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Okay a bit of work to be done. Really try to use the sample essay as a guide.

O Origin
What type of source? (Newspaper, speech, govt document?)
Who is the author? (Historian? Hitler? Nazi Party member?)
P Purpose
Who is this for? (Group of supporters? Convince a Politian? Convince the average citizen?)
Why did they write it? (Persuade? Inform?)
C Content
What info does the source provide/What do we learn (dates? Statistics? Locations?)
V Value of the
How does who wrote it/ what type of document help us about this topic? Why can we trust
Purpose How does the intended audience or why they wrote it help us?
Content How does the info help us? What do we learn from the info written?
L Limitations What are the problems with this source in terms of
How does who wrote it/ what type of document not help us about this topic?
Why cant we trust them?

How does the intended audience or why the source is written not help us?


How does the info not help us?

Does the info conflict with any prior knowledge?

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