Security RoadMap

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In todays ubiquitous environment of highly interconnected, interdependent systems the

lifeblood of business operations is the information carried by a seemingly seamless network of

technologies that enables its collection and use. But, when this information flow is interrupted,
the consequences are drastic; business deals fall through, shipments are lost, customers leave,
and business success suddenly starts to diminish.
Thus there is a need to have a plan to ensure the security of information assets and the data
they store and process. An information security program needs to be developed in order to
continuously deliver information security across the organization. Having an information
security program roadmap helps the organization to identify the business, IT and compliance
elements that must be secured to achieve key objectives and goals, and provides key
stakeholders with the ability to plan and prioritize strategic IT security investments pertinent
to technology implementations, process enhancements and user awareness initiatives.
This roadmap attempts to:
Provide an approach towards developing an effective information security program.
Define the mission and vision statements of the security program.
Outline the outcomes of and benefits to business from the security program.
To list core information security requirements that must be in place to accomplish major
organizational initiatives efficiently and effectively.
Develop a quarter-wise roadmap for the information security program with milestones.

Our approach towards an effective information security program follows an iterative lifecycle
process that refreshes on an annual or quarterly basis to establish, implement, operate,
monitor, review, maintain, and improve information security.
The first step in the process is to develop the current state (see figure below). The results of
the security assessments and risk assessments (current infrastructure environment) are
analyzed. This stage will help us develop security risk profile of the organization

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