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Aroboflavinosis-a clinical condition

resulting from a deficiency in riboflavin
(vitamin B2)

Bitots spot- clinical sign of vitamin A

deficiency, characterized by dryness of
the eyes.

Artificial feeding- the feeding of infant

with only a breast milk substitute.

Blanket feeding- the feeding of an

affected population without specific

Aseptic packaging this is a special

packaging method which keep foods to last
for months without refrigeration.
Additives- are substances added to food, to
preserve or enhance flavor or appearance.

Blended foods- mixtures of milled

cereals and other ingredients such as
pulses, dried skimmed milk possibly
sugar and oil.
Body mass- acute malnutrition in adults
is measured by using BMI units=kg/m.

Carbohydrate- is food groups that include

complex carbohydrates, such as starch
food like bread and pasta, simple
carbohydrate, including sugar and sugary

Digestion- is the mechanical and

chemical process of breaking down food
into its smaller molecules, which can
then be absorbed into the blood stream.

Cholesterol- is a waxy component of fat. It

is essential part of the cell membrane in
the body.
Colors- are used to improve the
appearance of a food or drink.
Calcium- is minerals in the body and is
needed for strong bones and teeth.

Dry feeding- food provided in the form

of a dry (take home) ration.
D value- the decimal reduction time and
is the time require at a certain
temperature to kill 90% of organism
being studied.
Diet- is a special course of food to which
a person restrict themselves, either to
lose weight or for medical reasons.

Enriched- foods with nutrients added into

them during the manufacturing process.
This is often done to replace nutrients that
may have been lost in the process.
Extrusion- used to form shapes in product
such as cereal.
Early warning system- an information
system designed to monitor indicators that
may predict have forewarn food shortages.
Early initiation of breast feedingbreastfeeding within one hour of birth.

Flavors-are chemical substances added to

foods in tiny amounts to ensure that food
and drink tastes good and is consistent.
Fiber- is the intangible part of the plants.
It helps to keep your gut healthy and
prevent constipation.
Fortificant- vitamins and minerals added
to fortify foods.
Food taboos- foods that are not eaten for
cultural or religious reasons.

Goiter- swelling of the thyroid gland in the

neck caused by iodine deficiency.

Homogenization- this process is used to

make liquids of different substances into
a consistent blend.

Grocery- is foods items purchase at a store

or shop to be used for preparing meal.
Grain- is mainly found in food that is
undigested if not cooked properly.
Garnish- colored vegetables that are used
to enlighten a dish to look attractive.

Home based care- care and/or nutrition

intervention given to individuals in their
Health- is the food that is taken by the
body for its nutrition values to be
Height-is a measure stunning or chronic

Iron- is a mineral which form an important

part of hemoglobin helping to transport
oxygen round the body in our blood.

Joint- is the area where two bones are

attached for the purpose of permitting
body part.

Irradiation- is a preservation technique

used to kills bacteria that could cause food

Juneberry- is a shrub of the rose family,

some kinds of which are grown for their
showy white flower for medical used.

Infant feeding equipment- these are bottles,

teats, syringes and baby cups with or
without lid and/or spouts.

Junket- is a dish of sweetened and

flavored curds of milk.

Inpatient care- is the requirement of

patients to be admitted to a health facility.

Junk food- pre- prepares or packaged

food that has low nutritional value.

Kilojoules- are another measure of energy

like calories, to be legally is used on food
Kwashiorkor- is a clinical form of acute
malnutrition resulting from protein energy
by edema (swelling).
Kitchen- is a room or area where food is
prepared and cooked.
Kabuni- is not to withhold food and water
from young children.

Metabolism- is the chemical reaction that

happen in living cells to sustain life.
Malnutrition- is the condition of an
unbalanced diet, which may be lacking in
nutrients, too high in nutrient or nutrients
are provided in the wrong proportions.
Micronutrient- essential vitamins and
minerals required by the body in miniscule
amount throughout the life cycle.
Marasmus- is the weight losses of children
is extremely thin and typically has grossly
reduced fat and muscle and thin flaccid
skin, and are irritable.

Low birth weight- is a birth weight of

less than 2,500 grams.
Lucien- is essential for amino acids.
Lipid- is used to donate water-insoluble
compounds, such as fatty acids and
Liquid- a soluble substance used to make
a variety of food product and also
essential for the body.

Nutritional requirements- the amount of

energy, protein, fat and micronutrients
needed for an individual to sustain a
healthy life.
Nutritional screening- is an individuallevel assessment where each person is
measured in order to identify and refer
those needing further check-ups or such
services as supplementary or
therapeutic feeding.
Nutritional status-is the growth or
micronutrient statusN of an individual.
Nutrition surveillance- the regular
collection of nutrition information that
is used for making decisions about
actions or policies that will affect

Oedema Bilateral edema (fluid retention

on both sides of the body), caused by
increased fluid retention in extracellular
spaces, is a clinical sign of severe acute
Outpatient programme- is the care for
treatment and management of malnutrition
that connects in the health facility, but
does not require admission to the health
Obesity-a chronic disease
characterized by
excessively high body fat in relation to
lean body tissue, leading to adverse effects
on health.
Overweight- overweight is with more
body fat than is optimally healthy.

