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Paper 2

(2 hours 15 minutes)
This question paper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all
sections in this question paper. Questions in Section A have either three or four options. You are advised
to spend 25 minutes on Section A, 25 minutes on Section B, 50 minutes on Section C and 35 minutes on
Section D.

Section A
[15 marks]

This sign reminds people to

A avoid walking on this area completely
B look for an alternative place to walk
C walk briskly on this area
D walk warily on this area

Present this voucher and buy a second bottle of

Pepsi at half price. Offer valid until 31 December
2010. Valid at all Daily outlets except at KLIA and
Genting Highlands.

Azlina should do all the following to buy a second bottle of Pepsi at half price, except
A obtain a voucher
B buy a bottle of Pepsi at regular price
C buy a bottle of Pepsi at the KLIA outlet
D utilize the voucher before 31 December 2010

Dear Razif,
Will be late because of meeting.
Dinner is in the fridge. Please becareful
when reheating the pizza.

Which statement about the message above is true

A Razif will be coming home late
B Razif has a meeting with his mother
C Razif will be eating pizza for dinner

Johor Culinary Delights


The sign above can be found at a

A book fair
C carnival sale
B bundle sale
D food fair
The Mesra Residential Society is organising an
aerobics class for adolescents from this
residential area. The aim of this programme is to
create health awareness amongst youth. The
classes will be held every weekend except on
public holidays. The fee is RM20.00 per
participant and early bird registration will be
given a 10 % discount.

The aim of the programme is to ___________ health-awareness.

A annihilate
C generate
B devastate
D subdue

6 This country started off as the biggest biofuel producer but its position has been gradually
overtaken by another producer. This country refers to
A China
C France
B Brazil
D United States

The sign means that people are not allowed to

A pay their bills here
B collect their bills here
C put any advertisements here
D decorate the walls with posters

The teacher in the comic strip ________ her students intelligences.

A overrate
B expect to much
C overvalue
D underestimate

Questions 9 15
Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
Funny how our attitudes change about our parents as we get older and they get older. These people had
it in for us __________ (9) we were children. They were the ones who __________ (10) us eat our
vegetables, go to bed earlier than we wanted to, fussed over our grades, lectured us... all because they really
loved us.
I remember the __________ (11) at a party a while back. Tell them about your dad and the biscuits,
one friend asked another.
It still makes me cry, she began. Every morning when I go to work, I pass by my fathers house
and every morning I stop to have coffee with him. He always makes me eat biscuits because he doesnt want
me going to work __________ (12) an empty stomach. One cold and rainy day when I overslept, I knew I
wouldnt have time to stop and see him, so I called to explain.
You wont be coming by? dad replied. I could __________ (13) the disappointment in his voice. Ill
stop tomorrow, honest, I __________ (14) him.
I got in my car and started driving to work. As soon as I rounded the corner to go past the house, I saw
this figure standing out in the cold and rain with a bag in his hand. It was Daddy! He was waiting for me so I
__________ (15) still have my biscuits
This is the time to be thankful. Thanks for parental love. Thanks for the purest love of all.
Adapted from The Sikhs The Mighty Mums Link, 1999

A when
B while

10 A make
B makes

C with
D within
C made
D making

11 A assertion
B chat

C homily
D sermon

12 A at
B by

C in
D on

13 A hear
B see

C sense
D visualize

14 A bellowed
B reassured

C retorted
D snapped

15 A may
B might

C will
D would
Section B
[10 marks]

Questions 16 25
Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.
Terms of Endearment
Made of Honor
To the outside world, these women have enviable
Just when serial dater Tom realizes that he has
lives. In reality though, they desperately hide their
fallen for his best friend, Hannah, she gets
unhappiness. Keum-pa is married to a rich but
engaged. Plotting to stop her wedding and woo her
unfaithful lawyer while Eun-pa falls in love with
heart, he agrees to become her maid of honor.
the popular Jun-Sung and makes the mistake of
HBO, September 24, Saturday, 12.00 am.
moving in with him. KBS World, September, 13,
Wednesday, 2.00 pm.
The Eye
Accidentally blinded as a child, violinist, Sydney,
gets her eyesight back after undergoing a cornea
transplant. Unfortunately, her new eyes cause her
to have disturbing visions and see dead people.
STAR Movies, September, 16, Tuesday, 9.00 pm.

