What Is 'Accrual Accounting': Ratio Analysis Is A Form of Financial Statement Analysis That Is Used To Obtain A Quick

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Ratio Analysis is a form of Financial Statement Analysis that is used to obtain a quick

indication of a firm's financial performance in several key areas. The ratios are categorized as
Short-term Solvency Ratios, Debt Management Ratios, Asset Management Ratios,
Profitability Ratios, and Market Value Ratios.
Accrual (accumulation) of something is, in finance, the adding together of interest or different
investments over a period of time. It holds specific meanings in accounting, where it can refer
to accounts on a balance sheet that represent liabilities and non-cash-based assets used
in accrual-based accounting.

What is 'Accrual Accounting'

Accrual accounting is an accounting method that measures the performance and position of
a company by recognizing economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur.
The general idea is that economic events are recognized by matching revenues to expenses
(the matching principle) at the time in which the transaction occurs rather than when
payment is made (or received). This method allows the current cash inflows/outflows to be
combined with future expected cash inflows/outflows to give a more accurate picture of a
company's current financial condition.

Accenture PLC is a global professional services company and provides consulting services in
digital, technology and operations. It has been incorporated in Dublin, Ireland, since 1 September
2009. It is the world's largest consulting firmas measured by revenues[7] and is a Fortune Global
500 company.[8] As of 2015, the company reported net revenues of $31.0 billion, with more than
373,000 employees serving clients in more than 200 cities in 120 countries. [5] In 2015, Accenture had
about 130,000 employees in India, more than in any other country, about 48,000 in the US,[9] and
about 50,000 in the Philippines.[10] Accenture's current clients include 94 of the Fortune Global 100
and more than 80 percent of the Fortune Global 500. [11]
Accenture common equity is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, under the symbol ACN, and
was added to the S&P 500 index on 5 July 2011. In 2016, Fortune magazine named it as the world's
most admired Information Technology Services company.[12]


Formation and early years[edit]

Accenture began as the business and technology consulting division of accounting firm Arthur
Andersen.[13] Arthur Andersen's first job in computer consulting came in the early 1950s, when the

firm conducted a feasibility study for General Electric to install a computer at Appliance
Park in Louisville, Kentucky.[14] In 1953, the firm urged GE to install a UNIVAC I computer and printer.
This system is believed to be the first commercial use of a computer in the U.S. [16] Joseph Glickauf,
an early pioneer of computer consulting, held a position as head of Arthur Andersen's administrative
services division.[14]

Splitting from Arthur Andersen[edit]

In 1989, Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consulting became separate units of Andersen Worldwide
Socit Cooprative (AWSC).
Throughout the 1990s, there was increasing tension between Andersen Consulting and Arthur
Andersen. Andersen Consulting was upset that it was paying Arthur Andersen up to 15% of its profits
each year (a condition of the 1989 split was that the more profitable unit whether AA or AC paid
the other this sum), while at the same time Arthur Andersen was competing with Andersen
Consulting through its own newly established business consulting service line called Arthur
Andersen Business Consulting (AABC). This dispute came to a head in 1998 when Andersen
Consulting claimed breach of contract against AWSC and Arthur Andersen. Andersen Consulting put
the 15% transfer payment for that year and future years into escrow and issued a claim for breach of
contract. In August 2000, as a result of the conclusion of arbitration with the International Chamber
of Commerce, Andersen Consulting broke all contractual ties with AWSC and Arthur Andersen. As
part of the arbitration settlement, Andersen Consulting paid the sum held in escrow (then $1.2 billion)
to Arthur Andersen, and was required to change its name, resulting in the entity being renamed

Emergence of Accenture[edit]
On 1 January 2001, Andersen Consulting adopted its current name, "Accenture". The word
"Accenture" is supposedly derived from "Accent on the future". The name "Accenture" was submitted
by Kim Petersen, a Danish employee from the company's Oslo, Norway office, as a result of an
internal competition. Accenture felt that the name should represent its will to be a global consulting
leader and high performer, and also intended that the name should not be offensive in any country in
which Accenture operates.[18]

Accenture's banner hanging on theNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE) building for its initial public offering on
July 19, 2001.

