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Roaring Bull Adventure Advanced Version (by Sanii)

(Including Guidance for up to an additional 15k+ XP)

Much appreciation to "Lesson" who is a true guru for his thoughts and insights during our ongoing discussions.
Additional credits to "LushyLady", Talkryn and Phenix0cs for their important contributions!

READ THIS FIRST, IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE (Well some troops at least!)
This guide differs from my previous guides in that it uses more complex types of blocking. You will be using Advanced Block
combinations, including multi-waves and multi-targets, that will keep intercept camps busy while you take out the leader (camps/witch
towers). Placement of generals for blocking attacks was calculated for you to simply launch them sequentially against the desired targets
rather than having to use timing delays or counting. Some troop configurations and placements may be similar to other guides already
out there.
IMPORTANT! For blocking attacks, each block or attack MUST be made after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (roughly 4
seconds). Attacking the next target in a, "called for sequence", before the drums have stopped will probably cause that general to be
intercepted. ALSO - When you launch generals and hear the drums end, try to check that the gens emerge from garrisons then, if not
retreat all and refresh game and try again!

General Requirements: 1 VET, and least 5 more Generals (4 MUST BE Normal Generals (or 3 minimum Normals and wait for recovery)
Cannon Reqmt - Avg Losses: 597R 119B

No Cannon Reqmt - Avg Losses: 759R

Max Losses: 623R 125B

Max Losses: 799R


Recruits (R)
Militia (M)
Soldier (S)
Elite (E)
Calvary (C)
Bow (B)
Longbow (LB)
Crossbow (XB)
Cannon (K)


Recruits (R)
Militia (M)
Soldier (S)
Elite (E)
Calvary (C)
Bow (B)
Longbow (LB)
Crossbow (XB)

Important note: In order to achieve the low losses, there is one block on the middle tower that has a 2% chance of failing before the
tower falls, so you do run a slight risk of losing elites and calvary. Please make your own decision regarding this. Click Here to see the
relevant section for that and remember, if you decide not to do it, you will need to bring the extra troops specified on that slide and of
course accept the losses.

If your doing the Full XP version, attacking the sectors in the following order will avoid any placement issues from generals that might have
been wounded; Sector order 1,5,8,7,6,3,4. Also, skip down to the "Additional Experience" section for required troops there as well.
Take a look at the Quick Loadout's on the next page for the regular run!

Click on each page to proceed or use controls below. Have Fun!

Main View

For Additional XP requirements click here

Quick Loadouts For Regular Run: (If you have more BHG's , you can get troops there to do first two attacks while awaiting Normals)
Load Up Veteran With 45 Recruit 205 Elite AND BHG With 200 Recruit
Remaining Troops To Bring: 383Recruit 1Militia 95 Soldiers 222 Calvary 126 Bow 1 Longbow
200 Crossbow 100 Cannon
Load Up Veteran With 45 Recruit 205 Elite AND BHG With 200 Recruit
Remaining Troops To Bring: 559 Recruit 1Militia 95 Soldier 40 Elite 222 Calvary 2 Bow 1 Longbow
200 Crossbow


Move Veteran to Position 1 (as shown to right and on main map).


Attack C6: 120 Nomad, 80 Composite Bowman.

Vet General: 45 Recruit 205 Elite (250) (Max Loss: 45R)


Attack C29: 90 Nomad, 60 Lance, 50 Cataphract.

Vet General: 165 Recruit 85 Elite (250) Max Loss: 165R)


Move Normal Gens B1, B2, B3 to Position 1 (as shown to right and on main map).

Pro Tip 1: General Blocking Tactics Used (skip to next page if not interested :)
This is just a brief summation and example of what to expect during the kinds of blocks used
in this guide. I'll be using the West Tower Attack as the example (see picture to right of this).
Taking down this tower involves three blocking normal generals. Please refer to the pictures
on the right for reference.
The tower is protected by the aggro zones of C27 and C28 and any general sent directly at the
tower would be intercepted. Ergo we introduce a couple of blocks on those camps. Most
people know the basics of blocking but this takes it one step further. B1 followed by B2 are
targeted on the tower because a direct target on C27 would cause the general to be
intercepted by other enemy camps on their travel path.
B1 and then B2 will be intercepted by C27, Due to our placement at launch time for all of our
generals, B3 (targeted at C28) will hit the edge of C27's aggro zone just after B1 begins it's
battle and will not be intercepted. B2 enters C27 to await it's turn at battle while B3
continues to C28. The plan is to have B3 enter the aggro zone of C28 before B1 finishes his
suicide as once B3 enters C28 area of influence he will not be intercepted by the finishing of
B1's battle (see aggro picture of C28).
Meanwhile your Veteran continues marching towards the targeted tower (C30) and should
not reach it until B2 has engaged C27 for his long block and B3 has engaged C28 for his long
block. Since both camps become engaged, their aggro zones should have no effect on your
Veteran and he can travel to and engage in battle with the tower.
B2 and B3 are considered to be advanced blocks and have been configured with troops to
make their battles last as long as possible and give time for your Veteran (configured
properly) to destroy the castle. After this is accomplished, your Veteran, B2 and B3 will return
to their garrisons. B2 and B3 will retain their original troops as if the battles never took place.
Pro Tip 2: Buildings have hit points just like troops do. The speed with which the health bar
of a building counts down after a successful battle is affected by the sum of the hit points of
each troop type used in the battle. In most cases, the speed at which the bar counts down is
not important but during the use of advanced blocks, it usually is. Check out the combat sim
at in the Destruction Times
section after you sim a battle.

