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Cells and Heredity

Unit One
Lesson 1

Describe the relationship between cells and organisms.

Explain why most cells are small in terms of their surface-area-to-volumeratio.
Summarize the cell theory
Summarize the contributions to cell theory of Robert Hooke, Anton van
Leeuwenhoek, Theodor Schwan, and Rudolf Virchow.
Compare unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Identify the parts that all cells have in common.
Compare Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Lesson 2

Explain that atoms join together to form the molecules found in living things.
Define compound.
Explain why nutrients are important to all organisms.
Identify the four main types of molecules in cells.
Illustrate the role of water in cells.

Lesson 3

Identify general characteristics of eukaryotic cells.

Recognize how prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes.
Describe the cell membrane and cytoskeleton, and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of organelles found in eukaryotic cells,
including mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex.
Compare and contrast organelles found in plant and animal cells.

Lesson 4

Define organism.
Identify that living things are unicellular and multicellular, and list
characteristics of multicellular organisms.
List levels of structural organization.
Define specialization.
Define tissue, organ, and organ system.
Define structure and function.
Explain the basic relationship between the structure and function of tissues,
organs, and organ systems.

Describe how various organs and tissues serve the needs of cells for nutrient
and oxygen delivery and waste removal.

Lesson 5

Explain why homeostasis is important for survival.

Identify the needs of cells.
Describe how cells can get energy by photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Explain that homeostasis is maintained at a cellular level and at higher levels.
Explain why cells divide.
Describe the cell cycle.
Discuss why exchange is important for cells.
Compare passive and active transport.
Compare endocytosis and exocytosis.

Lesson 6

State that all organisms need energy.

Explain how organisms get energy.
Define and describe photosynthesis.
List the starting materials and the products of photosynthesis.
State the location where photosynthesis takes place.
Define and describe cellular respiration.
List the starting materials and the products of cellular respiration.
State the location where cellular respiration takes place.

Unit Two
Lesson 1

Describe the function of cell division in unicellular organisms.

Describe the function of cell division in multicellular organisms.
Explain how cell division results in two new cells, each with a full set of
genetic material that is identical to the parent cells.
Define DNA.
Define chromosome.
Define cell cycle and identify its three stages.
Describe interphase.
Describe mitosis.
Name the four phases of mitosis.
Define cytokinesis.

Lesson 2

Define sex cell

Explain how sex cells differ from body cells.
Define homologous chromosome.
Define meiosis.

Identify the relationship between meiosis and sexual reproduction.

Describe the steps of meiosis.
Identify the results of meiosis and meiosis II.
Compare meiosis and mitosis.

Lesson 3

Define asexual reproduction.

Describe four ways by which organisms reproduce asexually.
Define sexual reproduction.
Describe the process of fertilization.
Compare asexual and sexual reproduction.
Identify the advantages of both forms.
Relate why some organisms reproduce both ways.

Lesson 4

Summarize Mendels findings.

Explain how dominant and recessive traits differ.
Describe DNAs role in determining traits.
Identify the relationship between genes and alleles.
Identify the relationship between genotype and phenotype.
Describe the relationship among genes, traits, and characteristics.
Discuss complete, incomplete, and codominance.
Distinguish between inherited and acquired characteristics.
Provide examples of environmental factors that may affect phenotype.

Lesson 5

Define Punnett square.

Use a Punnett square to find combinations of alleles in potential offspring.
Define ratio.
Define probability.
Define pedigree.
Explain what a sex-linked disorder is.
Give examples of sex-linked disorders.
Use a pedigree to trace a genetic trait.

Lesson 6

Define DNA and list the components of it.

Describe Chargaffs rules concerning bases.
Explain why Rosalind Franklins and Watson and Cricks contributions to
knowledge about the structure of the DNA.
Explain how DNA makes copies of itself.
Describe when DNA replication occurs.
Define mutation and list three different types of mutations.
Describe some consequences of mutations.

Explain why mutations occur.

Define the role of RNA.
Compare RNA to DNA.

Lesson 7

Define biotechnology.
Identify examples of biotechnology, including cloning, genetic engineering,
and artificial selection.
Identify biotechnologies impact on individuals, society, and the environment.

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