Jean Michel Cousteaus Ocean Adventures

(Season 2)
This ocean adventure returns with his children,
Fabien and Celine, to explore a thrilling array of
natural phenomena and to investigate little-known
territories and ecosystems around the world. With
the help of state-of-the-art technology and a team
of skilled oceanauts, they come face-to-face with
the inhabitants of the underwater world. National
Geographic Channel, Premieres September 9,
Wednesday, 10.00 pm.

Om Shanti Om
Its the early 1970s, and Om Prakash Makhija
is a small time actor looking for his big break.
He falls madly in love with top actress of the
era Shantipriya, but discovers that she is already married to studio head, Mukesh Mehra. Both
Om and Shantipriya perish in a fire instigated by the latters husband. Thirty years later, the
reincarnated Om is now a popular egoistical actor named Om Kapoor, haunted by the memories
of his previous life. B4U, September 21, Sunday, 9.00 am.
Questions 16 20

Referring to the advertisement above, write short answers to the following questions.
16 Georgiana loves to watch movies pertaining to re-embodiment. Which is the best movie for
her to watch?
[1 mark]
17 Leena is doing a project on marine life. Which channel should she watch?
[1 mark]
18 Melissa is distressed with her adulterous spouse. Which movie can she relate to?
[1 mark]
19 Vickram enjoys watching horror movies. What should he do?
[1 mark]
20 Darshan takes pleasure in watching horror movies. What is the ideal movie for him?
[1 mark]
Questions 21 25
21 Which programme is making its debut?
[1 mark]
22 Which movie would appeal to an ophthalmologist?
[1 mark]
23 What movie can a factory worker watch during the graveyard shift?
[1 mark]
24 What is the cause of Keum-pas melancholic condition?
[1 mark]

25 Who is the antagonist in this movie?

[1 mark]

Section C
[25 marks]
Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.

Developing proper eating habits contribute to a healthy mind and body. Eating a wellbalanced diet with healthy food ensures your overall health is maintained. By incorporating
fish into your daily diet can add the nutritional value to your health and well-being. Fish can
be cooked to suit different tastes and satisfy diverse appetite.

Fish is considered a perfect food to those who are practising healthy eating to reduce 5
calorie intake and maintain nutritional value. It has a low calorie ratio, is high in protein and
contains low cholesterol and saturated fats.

Eat two or three servings of fish a week. The American Heart Association recommends
eating fish at least twice a week. This applies particularly to fatty fish such as mackerel, lake
trout, herring, sardines, albacore, tuna and salmon. Other pluses of eating fish include


vitamin B complex, selenium, iron and other trace minerals. Some species are also rich in
vitamin A and D.

Research and studies have indicated some fish such as salmon, mackerel and trout are
high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Basically, Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats or socalled good fats. These desirable fats cannot be made by the human body, so they must be 15
obtained from food or supplemental sources. These fats are required for normal development
of the brain, eyes and nerve tissues to support a healthy heart.

Studies have shown that a diet rich in Omega prevents not only heart attacks but
Alzheimers disease, kidney cancer and inhibits the formation of abnormal cells, thus
reducing the risk of other types of cancer. Besides, fish has been found to improve blood


circulation, reduce blood clots, optimize brain function and essential for fetal brain
development. There are many studies done about the positive effects of Omega 3 fatty acid,
which is one more reason to include fish into your diet.

Fish is a great choice for anyone who wanting to make a positive change in the way
they eat. They not only provide great healthy choices for meals but also very affordable.


While some fish is slightly more expensive such as halibut and wild salmon, most are
reasonably inexpensive.

Prepare fish in a healthy way. Deep fat frying is not recommended as it adds fat and
calories. Bake, poach, grill or microwave instead of frying. You can also create great dishes
with fresh fish which are easy to prepare. Just be sure to find a recipe that doesnt add butter,
creamy sauces as the calories can add up to quite a lot.
Adapted from NST, 03/07/09

26 From paragraph 1, state two reasons why fish should be incorporated in ones daily diet.
(a) _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
(b) _______________________________________________________________[1 mark]

27 From paragraph 4, why is Omega 3 fatty acids essential for the body? How do they aid the
__________________________________________________________________[2 marks]
28 From paragraph 5,
(a) who should eat a diet rich in Omega 3 to promote fetal brain development?
________________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(b) the word that has the same meaning as impedes is
_______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
29 From paragraph 6, state two reasons why one should consume fish.
(a) ________________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(b) ________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

30 From paragraph 7, state two ways to reduce calories when cooking.

(a) ________________________________________________________________[1 mark]
(b) ________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on the advantages of consuming fish.
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must
be in continuous writing form
use materials from lines 5 29
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
Fish is excellent for a healthy diet as it is . . .


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