On 19 July 2001, Accentures initial public offering (IPO) was priced at $14.50 per share, and the
shares began trading on theNew York Stock Exchange (NYSE); Goldman Sachs and Morgan
Stanley served as its lead underwriters. Accenture stock closed the day at $15.17, with the day's
high at $15.25. On the first day of the IPO, Accenture raised nearly $1.7 billion.[19]

Bermuda headquarters[edit]
In October 2002, the Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO) identified Accenture as one of
four publicly traded federal contractors that were incorporated in a tax haven country.[20] The other
three, unlike Accenture, were incorporated in the United States before they re-incorporated in a tax
haven country, thereby lowering their US taxes. Critics, most notably former CNNjournalist Lou
Dobbs,[21] have reported Accenture's decision to incorporate in Bermuda as a US tax avoidance ploy,
because they viewed Accenture as having been a US-based company.[22] The GAO itself did not
characterize Accenture as having been a US-based company; it stated that "prior to incorporating in
Bermuda, Accenture was operating as a series of related partnerships and corporations under the
control of its partners through the mechanism of contracts with a Swiss coordinating entity."
Accenture engaged in a very large and ambitious IT overhaul project for the National Health
Service (NHS) in 2003, making headlines when it withdrew from the contract in 2006 over disputes
related to delays and cost overruns.[23] The government of the United Kingdom ultimately abandoned
the project 5 years later for the same reasons.[24]

Ireland headquarters[edit]
Accenture announced on 26 May 2009 that its Board of Directors unanimously approved changing
the companys place of incorporation to Ireland from Bermuda and would become Accenture plc.[25]
Accenture was chosen to replace CGI Group as the lead contractor for HealthCare.gov in January
2014.[26] In December 2014, Accenture won a $563 million contract to provide ongoing maintenance,
software development and technology support for HealthCare.gov through 2019. [27]
In July 2015 the United States Department of Defense awarded a major Electronic Health
Records contract to Cerner, Leidos and Accenture. The contract valued $4.33 billion will serve 55
hospitals and 600 clinics. Accenture federal services and Leidos will play the role of configuration
specialist while Cerner is the prime contractor.[28]

Services and operations[edit]

A worldmap showing the countries where Accenture has operations as of 2016

Accenture Strategy provides business strategy, technology strategy and operations strategy

Accenture Consulting provides technology, business and management consulting. [30]

Accenture Digital provides digital marketing, analytics and mobility services.[31]

Accenture Technology focuses on technology solutions, implementation, delivery, and

research & development, including its Technology Labs for emerging technologies [32]

Accenture Operations focuses on an "as-a-service" model of service delivery. This

includes business process outsourcing, IT services, cloud services, managed
operations, security and infrastructure services.[33]

The company also operates a "National Security Services" business.[34]

Marketing, branding and identity[edit]

In 2011, Accenture launched a new campaign of results-based ads featuring clients such
as Marriott, Unilever and the Royal Shakespeare Company alongside its slogan High performance.
Delivered.[35] As of 2015, Interbrand ranked Accenture No. 42 on its list of best global brands. The
brand consultancy noted Accenture's focus on branding and marketing of its Accenture Strategy,
Accenture Consulting, Accenture Digital, Accenture Technology and Accenture Operations divisions.

