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BACKGROUND (Done by Sheena)

DATA SOURCES (Done by Pritham and Sheena)
INSIGHTS (Done by Prithvi)

Comprising of over 73%, water is the most essential natural resource on planet
earth. Without water life on earth is not possible. There is only 2.5% fresh water
in this world. Although it is regarded as a fact, the water content is getting
polluted day by day. One of the major global problems today is Water Pollution. It
occurs when water is affected by large amounts of materials that are added to it.
By a recent survey, it was estimated that the major cause for deaths and
diseases around the world is due to water pollution. Around 14,000 people die on
a daily basis.
Water is being polluted by various means every day in every single country. Few
of the natural causes of water pollution include volcanoes, algae blooms,
earthquakes, storms. These also cause a change in the ecological status of
water. The major cause for water pollution is due to chemicals, pathogens,
physical changes such as temperature and discoloration. The improved
concentration of any kind of chemical in water causes change in the normal
values and affects the aquatic life.
There are different types of contaminants like organic, inorganic and macroscopic
pollutants. With the water pollution on rise, there is a birth of some other
pollution due to water pollution. Thermal pollution is caused when there is a
change in the temperature of water bodies under the influence of human beings.
The best illustration for point source pollution is the Valdez oil spill and the nonpoint sources release pollutants indirectly into water and thus pollute it. In major
countries drinking water is polluted as the sewage directly enters it.
Rapid urban development and the untreated sewages are major causes in
various developing countries like India. More than half of the population in this

world do not have access to drinking water. According to World Health

Organization, around 3.2 million children die every year in the developed
countries on drinking unsafe and untreated water. With the increase in water
pollution there is a rise in oil pollution in some cases.
This report gives an idea about the measures of controlling water pollution and
how to improve the portable level of water. IBM Watson analytic tool helps in
determining solutions for all matters. The insights and dashboards developed
give a brief knowledge about the causes and effects of water pollution in various
The data sources are taken from different organizations around the world with
respect to their countries. These data sources explain about the issues regarding
the quality of the nations drinking water.

This is US Geological survey which collects the water, analyses and interprets the
quality of water. It does regional assessments and researches on toxic
substances in water. The USGS laboratories continuously monitor the water

World water day is celebrated on 22nd March every year. On this day, people
create awareness everywhere about the diseases and health issues that occur on
drinking dirty and polluted water. The organization provides people with plenty of
water services. From this, people can learn to create good and clean water.

Watson Analytics offers a wide range of benefits without any complexity. This
helps in exploring a particular data and to motorize predictive analysis. This tool
is understandable and enables the users in creating dashboards and insights to
make definite decisions at any time. The data set is imported into the Watson
analytics tool and its quality is measured automatically. Dashboards are created
based on the variables in the data set. Predictive analysis and Social Media
Analysis are done with the help of this tool. Everything is in built in its system.
This helps in giving out the solutions for all the environmental issues in the
world, for example water pollution in this report.
The data set to be imported should be in MS Excel format. Proper steps have to
be followed in order to use this tool. In this analytics, there are five sections
where you can refine, explore and assemble the data. The other two sections
give future analysis and social media analysis.
A Dashboard is a visual representation of the information which has to be
explained in an easy format. It helps both the users and viewers in
understanding and identifying the correlations, patterns and business conditions
which are unique in their own way. Two dashboards are explained here. One is for
the public view and the other for the government view. The dashboards are fitted
on one screen so that the information can be gathered or collected at a single
glance of the image. These are monitored or displayed in a specific format for
one particular view or for an organization.
A dashboard is mistaken as a performance scorecard in many cases. A
dashboard gives the performance or working at one specific time, whereas a
scorecard gives the status at all the intervals of time. Dashboards are an easy
way of presenting data in a visualization form.

Dashboard 1:
The figure below shows the amount of pollution occurred in different
countries in 2013 and 2014. There is no change in the amount of pollution in
both the years. All the ten countries did not take proper measures to reduce this
pollution from 2013-2014. The highest pollution occurred in Denmark when
compared to all the other countries. Few of the polluting agents which cause
water pollution include protozoan, endocrine, per chlorate, fluoride. The highest
level of water pollution is occurred due to protozoans, which cause eye infections
in the people who drink water containing protozoans. The least amount of water
pollution is occurred due to per chlorate, which has a huge effect on bones and
teeth. There is a huge risk if the amount of protozoans present in water is high. It
has a very huge effect of health of living creatures drinking it. Protozoans cause
damage to the liver, dehydration and loss of water and electrolysis in the body.
Measures should be taken to reduce the amount of protozoans and other
polluting agents in the water.

Figure 1.1 Public views of water pollution, its effects and


The variation in the pollution parameter differs from country to country. The
highest distinct count is observed in few of the Asian and North American
countries. On the whole, the countries which are affected by the pollutants
should undertake proper actions to avoid using materials which emit all these
The diseases and deaths caused due to water pollution is measured and given as
a value. More number of deaths has occurred in Russia with approximately 0.11
million deaths. These dashboards help us to understand the effects of water
pollution on human beings in all these countries. The above figure helps us
understand the public view and to develop proper measures to overcome these
Dashboard 2:
The second dashboard gives the government view of water pollution divided
into four sections. The pollution in 2013 has affected larger areas when
compared to the year 2014. The countries which are hugely affected in 2014 are
US, Canada, India and few of the European countries. Highest number of deaths
is caused due to fertilizers and pesticides, which caused more than 1 million
deaths. Government has to take proper measures to reduce the number of
deaths. These dashboards help them understand to create solutions in all
possible ways.

Figure 1.2 Government view of water pollution

Few of the sources of water pollution which are actually neglected by the
government are Industrial waste, marine dumping, oil pollution, sewage and
waste water. Due to these causes, many lives are affected, especially the health
of children. Instead of taking measures to clean the water, campaigns to save
and protect clean water should be started by the government. Russian
Government should take up initiations in reducing the deaths caused by water
pollution in the country. The chemicals must be treated and be converted as nontoxic substances. Oxidation is one of the processes of purifying waste water.
Proper sewage treatment plans should be initiated for hygienic and safe water.
In this visualization, classification of number of deaths caused due to different
diseases caused by water pollution is clearly understood. This is explained with
respect to each country. In the fourth visualization, classification of water based
on its polluting sources and PH values is done. There are variations in every
section of the classification. The highest PH value is observed in the sources oil
pollution, industrial waste, fertilizers and pesticides. The least PH value is
observed in GAA of oil pollution. Water stability indices have been developed to

measure the quality of water and to suggest if it is portable or not. Government

of every nation should follow this test and then distribute it to the nation.

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