Ahmedabad: Ashram) - An Ancient Ahmedabad Has Witnessed Many Acts of

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Ahmedabad, Gujarats biggest business centre, is now transforming

into a healthcare city. The city also has many multi-specialty
hospitals with sophisticated equipment and infrastructure. To
facilitate the needs of medical tourists, langauge interpreters are
employed by many hospitals. Out of the treatments opted, eyesurgery, neurology, orthopedics, infertility treatment, dental and
cosmetic surgery are the prominent ones.
The government has achieved a remarkable feat by promoting
Ahmedabads medical tourism in the global arena and making the
environment conducive to the development of hospitals, clinics and
medical colleges. Moreover, the governments medical policies
enable foreign tourists to avail a treatment with ease. The states
Vibrant Gujarat project has propelled hospitals in Ahmedabad to
upgrade their technology and facilities to match global and
developed countries standards and all this at affordable costs!
Ahmedabads opportunities with regards to natural therapies like
Ayurveda are immense. The city also holds the distinction of being
home to the largest civil hospital in Asia.
Ahmedabad also has a pleasant climate throughout the year,
making it an ideal place to heal and recuperate. The citys cuisine
and tourism options are a great advantage too.
Gujarati is the native language, but English is used for official
History & Economy
The origins of the Indian Independence Movement can be traced
back to Ahmedabad and to this day it stands tall. Mahatma Gandhi,
the pre-eminent leader established two ashrams in Ahmedabad
the Kochrab Ashram and Satyagraha Ashram (now Sabarmati
Ashram). An ancient Ahmedabad has witnessed many acts of
nonviolent civil disobedience, which is now termed as Gandhism
and still holds relevance in this digitized world.
Once nicknamed as Manchester of The East due to its sprawling
textile industry, Ahmedabad has now carved a niche for itself in
automobile and jewelry industries. It also houses Indias
pharmaceutical juggernauts. Not surprisingly, Ahmedabads people
are known to have good business acumen!

Food & Festivals

The people of Ahmedabad sure do love their food. The word
epicurean might as well have been derived from this very nature of
Amdavadis (demonym for people of Ahmedabad)! The star of this
native cuisine unarguably is the dizzying variety of snacks. These
are commonplace associate in any bus or train journey, carried in
aromatic steel tiffin boxes. Indulge in khaman, dhokla, fafda, thepla,
khakhra, dalwada and chavana alongside piquant condiments like
achaars, chutneys and chundos. To get a holistic taste of what
Ahmedabads food stands for, one must try the Gujarati Thali. A
thali is a royal spread, consisting of several dishes like rotli, dal or
kadhi, sabzi, basundhi, keri no ras etc. And this description has only
scratched the surface.
Festivals are celebrated with equal enthusiasm and generosity.
Uttarayan International Kite Festival marks the end of winter
season. On this day, the skies are clear and vivid and the wind is
powerful enough to lift plenty of prismatic and rainbow-like kites up
in the air. The idea is to cut the string of other flying kites, in order
let ones own emerge triumphant. Scream Kai Po Che for a
victorious shot, or munch on sweets and savouries while
strategizing the next move. Next in line is the Navaratri Festival,
devoted to goddess Shakthi, the highlight of which is nine nights of
folk dance.
Places of Interest
To pique the curiosity of the architecture and history lover in oneself,
Calico Museum of Textile, Jama Mosque, Sabarmati Ashram and
Jhulta Minar are ideal places. Manek Chowk, is a notable city square,
which acts as vegetable market in the morning, jewellery market in
the afternoon (second biggest in India) and a haven for local street
food in the evening and continues till late in the night. Kanakria
Lake, has many public attractions around it such as a zoo, water
rides, and other entertainment facilities. It also hosts a week-long
festival in December showcasing cultural, art, and social talent. The
lakefront also porvides a peaceful and mesmerizing view of the
citys skyline.

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