From at least 2005[37] until December 2009, Accenture used Tiger Woods as a celebrity
spokesperson and advertised using the service mark "Go on, be a Tiger" and the ancillary statement
"We know what it takes to be a Tiger" in association with his image. On 13 December 2009 after
details of Woods' extra-marital affairs were exposed, the company terminated Woods' six-year
sponsorship deal.[38][39]
The company uses a standardised system of branding, with extensive use of the font Rotis
From 1999, the firm's culture was parodied by the webcomic Bigtime Consulting, operated
pseudonymously by its San Francisco-based employee James Sanchez. [41][42] The comic operated a
store offering merchandise branded with the names 'Bigtime Consulting' and 'Indenture'. Sanchez
left the company in 2000 but continued to operate the comic for some years

i Guys,
I am a fresher. Sharing the questions I faced at HR interview - Accenture.
1. Tell us something about yourself.
2. Why do you want to work at Accenture?
3. What do you know about Accenture?
4. Tell us your 2 strengths and weakness. Give examples.
5. Why did you score comparatively less marks in Class 12th?
6. Rate your communications skills on a scale of 1-10.
7. Will you be happy to relocate, if required?
8. Are you comfortable working late nights, if project demands?
9. Do you know anyone who works for accenture?
10. What qualities would you like to see in your boss?
11. What would you do if you are not hired today?
12. How much salary do you expect?
13. Would you like to ask us anything?
I hope they help some of you.


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RE: Freshers - HR interview questions at Accenture. -Career (11/24/11)

Related links
HR interview questions
Approach to HR interview

16 more HR questions
15 common job interview

RE: Freshers - HR interview questions at Accenture. -CareerRide (11/02/11)

Read these tips to analyse your strengths before HR interview - Click here

RE: Freshers - HR interview questions at Accenture. -CareerRide (11/02/11)

Crack HR interview at Accenture with these questions and answers

ACCCENTURE-Recruitment Process -Suprotim Ghosh (10/06/15)

Hi guyz, i am suprotim from SRM University,

5th sept,2015 Accenture came in our campus for campus recruitment. The accenture
recruitment process consists of two parts
1.Online test(held by elitmus or amcat or parikhsa lite)
2.HR interview
Firstly 792 students appeared in online exam, it consists of three sections- Verbal(25
questions) , Analytical (15 questions), Attention to detail (15 questions)..the total questions
are 55 and the time given will be 65 mins.
Only 361 students cleared the test, it was a easy one, I cleared the round..they have taken
the necessary documents for verification(like 10th 12th sem's marksheets, govt id xerox)and
we were asked to fill the employment form.
The interview started next day morning.We were taken in a group of 5..they have marked
our positions.im in the first position, there were two interviewers(HR).we said good morning
and took the respective seats.then they said me to start the introduction within 1 min, as im
in the first position i was asked to tell first.after that they have given us one topic to discuss
among ourselves which was more like a GD.our topic was Day-Dreaming.i initiated the
discussion and finished also.other peoples also pointed out their thoughts.then they asked
us individually to say why you want to join accenture in a single word. I said respect for the
individuals.others said,dream company like that.then after the handshake we were asked to
leave..Results came in the evening and only 119 students were selected and luckily my
name is there in the list.
Guys frankly saying they will not check your technical skills maybe maximum project u have
done that's all..they are looking for candidates who has good communication skills and who
is confident enough to handel stress situations. So be confident, have a friendly smile in
your face all the time, and be interactive. You will also get placement :-) ??

Interview Process
If youre applying for a role at Accenture, the interview process will generally follow the stages below:

First interview

Assessment centre

Third interview (strategy only)

First Interview
The selection process will start with a 45-minute interview with a member of the recruitment team or
a manager from the department youve applied to. This interview will take place at Accenture's
London office if you live locally, or via atelephone interview.
The first interview has three main sections:

Motivation for applying to Accenture

Competency based questions

Case study

The Accenture interview is gruelling: use this guide to be as prepared as possible.

Before the interview, make sure you read your invitation email carefully, as the interview format is
likely to stick closely to the guidelines therein. During the first part of the interview, you should be
prepared to answer questions such as:

Why Accenture?

Why consulting?

Why did you choose your particular degree program?

What is your long-term career plan?

Who are Accenture's main competitors?