Phytochemicals- are chemical naturally

occur in plants as nutrient to protect
cancers, heart disease and other chronic
Proteins- are amino acid that functions in
every cell of our body.
Pellagra Caused by niacin (Vitamin
B3) which affects the skin,
gastrointestinal tract and nervous
systems; sometimes called the 3 Ds:
dermatitis, diarrhea Pand dementia.
Public nutrition- nutritional problems
that explicitly recognizes the complex
and coexisting causes of malnutrition,
nutritional status.

Quail- is a kind of small wild bird that is

often hunted; the meat of quail is eaten as
Quamash-is the lily family, cultivated foe
its starry blue used as medicine.
Quahog- is a large rounded edible clam of
the scent of food.
Qualitatswein- is designated
on a German
wine label that indicates quality.

Ready-to-use infant formula is a type

of breast milk substitute that is
nutritionally balanced and packed in a
form that is ready to use for infants who
do not have the option of being
Ready-to-eat meals is a type of
emergency ration that is a nutritionally
balanced, ready to-eat and complete
Recommended Dietary Amounts- are
vitamins and minerals which are
sufficient to meet the needs of an adult.
Refine- is the fine grinding of grains and
removal of unwanted components that
may not be desirable for processing or
the finished product.

Salt- is used in many foods for flavor, as a

preservative and for processing e.g.
controlling yeast fermentation in bread.
Too much salt can lead to hypertension
(high blood pressure).
Saturated fats- contain fatty acids that have
no double bonds as the carbon chains are
fully saturated with hydrogen atoms.

Sodium (Na) - Sodium is needed for

cellular fluid balance and muscle
retractions in the body. Sodium and
chloride form salt (NaCl).
Scurvy Caused by vitamin C deficiency;
typical signs of scurvy include swollen and
bleeding gums and the slow healing of
wounds or reopening of old wounds.

Targeting Coverage of an intervention

to specific population groups, identified
as the most vulnerable.
Therapeutic care is the feeding and
medical treatment to rehabilitate
severely acutely malnourished children.
Therapeutic feeding programed- is the
programmed that admits and treats
severe acute malnutrition
either at the
health facility level or on an outpatient
Trans fatty acids- are naturally in tiny
amounts n food from ruminant animals
such as milk and lamb.

Undernutrition An insufficient intake

and/or inadequate absorption of energy,
protein or micronutrients that in turn leads
to nutritional deficiency.
Underweight Wasting or stunting or a
combination of both, measured through the
weight-for-age nutritional index.

Ultra-heat treatment- involves heating food

or drink to a very high this destroys microorganisms meaning that the product can
last for months without refrigeration.
Unsaturated fats - have one or more double
bonds, meaning they are liquid at room
temperature. They are often from vegetable
sources such as sunflower and olive oil.

Vitamins-a group of nutrients that our

bodies need in small amounts to
maintain many processes. Vitamins can
be defined as either water soluble or fat
Vacuum packing- describes the process
where the air is removed
from a pack
prior to sealing.
Vulnerability The characteristics of a
person or group in terms of their
capacity to anticipate, and recover from
the impact of a natural (or human-made)
Vegetarian- is people who do not
consume any product derive from

Whole grain- applies to grains in which the

whole grain, including the endosperm, bran
and germ are not removed during
Wasting Technically defined as below
minus 2 standard deviations
from median
weight-for-height of a reference
Weight-for-age Nutritional index, a
measure of underweight (or wasting and
stunting combined).
Weight-for-height Nutritional index, a
measure of acute malnutrition or wasting.

Xerophthalmia Dry eyes which can

be caused by vitamin A deficiency. Other
eye signs of vitamin A deficiency related
to the eyes include night blindness,
Bitots spots and corneal ulceration.
Xylitol- is sugar in alcohol.

X-ray- is the radiation with very high

frequency and energy lie between
ultraviolet radiations.
Xanthan gum- a substance produced by
bacterial fermentation or synthetically
and used in foods as a gelling agent and

Yogurt- a dairy product made by fermented

milk with one or more bacterial cultures.
Yeats- is a microscopic fungus consisting
of single oval cells that reproduce by
budding, and capableYof converting sugar
into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Yusho disease-is caused by ingestion of
rice oil contaminated with PCBs.
Yukwa-is the nuclear forces are mediated
by massive particles called mesons.


Zygote- a diploid cell resulting

from the fusion of two haploid gametes;
a fertilized ovum.

Zinc- is an essential mineral with a
wide variety of function
within of
functions within the human body.
Zeal- is the great energy or enthusiasm
in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Zakuska- is a rare recurrent condition
characterized by draining abscesses
around the nipple.


Name: Ulandte Batson

Class: 5Genaral

Aa - Zz

Subject: Food and Nutrition

School: Annandale Secondary School


This dictionary have

contained glossary of terms
used in food and nutrition.
It is arranged from A to Z,
these words have
nutritional value that will
indicate person about their

Meal planning for courses

Name: Ulandte Batson

dictionary have
5 General

One Course Meal

Two Course Meals

Roast Pork with Apple Sauce

Baked Chicken

Raisin Rice

Rice and Pigeon Peas

Cole Slaw Salad

Green Vegetable Salad

Strawberry Juice

Custard Sauce
Mango Drink

Three Course Meals

for a Strict

The three type of breakfast

Light Breakfast

Cheese Spread
Calaloo Soup
Baked Nut with cooked
Battered Pumpkin
Vegetable Salad
Guava Drink

Toast Bread
Orange Juice

Medium Breakfast

Heavy Breakfast



Scramble Eggs


Cheese Sandwich


Orange Juice

Plantain Porridge

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