Language Ubd Hwoo Personal Response gr4

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Language Unit Planner: Personal Response

August to September 2016

Grade: 4
Length of unit: 6

Stage 1 Desired Results

Essential Questions:
Students will understand that

What is a response?
A written response has specific
Why are responses written?
What are the elements/language
The structure and organisation of
features of reponse texts?
written language influences and conveys
How is a response structured/organised?
Conceptual Understandings:

Students will know . . .(Knowledge)

Response writing is personal and
A good review is evaluative
How to justify their review (i.e.
supporting their opinions with evidence)

Students will be able to . . . (Skills)

Compare personal responses
engage with the process of response
Apply the approriate structure of a
response (context, orientation,
conclusion) to their written response
Apply the appropriate language features
of a reponse (paragraphs, descriptive and
evaluative vocabulary,
action/saying/thinking verbs, sequential
words, and persuasive langauge) to their

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

PreAssessment: Students will record a response to the UOI provocation (3 teamwork tasks: meter
stick, seesaw and Human Knot challenges) using the learner profile as evidence of success or
failure in these task.
Performance/Summative Tasks:
Write a response to a visual text applying the
structure and features of the reponse text

Other Evidence:
Students coconstruct shared written response to
a text (written or visual).
Student identify features and
structure/organisation in a variety of samples.
Students work in pairs to discuss a written or
visual text focusing on its appeal, key events,
authors choices, and justified recommendation.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Experiences: (including differentiation)
Reading and deconstructing a variety of personal responses.
Listening to and reading a variety of responses to movies and books.
Discussing and writing responses to each teambuilding activity.
Discussing and wriitng a response to literary experience.
Disussing and writing a response to a viewing experience.

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