Tell me about a few cases/projects you know of that Accenture has worked on.

TIP: Before attending your interview find out exactly what Accenture does and what you will be
doing if you are successfully offered a job. You should know who their major clients are and read
several of Accenture's cases beforehand. Your interviewer will want to see that you have researched
your career options and can demonstrate your commitment to a career at Accenture.

Want an advantage over other candidates in your accounting interview? Check out this free ebook
on Finance Skills and Accounting Principles, with chapters on cash and accrual accounting, the
purpose of the income statement and balance sheet, etc.

Competency based questions will be assessed to assess your:

Decision-making and problem-solving skills

Innovation and ability to work with uncertain parameters

Persuasive skills

Adaptability and flexibility

Teamwork potential

Additionally, you will be given a mini Case Study to test your logic and problem-solving skills.
These case studies may be within one of the following areas:


Communications and Tech

Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management

Past topics have covered issues including company mergers, competing businesses, and delayed
service times. You will have to identify the main challenges that are present in each situation and
propose solutions that are feasible as well as creative. Try to think of ways that the problem could be
solved quickly without costing the company too much time or money, but remember to be as
innovative as you can. Standard, safe answers will not impress.

TIP: The interviewer will read the case twice, but do not hesitate to ask him or her to repeat any
parts that you wish to hear again.
TIP: Accenture places great importance on technologies, so be sure that you have a good
understanding of current technologies and how they could be used to help a client or solve a
problem. Come prepared with a few examples to back up your ideas.
Generally, youll find out if you were successful within 10 working days of your interview taking place.
If you have any questions in the meantime, you can call the Accenture recruitment helpline on 0500
In preparation, heres a practice interview course to help you prepare for those difficult questions.
You can also read our informative guide for help with specific interview questions, including Why do
you want to work for us? andDescribe your ideal job.

Assessment Centre
If you pass the first interview youll be invited to attend a half-day assessment centre at the London
office. Generally, six to ten candidates will be invited to attend each assessment.
(Note: Applicants to Accenture Technology Solutions will not be required to attend an assessment
centre, but instead will sit a second round 1-hour interview.)
The half-day assessment centre will include the following:
Manager Presentation (NOT assessed): This is a presentation delivered by a manager from the
business, followed by a question-and-answer session. Its your chance to ask any questions you
have about the company and will give you more information about Accenture and what happens on
the day. Youll also have the opportunity to speak with current analysts and spend one-on-one time
with a recruiter, who can answer any further questions you may have.
Group Case Study: For the case study youre likely to be split into two groups. Within your groups
you will have to discuss the key issues relating to the case study. Make sure you take notes during
the initial presentation of the case - your group will need to consider possible solutions/approaches
with regard to strategy, process, people and technology, and its important you make a note of key
points that may be relevant later.

TIP: The key to this exercise is time management and team interaction. You should welcome and
encourage others to speak, while helping to ensure that the group stays focussed. Make sure you
provide only well-reasoned statements, and keep in mind that this is a teamwork exercise and not a
competition; potentially everyone could advance to the next stage. There are no correct answers to
any of these problems, but there are correct ways of interacting with other team members.
Individual Project Plan Exercise: Following the group exercise, you will be asked to prepare a
project plan based on the solutions youve come up with. You will be given 15-25 minutes to prepare
a 12-month timeline which plots out your solutions. Youll also be required to think about the project's
dependencies and risks, and explain the reasoning behind all of your decisions.
TIP: Consider leaving excess time open for unforeseen complications.
One to one interview: At the start of the interview youll be asked to present your project plan, after
which you will be questioned about your proposal. You will be interviewed either by a manager in the
business or a member of the Graduate Recruitment team. The remainder of the interview will focus
on questions similar to those you faced in the first interview; your motivation for joining and
knowledge of Accenture, and competency based questions to assess your suitability for the job. This
is your final opportunity to get to know staff at Accenture and decide if this is the company for you.
TIP: Your invitation email will include a list of competencies that Accenture looks for in its graduates.
Use this to your advantage when answering competency questions, but also think about which ones
you possess and which you consider to be most important and why, as you may be questioned on

