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SMK Seri Alam 2

Tugasan Masa Cuti Tingkatan 4 2016

Grammar exercise Possessive pronouns and adjectives
Instructions : Underline the correct words.
1. Alice called ( her , hers ) friend.
2. Tom wrote a letter to ( his , hes ) mother.
3. Children should obey ( his , their ) parents.
4. Is this ( my , mine ) dictionary or ( your , yours )?
5. This one is ( my , mine ). ( Your , Yours ) is on ( your , yours ) desk.
6. The bird cleaned ( its , its ) feathers with ( its , its ) beak.
7. What kind of bird is that? ( Its , Its ) a crow.
8. Paula had to drive my car to work. ( Hers , Her ) had a flat tire.
9. Julie fell off her bicycle and broke ( hers , her ) arm.
10. ( They, Them ) live in an apartment building.
( Their , There , Theyre ) apartment is on the fifth floor.
We live in the same building. ( Our , Ours ) apartment has one bedroom, but
( their , theirs ) has two.
11. Fruit should be a part of ( your , yours ) daily diet.
( It , They , Is , Are ) is good for ( you , your ).
12. ( Their , There , Theyre ) sitting ( their , there , theyre ) now because
( their , there , theyre ) waiting for a phone call from ( their , there , theyre) son.
13. Alice is a good friend of ( me , mine ).
14. I met a friend of ( you , yours ) yesterday.



SMK Seri Alam 2

Tugasan Masa Cuti Tingkatan 5 2016
Grammar exercise Past tense
Instruction : Complete the sentences using the past tense.
e.g. When I came (come) home, I saw (see) all my things on the floor.
1. I _______(buy) a small gift before I ______(go) to the hospital yesterday.
2. Yesterday afternoon I ______(go) to visit the Smith family. When I ______(go) there
at around two oclock, Mrs. Smith ______(be) in the yard. She ______(plant) flowers
in her garden. Mr. Smith ______(be) in the garage. He ______(work) on their car. He
______(change) the oil. The children ______(play) in the front yard.
3. I ______(hit) my thumb while I ______(use) the hammer. Ouch! That ______(hurt)
4. As soon as we ______(hear) the news of the hurricane, we ______(begin) our
preparation for the storm.
5. It was a long walk home. Mr. Chu ______(walk) until he ______(get) tired. Then he
______(stop) and _______(rest) until he ______(be) strong enough to continue.
6. While I ______(lie) in bed last night, I ______(hear) a strange noise. I ______(hold)
my breath and ______(listen) carefully.
7. I ______(work) at the computer all day long. While I ______(look) at my computer
screen, I ______(start) to feel dizzy, so I ______(take) a break. While I ______(enjoy)
the warm sun outside, an elderly man ______(come) up to me and ______(ask) me
for directions to the public library. After I ______(tell) him how to get there, he
______(thank) me and ______(go) on his way. I ______(stay) outside until a big
cloud ______(come) and ______(cover) the sun, and then I ______(go) back inside
to work. As soon as I ______(return) to my desk, I ______(notice) that my computer
______(make) a funny noise. It ______(hum) loudly and my screen ______(freeze).
I ______(think) for a moment, then I ______(shut) my computer off, ______(get)
up from my desk, and ______(leave). I ______(spend) the rest of the day in the

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