Pre-Launch Notes:
a) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).


b) Click here to watch a sample video

Load up all below generals and REMEMBER each successive launch should be made
after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
Attack C30 (Goal, be intercepted by C27 and block it)
B1 Normal General: 1 Recruit (1) (Max Loss: 1R)
Attack C30 (Goal, be intercepted by C27 and block it)
B2 Normal General: 1 Recruit 94 Soldier 105 Elite (200)
Attack C28 (Block)
B3 Normal General: 1 Recruit 37 Elite 150 Calvary (188)
Attack C30: 70 Nomads, 100 Lance Riders, 30 Cataphract, 1 Uproarious Bull
Cannons - Veteran: 147 Recruit 1 Militia 1 Soldier 1 Elite 100 Cannon (250) (Max Loss: 147R)
No Cannons - Veteran: 150 Recruit 1 Militia 1 Soldier 98 Elite (250) (Max Loss: 149R)

Note: If you are planning to do the addtional XP sectors, I recommend you do Sector 8 now before doing step 10-17 as the B1 general used for those steps
will be wounded and out of action afterwards.

Move Vet, three Normal (B1,B2,B3) and two more generals (any type)
to Position 2 (as shown on left and on main map).
Pre-Launch Notes:
a) The use of the Xtra1 and Xtra2 Generals are a mechanism for avoiding lag issues and/or making the user count a certain number of seconds until
launching the Veteran. This usage is a solution to placement limitations for launch. Remember to RETREAT these two generals after you launch the Vet!
b) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
c) Click here for a video
Note: The Block B2 has a .3% chance of not lasting long enough to kill the tower for Non_Cannon attack! If you do NOT want to risk it, do the following:

1) Load Vet with this combination (50 Recruit, 101 Bow, 99 Crossbow avg loss 50R 98B) and destroy C31 first.
2) Keep original placement of B1, B3 and Vet in picture.
3) Load B3, xtra1, xtra2 and Vet as specified below.
4) Skip launching B1 and B2 below (ie. start at step 14) and launch B3, xtra1, xtra2 and Vet as specified. Cannon version should have no problem.

Load up all below generals and then launch sequentially.


Attack C31 (Block) B1 Normal General: 1 Recruit (1) (Max Loss: 1R)


Attack C31 (Block) B2 Normal General: 99 Elite 93 Calvary 8 Crossbow (200) (See Note Above)


Attack C34 (Block) B3 Normal General: 70 Elite 129 Calvary 1 Bow (200)


Attack C31 (Timing Gen) Xtra1 Any Gen 1 Recruit (Max Loss: 0)


Attack C31 (Timing Gen) Xtra2 Any Gen 1 Recruit (Max Loss: 0)


Attack C35: 80 Cultist, 120 Firedancer

Cannons - Veteran: 40 Recruit 125 Bow 1 Longbow 1 Crossbow 83 Cannon (250) (Max Loss: 40R 125B)
No Cannons - Veteran: 215 Recruit 1 Militia 1 Soldier 1 Elite 1 Bow 1 Longbow 30 Crossbow (Max Loss: 213R)
RETREAT Xtra1 and Xtra2 before they engage in battle!


Final Tower Attack - There are two methods for this.

Method 1 (Method 2 coming soon)
Move Vet, one Normal (B1) and any other general to Position 3.
Pre-Launch Notes: (HOT! - Remember, launch order is Vet, BHG and then the Tavern General)
a) Refer to image below and main map for references.
b) This attack has a fairly narrow window for blocking. After launching all three generals, insure the following:

Check that the Veteran general is slightly ahead of the second wave general as shown yet closely grouped.

After launch, check the distance between the blocking general and the two waves is as shown below. The blocker should reach the
wall at the same time the Vet reaches the border. If they are closer together, the Vet and/or the wave 2 general may be intercepted
so retreat all three generals and adjust launches.

