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Learning Skills/ECM

Child initiated

LO: Tell the time on an
analogue clock.

LO: Compare and
sequence intervals of

(T/I/S),Teaching focus, Resources
Collaborative Learning, Active

Assess + Review
(Peer/Self Assessment,
AFL fans, DLQ)

Bank Holiday
Mental Starter: Oral rehearsal counting in
5s. Then pass the beanbag, the child that
catches the beanbag says the next 5 in
the sequence.
Main Teach: Ask chn. how many minutes in
an hour? Rally Robin assess for
understanding. Share PPT on analogue
clocks and how to tell the time.
Demonstrate and read some clocks
together as a class. Recap with
Yellow/Orange when the big hand is half
way round the clock it is half past, when it
is at the top o clock. Set off to task.
Blue/green Recap 60mins in an hour.
How do we know how many minutes have
passed? Which hand shows us the
minutes? Demonstrate each marker on
clock is 5mins. Show the chn. past/to
depending on which side of the clock the
big hand is on. Model and complete some
together telling time to 5min intervals.
Mental Starter: How many hours are there
on a clock? Demonstrate how the clock
goes round twice in a day 12 x 2=24
how many hours in a day?
Main Teach: Demonstrate 5min intervals
on clock to all. Highlight that adding all
these 5mins up makes 60mins in 1 hour.
Tell your parner 60mins=1 hour.
Explain ordering times, earliest to latest,
we will be starting at 12 oclock. Ask the
chn. to with their partner order the times
on wbs, then discuss and order as a class

HA G&Ts: Tell the time in five

minute intervals, focusing on past.
Challenge: Solve time riddle.
MA: Tell the time to the hour and
half past.
LA: Tell the time to the hour and
half past.
SEN: Sequence days of the week,
drawing a picture next to each one
with something that happens that
day. Then to pick one day writing
what happens throughout the day
saying whether it is morning,
afternoon, evening.

Orally rehearse
counting in 5s as a
class again, this time
counting to 30
forwards saying past
after each multiple of
5. Then backwards.
Saying to after each
multiple of 5.
Demonstrate on clock
as the minutes go by,
then stop at half past
explaining tha the
other half of the clock
becomes to the hour.

HA G&Ts: Tell the time in five

minute intervals, focusing on to the
Challenge questions intervals of
time which time is longer e.g 25
to 1 until 1 or 10 past 4 until half
past 4.
LA: MA: In mixed ability pairs, order
times earliest to latest, o clock and
half past.
SEN: Recite days of the
week/months of the year aloud with
T.A. Complete sequence: today is
Thursday, yesterday was and

Challenge questions
intervals of time
which time is longer.
Count up the
difference in time on
clock on IWB then
e.g 25 to 1 until 1 =
25mins or 10 past 4
until half past 4


on IWB. Repeat with half past times.

LO: Tell the time to the
nearest 15 minutes.

tomorrow is. Then to sequence

months of the year in order.

Mental Starter Chn to complete starter

task in books:
There are minutes in an hour.
There are hours in a day.
Write the time out in words.
Main Teach:
Demonstrate 4 quarters to clock and what
each number means e.g 3 = quarter past.
Show time PPT on quarter past, half past
and quarter to. Chn. to take part in
reading some of the times. If any get it
wrong, explore their reasoning behind it
and address misconceptions.

HA G&Ts: Solving time word

MA: Reading time to the nearest 15
minutes independent.
LA: Reading time to the nearest 15
minutes clock prompt showing
past, past and to.
SEN: Reading time to the nearest
15 minutes clock prompt showing
past, past and to. Teacher

Show times (quarter

past, quarter to and
half past) on the clock.
Chn work in ability
pairs to write the time
hour later they
can write it in digital
time or in words.
Challenge blue/green
group chn to write the
time 20 minutes later.

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