Oral Ingles Karla Freddy

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Oral Exam

F: Hi Karla
K: Hi Freddy
F: Ready to go to our english classes?
K: Yes, I love English classes
F: So do I
K: But.. I dont like the teacher
K: Neither do I
F: Great, lets go
----------------------------------Estamos caminando hacia el centro de
idiomas--------------------------------F: Look that house
K: What about that house?
F: Its not a single house.It seems like an uncommon house
K: Im not sure. We dont have much time
F: The house seems interesting
K: Ok, lets go
K: But Freddy I heard something about this house
F: What is the worst can happen?, I think it will be an amazing experience
K: OK but we get into and came back later because we have a little time
F: Look!! The door is open
F: I have seen movies from YOUTUBE where you can find interesting things
K: Is there anybody here?
K: OK Nobody is here, come back to classes Its too late
F: Look the switch next to you, please turn on the light
K: Its damaged

--------------------------------------------Suddenly we hear
steps-----------------------------------------K: Im starting to feel strange
K: I changed my mind
F: So did I
F: Come back to classes
K: I heard a voice go go go lets go
---------------- But.. the door is closed and a voice says: Nobody go out alive
from here---------------

Do you like to see what happen with us? See the next month


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