Remember that each successive launch should be made after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
c) Click here to watch the video (note video shows slightly different placement, use below image)


Load up all below generals and launch them sequentially. (Recommend you practice this with retreats a couple of times until familiar)
Attack C38: 80 Cultist, 50 Shadow, 70 Firedancer, 1 Dark High Priest
Veteran: 227 Recruit (227) (Max Loss: 227R)
Attack C38: 80 Cultist, 50 Shadow, 70 Firedancer, 1 Dark High Priest
Any Gen: 200 Crossbow (200) (Max Loss: 0)
Note: If you're tired of waiting for the destruction bar and want to destroy the tower quicker use:
Non-Cannon -> 193 Crossbow, 1 Recruit, 1 Mil, 1 Sold, 1 Elite, 1 Calv, 1 Bow, 1 LBow
Cannon -> 192 Crossbow, 1 Recruit, 1 Mil, 1 Sold, 1 Elite, 1 Calv, 1 Bow, 1 LBow, 1 Cannon
Attack C37 (Block)
B1 Normal General: 1 Recruit (1) (Loss: 1R)

Please see the next page, if you wish to gain additional XP from this adventure

Additional Experience - Around 15k+ additional XP

(click here to go back to Quick Load slide)

The below instructions will allow you to clear sections 1, 7, 6 and 8 at the cost of approximately 324R 86M 39S 2B 2Lb. Sector 2 is not included as I do not
believe it's worth it. It's you're call as to whether these losses are worth your effort!
Cannon Reqmt - Avg Losses: 324R 86M 39S 1LB Max Losses: 339R 100M 41S 1LB
341 Recruits (R)
102 Militia (M)
219 Soldier (S)
189 Elite (E)
174 Calvary (C)
145 Cannon (K)

No Cannon Reqmt - Avg Losses: 322R 86M 39S 2B 2LB Max Losses: 339R 100M 41S 2B 3LB
341 Recruits (R)
102 Militia (M)
219 Soldier (S)
269 Elite (E)
174 Calvary (C)
2 Bow (B)
3 Longbow (LB)

Sector 1

Reference overview map and move Veteran and a Normal Gen to

Position 1 as shown.

Pre-Launch Notes:
a) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the
battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).

Load up below generals and launch them sequentially.

Attack C4 (Block)
B1 Normal: 1 Recruit 27 Soldier 151 Calvary (179)
Attack C5: 70 Lance, 80 Riding Bowmen, 20 Amazon
Veteran: 50 Recruit 72 Militia 128 Soldier (250) (Max Loss: 50R 72M)

Sector 8

Reference overview map and move two Normal Gens to Position 2

as shown.
Load up all below generals and then launch sequentially.

Pre-Launch Notes:
a) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the
battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
b) Cllick here for the video

Attack C21 (Block)

B1 Normal General: 78 Elite 39 Calvary (117)
Attack C24 (Block)
B2 Normal General: 110 Elite 10 Calvary (120)
Attack C26: 80 Lance, 60 Amazon, 40 Riding Bowmen
Veteran: 2 Recruit 28 Militia 219 Soldier 1 Elite (250)
(Max Loss: 2R 28M 41S )

Sector 7

Reference overview map and move two Normal Gens to modified

Position 2 as shown.
Reference overview map and move Veteran and one more Normal
Gen to Position 3 as shown.

Pre-Launch Notes:
a) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the battle
drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
b) Click here for the video

Load up all below generals and then launch sequentially.

Attack C16 (Block)
B1 Normal General: 1 Recruit (1)
Attack C17 (Block)
B2 Normal General: 35 Elite 147 Calvary (182)
Attack C19 (Block)
B3 Normal General: 100 Soldier 51 Elite (151)
Attack C20: 60 Nomads 40 Cataphracts 70 Amazon
Cannons - Veteran: 184 Recruit 65 Elite 1 Cannon (250) (Max Loss: 184R)
No Cannons - Veteran: 184 Recruit 1 Militia 1 Soldier 62 Elite 1 Bow
1 Longbow (250) (Max Loss: 143R)
Note: Troops above are necessary, the B and LB will be lost!

Sector 6

Reference overview map and move Veteran and two Normal Gens to
Position 4 as shown.

Pre-Launch Notes:
a) Remember that each successive launch should be made after the battle drums of the previous launch ends (do NOT rush it!).
b) Click here to watch video

Load up all below generals and then launch sequentially.

Attack C9 (Block)
B1 Normal General: 24 Elite 170 Calvary (194)
Attack C8 (Block)
B2 Normal General: 103 Elite 4 Calvary (107)
Attack C10: 50 Nomad, 50 Lance, 60 Amazon
Cannons - Veteran: 184 Recruit 65 Elite 1 Cannon (250) (Max Loss: 184R)
No Cannons - Veteran: 104 Recruit 1 Militia 1 Soldier 142 Elite 1 Bow 1 Longbow (250) (Max Loss: 104R)
Note: Troops above are necessary, the B and LB will be lost!

Fini! Hoped you enjoyed!

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