Third Interview
The third round assessment is for those potentially suitable for a strategy or SITE (strategic IT
Effectiveness) position and consists of two parts.
*First Interview: (1hr) This will be with a Strategy/SITE Manager from within the business, who will
ask you in more detail about your career focus and motivation for applying to Strategy/SITE
at Accenture. You will probably discuss where you might fit best within Accenture and he or she will
answer any further questions you may have about the company and your job.

Second Interview/Case Study: This interview will assess in greater depth your approach to
problem-solving, how you structure your thoughts and how you communicate your points to clients
(or in this case, the interviewer).
Your interviewer will be looking for evidence of your ability to think logically and laterally within and
around the problem, your capacity to prioritise and to suggest solutions and action plans where
relevant. The case study interviewis intensive and you will have to think on your feet. The case
study may be on a very obscure topic, but the important thing is to support your reasoning. You may
be asked:

What is relevant and important about this topic?

What are the main elements of the situation described?

How might these change or develop in the future?

What are its wider implications - possible rewards and benefits?

What can we do about it?

How would you put your plans into practise for both the short and long term?

Throughout the two sessions you will be assessed on a number of criteria, including your problemsolving skills and initiative, as well as your level of career focus, interest in and ability to strategize.
To help you prepare, take this practice interview course to help improve your answers to
difficult interview questions.
TIP: The company may feel that your skills are better suited to another practice area, and it is also
possible that you may be offered a place in the Analyst Consulting Group or Systems Integration &
Technology Consulting. For this reason, it is important that you take the time to understand what is
involved in these areas, and whether you would also be interested in working on that side of the
TIP: Think laterally and keep an open mind about all scenarios that may come up in each of your
interviews. Keep an eye on the time, make your notes brief and be enthusiastic and engaging
throughout the day. It makes all the difference to your interviewer if you present yourself as a
motivated and enthusiastic person. They will want to hire someone they like and that they think will
like working for Accenture. This is your final chance to make a good impression.

You will be informed of the outcome of your interview by e-mail within 10 working days, so make sure
the company has your email address and that you check it regularly.

Once you've joined Accenture, you will gain access to a special "Waiting Room" site. This is
designed to help you transition smoothly and easily into the company. It provides you with a central
source of information with everything you need to know as a new starter, including contacts for help
and advice, a guide to company technology, a 'Who's Who' guide and a helpful jargon buster.

Dress Code
Accentures dress policy is smart business casual. This means that staff wear tailored trousers or a
skirt, a shirt with collar or a smart top/blouse (for women). When you meet your interviewer, he or
she may not be wearing a suit.
Candidates are not required to wear a suit (although they are not discouraged from doing so) but
must be smartly dressed. There is more information regarding dress code in the General interview
advice section.

Travel Expenses
The budget for first round and second round interviews is around 120. If you are likely to spend
more than this on travel you may be able to claim a slightly larger amount but you will need to
confirm this by replying to your Invitation Email and confirming with HR that it is acceptable to do so.
TIP: Try to meet a member of staff from Accenture at a graduate recruitment fair before you make
your online application as they will be able to provide you with useful hints and tips for applying.
Alternatively, why not check out our forum for the latest interview hints and tips from real graduates
whove applied to Accenture.

Lookup. Microsoft Excel lookup is a Microsoft Excel function that searches for values in a
column or row of a spreadsheet list or table. The V in VLOOKUP stands for vertical (column)
while the H in HLOOKUP stands for horizontal (row).

HLOOKUP is the exact same function, but looks up data that has been formatted by rows
instead of columns. The format of the VLOOKUP function is:
VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup). The lookup_value is the
user input. This is the value that the function uses to search on.Dec 18, 2013

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