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SITY Zxaw PapOy — Nev 2o/¢ SOm-V- QP Code :04548 (@% hours) (Total Marks: 75 N. Bi: (1) All questions are somputsory (2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made. {G) Answers tothe game question mus be written together. (@) Numbers to the right indisete marks (5) Draw neat labeled disgrams wherever necessary (6) Use of Non-programmable calculators is allowed. Attempt aay twa of the following: 10 [Explain the similarities and differences between Interfaces and Abstract classes. \B-_ Write a short note on Assembly. “e-~ Give syntax of foreach loop. Explain with example a 2 ‘b Explain the four mast important selectors present in CSS. Write a program using overloaded constructors. Attempt any to of the following: 10 Explain Boxing ang Unboxing with reference to value ‘Explain the different types of CSS in ASP.NET. AP oe ‘Write a program using any five Methods/Property of ArrayList Class, Attempt any tog of the following: 10 What is the difference between List Box and Drop-Down Lists? List and explain any tree common propetis ofthese controls. Explain any five Methods/Properties of Listtem collection object. List aud explain the comparison and logical operators in CR. ‘What is the difference between butlons, Link Buttons and Image Buttons? Explain any three common button attributes. Atterapt amy vg ofthe follow 10 Write a program co create a new cookie with the name “Username” and adi it to the HitpResponse object on the click ofa button. Set the expiry date ofthe cookie to One year from Now. ‘What is the use of MasterPages in ASP.NET? How a Content page can be added to a Master Page. Explain Tres View and Menu ste navigation controls ‘What is the use of Compare Validator? Explain it along with its properties. Attempt any tig ofthe following: 10 Explain DetullsView Contr! ‘What do you men by authentication? Explain its types. Explain the differonce between DataReader and DataAdapter in ADO.NET ‘What i the diffrence between Listview and Gridview control? Explain the ListView control. Attempt any 9 of the following: 10 Create string anay of names. Write a program with LINQ query to display all names fiom the array that contain te eter “S” and order them in ascending order. Display the query result ina Label Explain the Stendard Query operators “Selec”, “From”, “Order By” and “Where” in UNG. ITURN OVER AP-Con.:3898-14. QP Code :04548 . Explain the use of UpdateProgress control in AJAX. 4. Write a program using jQuery that hides a paragraph on click of a button, 7. Attempt any three of the following: 18 a. What is Method Overriding? Give an example of it b. Create a delegate with two int parameters and a return type. Create a class with two delegate methods multiply and divide. Write a program to implement the delegate, general form of switch statement. Explain with example. Explain the throe layer architecture of ASP.NBT. What is ViewState? How we can work with ViewState in ASP.NET. What is ATAX?. How is the processing of a web page without AJAX different fiom the processing of a web page with AJAX? AP-Con.:3898-14. QP Code : 04550 Total Marks: 75 @ hours) N.B: (1) All questions are compulsory, (@) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state de assumptions made. (3) Answers tothe game question must be written together. (a) Numbers to the right indicate marks. (3) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. (6) Use of Nonsprogrammable calculators is allowed. 1. Answer any two of the following: 1 State the phases of Fundamental Test Process. Explain Planning and Control ‘What is Quality? Explain Quality Viewpoints for producing and buying software. Write a short note on Psychology of Te oes Explain any four in detail. Answer any feo of the following: Explain Lifecycle Testing for Iterative mocel and RAD model. ‘What is Integration Testing? List and explain the approaches Integration Testing, Explain Triggers for Meintenance Testing, Explain Conformance directed Testing Levels. Answer any peo ofthe following: List the phases of Formal Reviews. Explain any four phases in detail “Explain the characteristics and objectives of = ) Walkthrough ii) Inspection Audit Technical review Poor Review Explain the factors influencing successful performance of Reviews 4d. List and explain any two types of Static Analysis using Tools 4. Answer any neo ofthe folowing: 3, ~“Baplain how Equivalence Class Partitioning differs from BVA “8. Explain Exporance based testing and its types. c, ~Deserite State Transition based testing with an example. Define Cyclomatic Complexity Draw a Program Graph to Graphically represen the given Code and find the Cyelomstis comntenty Dim 4 as integer Dim n ae Integer ied nL while (ies) Contd. AP-Con: 4583-14, QP Code : 04550 5. Answer any 6vo of the followin 10 a. What is Risk Based Testing? How is product risk different from project risk? '. Explain inoldent port lifeeyote withthe help of a diagram. ‘& Define Test Control. Explain configuration management in deal. ~A. Explain Test Organization. What are the factors affecting test efforts? 