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2 p off.

Class: 5th grade

I.Choose or complete: (Alege sau completeaza)
1. ING apare la timpul Present_____________
2.DOES NOT se foloseste la timpul Present ___________________
3.AM NOT apare la timpul Present____________________
4.Present_______________________ se foloseste pentru actiuni care se petrec IN GENERAL.
5.Look!, Now, Today se folosesc la timpul Present________________________

II.Turn the sentences into and ? (Treceti la negative si interogativ propozitiile)

1.She is my best friend.
2.They are drinking coffee now.
3.She eats fruits every day.

III.Write the verbs in the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Coninuous (Treci verbele la timpul
1.Listen! She (to cry)
2.He (have got) .. two cats and a dog.
3.She (to live )in Arad

4.My mother (to cook) a cake at the moment.

5.My friends (to speak) English

IV a) Write the verb in the IIIrd singular Present Simple (Scrie verbul la pers a III-a sg la timpul Present
I cry-> He___________
I wash -> He_____________
I speak -> He ________________

IV b) Add ing to the verbs: (Adauga terminatia ing la verbele de mai jos)
tell -> ________________________
shop -> ________________________
come -> __________________________

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