

(Address Resolution (Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol)

Frame Relay


Features of TCP/IP
 Interoperability has become the industry standard, Netware
have replaced two of its proprietary protocols (IPX and SPX)
with TCP and IP
 Flexibility the multiple protocols within the suite allow a
variety of implementations, eg the use of either TCP (reliable
but slow) or UDP (fast and efficient, but not as reliable)
 Multivendor Support almost all network software supports
it, eg Apple, DEC, IBM, Novell, Microsoft and Sun

CP2077 - Networking

Internet Protocol
 One of the most important protocols
 Developed to function within a UNIX environment in the days
of ARPAnet
 Uses connectionless delivery it does not guarantee delivery
 Main purpose is to provide logical addressing through the use of
an IP address
 Uses IP address to route information between networks,
therefore every device requires a unique address
CP2077 - Networking

Understanding IP Addressing
Address consists of 4 bytes = 32 bits
Address is quoted as four dotted decimal numbers such as = 10000110.11011100.11000110.10101010

IP address consists of two parts the network portion, and

the host portion
The network portion is used to route packets between
The host portion identifies the particular device on the host
CP2077 - Networking

Class Addresses
There are five classes of IP address
The class of address is identified by the first bits
of the address
Three classes are used for networks. The last
two are reserved for special purposes (Class D is
for multicast, and Class E is for experimentation
and future use)
See following diagram for Classes A to C
CP2077 - Networking

Class A to Class C
Byte 1

Byte 2

Byte 3

Byte 4

Class A
0 Network


Class B
10 Network


Class C
110 Network


Class A First eight bits identify network, the first bit is fixed at 0, giving 27
(128) networks, and 224 (16,777,316) hosts
Class B First 16 bits identify network, the first two bits are fixed at 10, giving
214 (16,384) networks, and 216 (65,536) hosts
Class C First 21 bits identify network, the first three bits are fixed at 110,
giving 221 (2,097,152) networks and 28 (256) hosts
CP2077 - Networking


Understanding IP Addressing (2)

 For any organisation the Network portion of the address
remains fixed, the network administrator can assign the host
 Assignment can be manual or through Dynamic Host
 The total number of addresses in this system is a
mathematical possible 4,294,467,295
 However, wastage in Class B (networks not using all the
hosts numbers they could this problem partially solved
through Ciderised addressing) plus proliferation of the
Internet means we are running out of IP addresses
CP2077 - Networking


IP Subnets
 Larger classes of networks (A and B) are usually divided in to
smaller networks
 This is achieved by dividing up the host portion of the address
 This process is known as subnetting
 A subnet mask uses some of the bits from the host address to
create subnets
 The number of bits used determines the number of subnets
which are generated
 The remaining bits in the host portion identify the number of
host IP addresses in each subnet
 <network portion><subnet portion><host portion>
CP2077 - Networking


IP Version 6
 Current IP Address = 4 x 8-Bit
4,294,467,295 addresses
 Version 6 IP Address = 8 x 16-Bit
3 x1038 approx addresses
 This should provide sufficient addresses for our future
needs however, it is suggested that before long even the
light switches in our homes will need their own IP addresses
 Format hexadecimal numbers separated by colons,
CP2077 - Networking


Address Resolution Protocol

 Within an Ethernet network, the physical address (MAC address) is
necessary to provide intercommunication between devices
 It is not always possible for a source device to know the physical address
of a destination device
 ARP provides a service of matching an IP address to a MAC address
 ARP broadcasts a request for the NAC address of a device with a
particular IP address, and that device responds by sending back its MAC
 This allows the source device to send to a specific MAC address without
having to broadcast all messages (and slowing down the network)

CP2077 - Networking


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

The opposite of the ARP provides the IP address
for a device whose MAC address is known
Typically used in networks using diskless
workstations, these devices can not store their IP
address but have access to the MAC address
A RARP Server responds to the RARP request and
provides an IP address for the device to use
Once the device is turned off the IP address is
available for the RARP server to assign elsewhere
CP2077 - Networking


Internet Control Message Protocol

 ICMP is implemented on all TCP/IP networks, providing
messaging that can help with troubleshooting, including
Destination unreachable
Time exceeded
Echo reply
Information request
Information reply
Address mask request
CP2077 - Networking


Transport Protocols
 Transmission Control Protocol TCP uses checksums which
are added to data packets to aid error checking, also uses
sequence numbering to identify the order in which packets
were sent, destination devices acknowledges correct receipt
(otherwise requests re-transmission), slows down the
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) uses a connectionless
transportation system, does not use error checking or
sequence numbering, assumes that other protocols will
handle the error checking, only concerned with getting the
data to the Transport Layer of the destination device, as it
does not use error checking it requires few network resources
(uses less bandwidth than TCP)
CP2077 - Networking


Application Layer Protocols

 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) a protocol, a service and an application.
Allows transfer of files between devices. One of the first protocols to be
 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) works with UDP to transfer files
across the Internet, requires an acknowledgement of receipt of each
packet before the next is transmitted
 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) transfers email between
devices, uses connection-oriented services of TCP to send and receive, as
it was designed for UNIX not all OS understand SMTP SMTP
gateways are required to provide translation services
CP2077 - Networking


Application Layer Protocols (2)

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) used to access HTNL files on the
Internet, provides only two services (requests from client and response
from server), SHTTP provides the encryption and security checks lacking
from the original
 Domain Name System (DNS) manages and centralises domain names
on the Internet, matches a host name to the IP address of a server where
the host is located
 Telnet protocol and application, takes place over a telephone network
(hence name), allows end user to use a computer as a terminal for a
communication session on a remote host (as if they were physically at the
same location), translates commands so that the server can understand
CP2077 - Networking


Application Layer Protocols (3)

 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
dynamically provides IP addresses to devices on a network
which do not have one, a DHCP server provides the address
from a pool either for a limited time or the duration of the
devices use of the network, has become very useful as the
demand for IP addresses has increased
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) allows the
configuration, monitoring and management of network
resources and devices
CP2077 - Networking


Importance of Protocols
Protocol Suites
OSI model and TCP/IP
IP Addressing (version 4 and 6)
Address Classes and Subnetting
Network Layer Protocols
Transport Layer Protocols
Application Layer Protocols
CP2077 - Networking


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