6 Answer anp fo ofthe followin 10 2. Explain the poteatal benefits and risks of test automation and tools support for testing 16° State the objectives of Proof-of-Concept or Piloting phase for ool evaluation. ©. Describe the features of Test Design tools and Dats Preparation tool. 4. Explain in detail how tools provide support for Test Specification activity 7. Answer any dhree of the following: 15 [Explain V- Model of testing withthe help ofa diagram. Explain its advantages. Define Stato Testing. Explain the significance of Static Testing. Justify “100% Decision Coveraye implies 100% Statement Coverage” giving an example. RE cous pes of Test Sateen. £_-Diseuss the feetures of Test Execution Tool. List the considerations for implementing these tools. \_£° Define the terms Risk, Error, Defect, Failure and Quality. ? 4 AP-Con: 4583-14, QP Code : 04556 (2% hours) [Tota Marks: 75 N.B.: (2) All questions are compulsory. (2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made, (3) Answers to the same question must be written together. (4) Numbers to the right indicate marks. (5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. (©) Use of Non-programmable calculators is allowed. 1. Answer aay two of the followi 10 a. Explain GRUB.conf file in detai 'b. What are re soripts? How re scripts can be managed? . State the advantages of using hierarchical method for file system organ de How to coffigure the secure system? 2. Answer any two of the followi 10 a. What are cron files? How cron files take care of system tasks? Explain bb. What is DHICP? How is DHCP configured? Explain in details. ‘ox What is use of fstab? Explain contents of fstab. {¢. State the number of subnets, subnet mask and number of hosts for Class B subnets with 2,3,4 and 5 bits. 3. Answer gay two of the following: 10 a. Explain use of telnet, ftp, sync, finger, talk, rlogin services. '. Compare inted and xinted services. Explain standalone services of xinetd. cc. What are the steps to configure Linus Firewall packages? Distinguish between NFS and SAMBA Server. 4. Answer guy two of the follo 10 1. State and explain E-Mail service and its components b. Explain vsftpd configuration. . Explain different types of DNS servers. " If the password is not “servlet”, Loginjava should display “Sorry Username or password error!!!” web.xml, the deployment descriptor fle that contains the information about the serv lain GenerioServiet wih its constructors and methods. ‘Write a servlet application to find the sum of digits of the number entered by the user through the HTML form. AP-Con. 5267-14. 4 [TURN OVER 4 ~~ QP Code : 04553 Attempt gay to of the following: 10 a“ What is JDBC driver? Explain the types of JDBC drivers, ae =) akekn eae S aes Explain tke JDBC architecture. ‘What are the advaniages and disadvantages of java server pages?” Write a JSP application that computes the cubes of the numbers from 1 to 10. Attempt any 4wo of the following: 10 Explain the model-view-controller architecture. Explain ir, detail the phases of JSF lifecyole. Enumerate the benefits of enterprise beans. Write a session bean code specification that calculates simple interest. Assume the principat, term and rate of interest is entered by the user and the input is passed through a servlet, Attemnt wav quo of the following: 16 Explain tie architecture of hibernate framework in detail Explain structure of hibemate.cfg.xmi file, ‘What is Value Stack in struts? State and explain the Execution Flow of Value Stack. Explain interceptors in struts. Attempt any three of the following: 1s ‘Whats Checkbontroup? Explain with example, Explain JScrolfPane and JScrollBar with example. Explain the lifecycle of servlet Write « JDBC program that inserts values in database. [TABLE NAME: Employee. FIELDS: Empid, Name, Dept, Designation} ‘What are jhe different types of enterprise beans? Explain, ‘What is GGNL? Explain the execution flow of OGNL. AP-Con. 5267-14.

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