Edexcel GCSE ICT - Coursework Checklist

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readsheet Model

Digital Poster

Formalwear List

Activity 1

O et
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ebpage - Designs

ctivity 3

Multimedia Promo



Activity 2
Spreadsheet Model


Activity 4
Webpage - Build

Webpage - Designs

Activity 3

Final Stages

O et
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Created 5 folders: Activity 1,2,3,4 & Sources.

Created sources table and saved into Sources folder.
Identified "Test Buddy"
Saved Activity 1 Review into Activity 1 folder.
Completed "Investigation" section of Activity 1 review
Updated Sources Table
Gathered test buddy & teacher feedback.
Made changes to Investigation based on feedback received.
Created logo for Prom company and saved it into Activity 1.
Used 2 colours in logo
Make image background transparant.
Saved as PNG.
Completed "Logo" questions in Activity 1 review
Created "Suppliers File" database

Created table with field headings: Supplier Name, Contact Details, Available Online?, Price
Guide, Males and/or Females, Hire and/or Purchase.
Collected 8-12 suplier details and added to Database.
Provided evidence of suitable Data Types used.
Update Sources Table
Created Report for Formalwear Suppliers - included logo and data is sorted.
Gathered test buddy & teacher feedback.
Made changes to Database based on feedback received.
Answer "Formalwear List" questions in Activity 1 review.

Gathered and prepared content to be used on digital poster. - Saved in appropriate folder.
Created 3 slides of a digital poster.
Created animations and transitions between slides using timing.
Gathered test buddy feedback.
Made changes to Digital Poster based on feedback received.
Answer questions about "Digital Poster" in Activity 1 review.

Saved Activity 2 Review into Activity 2 folder.

Created a spreadsheet for the Prom and saved it into your Activity 2 folder.
Created a "Basic Information" worksheet.
Created a "Choices to be made" worksheet.

Created an Income worksheet - included all possible sources of revenue from running the
Created an expenditure worksheet - include all possible costs of running the prom. Remember
to include purchasing things you are selling.
Created a section that details the prom companies fee for organising the event.

Created a Graphs worksheet.

Created on-screen "Break-even" section.
Created lookup tables.
Created an "Assumptions" worksheet.
Created a "Summary" worksheet.
Created combo-boxes to allow for multiple option choices.
Gather test buddy & teacher feedback.
Correct your spreadsheet using the test feedback received.
Provide evidence of testing your model.
Update sources table.
Answer questions about "Spreadsheet Model" in your Activity 2 Review.
Created a demo for your spreadsheet and saved it into your Activity 2 folder.
Included your company logo.
Included clear information from your spreadsheet model.

Created an audio track that runs alongside your video demo explaining the actions onscreen.
Included overviews of ticket prices at both 20 and 50.
Gather test buddy & teacher feedback.
Made correction to your demo based on the received feedback.
Answered the questions about your "Demo" in the Activity 2 Review.
Gather content for two different prom tickets and saved in an appropriate folder.
Created 2 sample prom tickets and saved them into your Activity 2 folder.
Created 2 different themed tickets.

Created placeholders that include sample data for: School Name, Ticket Number and Prom
Gather feedback from test buddy & teacher.
Make corrections to your tickets based on the feedback received.
Update your sources table.
Answer the questions about "Tickets" in the Activity 2 review.

Saved Activity 3 review into Activity 3 folder.

Gathered content to be used within the multimedia promor (animation)
Created a timeline for the animation using a storyboard.
Created a Flash Animation file and saved it into your Activity 3 folder.
Made the animation no more than 200 pixels wide, but at least 200 pixels high.
Included details of a discount code within the animation.

Made the animation loop continously by "Publishing" the animation as an .SWF file.
Updated sources table with asssets used in Promo.
Gathered feedback from test buddy & teacher.
Made corrections to your Promo based on the feedback received.
Answered the questions about the "Promo" in your Activity 3 review.

Created storyboards for your webpage and saved them in your Activity 3 folde - 1 overview
storyboard and separate storyboards for each section.
Included details about page layout, specifying the location of sections and key assets in your
overview storyboard.
Included details about navigation and links in your overview storyboard.

Included details about the background and layout, font colours, styles and sizes, a description
of content and assets needed such as text and images and any links in your section storyboards.

Annotated your storyboards with information designed to aid other understand your designs.
Gathered feedback from test buddy & teacher.
Made corrections to your storyboard based on the feedback received.
Updated your sources table with assets used in storyboards.
Answered the questions about the "Designs" in your Activity 3 review.

Gathered content to be used within your webpage and saved it into an appropriate folder.
Created a HTML file for your webpage and saved this into your Activity 3 folder.
Created a webpage that includes details details about the prom company including: the
company name, the company logo and the services provided by the company.
Created a webpage that includes the following media items: the multimedia promo, the
sample tickets, the sample digital poster, the demo and the list of formalwear suppliers.
Ensured that people can navigate around your page using anchor points and internal
Carry out tests on the webpage to make sure that it functions as intended.
Update sources table with assets used in Webpage.
Gather feedback from test buddy & teacher and recoded on Activity 3 review.
Made corrections to Webpage based on feedback received.
Answered the questions about the "Webpage" in your Activity 3 review.
Saved evaluation document into your Activity 4 folder.
Completed a breif evaluation of the below 4 items where your have discussed its suitability for
audience and purpose and you have discussed whether the CAB requirments were met.
The Logo
The list of Formalwar Supplier
The Digital Poster
Prom Tickets
Completed a thorough evaluation of the below 4 items where you have discussed their
suitability for audience and purpose, whether or not the CAB reuirements were met AND identify
ways in which the final version could be further improved.
The Spreadsheet Mode
The Demo
The Promo
The Webpage
Evaluated your own performance where you have commented on:
how you managed your time
How you managed your time
The skills that were most useful to you in making your work successful
How you overcame any difficulties you encountered
What you could have done to make your work more successful
How you responded to comments from your teacher and test buddy

Your performance as a test buddy

Evaluated the quality of feedback that you gave to other.
Evaluated the quality of feedback from your teacher and test buddy.
Checked all files within your CAB folders to ensure they meet the "Moderators Toolkit"
Make sure all of your CAB work evidence is saved into your Prom folder.
Made sure that all of the work in your Prom folder is the final finished versions of your work.
Make sure all of your CAB activitiy work is saved into the correct activitiy folders.
Make sure that there are not other files within your Prom folder other than work you want to
be marked and moderated.

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