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Investigations in Science 7 September 23, 2016

What we did this week:

This week we started looking at the parts of a cell, organelles. We drew both a
plant and animal cell. We talked about the function of each organelle. Afterwards, they
tried to use what they learned to compare and contrast plant and animal cells. Lab groups
were challenged with coming up with an analogy for an organelle of their choice. They
started creating posters that showed their analogy for the organelle chosen. Example:
The golgi bodies are like the post office because they package up materials and deliver
Wednesday and Thursday, students competed in our annual Olympic games, called
Organellympics. Teams worked together on different events that represented an
organelle. Points were awarded for winning the game and for being able to identify the
correct organelle the game represents. One event was unscrambling the word protein to
represent the organelle ribosome (makes protein). Another event was passing the word
energy around the team (mitochondria). For event number three students sorted the
different proteins and put them in the correct envelope (Golgi body and endoplasmic
reticulum). Fill er up involved passing around trash (paper) and putting it in a bag (lysosome
and vacuole). It was lot of fun! The last event was the green pass in which one person
from each team handed out a small sheet of green paper. The organelle represented was
chloroplast. The teams also had a chance at bonus questions. You can ask your child how
their team did! I have also uploaded a large amount of photos of the students
participating in the games. Feel free to check them out and show your child.
Today, we will be begin researching hydroponics systems. Before beginning to
design a hydroponic system, the first step is to determine the different parts, systems,
mediums, and solutions available. The research will focus on active and passive systems,
types of systems available, why there needs to be a nutrient solution, and many more.

Today, a notice will go home about Chromebook cases that need to be purchased prior to
your child receiving a Chromebook to use here at school. The price is $14.30. I have

attached a copy of the flier to the email that informs you how to make the purchase.
Please note that the due date is October 1st.

Students should be returning their Medieval Times Field Trip permission forms in their
social studies classes. You can ask your child for the packet. The MCPS bus form that is
found in the packet, asks if you would you like to be a chaperone. For this field trip, we
DO NOT need any chaperones. Please let me know if you have any questions about it.
Coming Up:

Research on Hydroponics
Plant Parts and Reproduction


September 23 RETAKES at Lunch Cell Theory Assessment

September 23 - Picture Day
September 27-29 - MAP-R Testing in English Classes
September 30 SUMMATIVE DUE DATE Cell Analogy Poster (Attached)
September 30 - Early Release Day - Dismissal 12:30
*Last week I had a typo and said this was on the 20th. Please note the correct date.
October 1 Due Date to purchase a Chromebook case - $14.30
October 3 - No School
October 6 - Music Assembly - Tuba Specialist - Pat Sheridan
October 12 - No School
October 20 - PTA Meeting at 7:00 in the Media Center
October 24-28 - Red Ribbon Week
October 28 - SGA Dance

Have a great weekend!

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