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Health Problem

Family Nursing Problem

Goal of Care
Objectives of Care
Nursing Intervention
Method Of Family Contact
Resources Required
Hypertension as ahealth deficit
Subjective cues: bakit kayamasakit ang ulo at batok ko?Masakit din angdibdib at likodko.
Asverbalized by the patient.Objective cues:Vitals signs takenas follows:BP: 130/90mmHgT: 36.1P:
72 b/min.R:22 b/min.Height: 53Weight: 78 kg.
Inability torecognize the presence of health problemdue to:A. Lack of or inadequateknowledge.>
Inability tomake decisionwith respecttakingappropriatehealth actionsdue to:a. Failure
tocomprehend thenature/magnitudeof the problem. b. Lack of adequateknowledge as
toalternativecourses of actionopen to them.
After nursinginterventionthe family willmakenecessarymeasures to properlymanage,control,
andlessen the risk factors of hypertension.
After nursinginterventionthe family will be able to:A. Haveadequateknowledge agood proper
nutrition thatreducehypertensionand preventthe occurrenceof relativecomplicationsin the
future.B. Be able todetermine therisk factor thatcontributehypertensionsuch as familyhistory,
age, salt andalcohol intake,and obesity.C. Practice proper lifestylewith regards tonutrition
and physicalfitness.
> assess thefamily levelof understandingregarding thehealth problem> discuss withthe family
thenature signsandsymptomsandcomplicationthat mightarise due tohypertension.> discuss
withthefamily/clientthe risk factors of hypertensionsuch asfamily history, age,salt andalcohol
intakeand obesity.> Promotehealthylifestyle suchasA. Encourage proper foodintake likereduce
saltyand fattyfoods andincludeDASH diet plan.B. Preventobesitythrough proper nutrition
andexercise.C. Smokingcessation.D. encourage patient to decrease or eliminatecaffeine liketea,
cola,coffee, andchocolate.> Provideinformationregardingcommunityresources;support the
patient inmakinglifestylechanges andinitiatereferrals tothe medical practitioner like doctors.

Materialresources:> Visual aidsand low costmaterialsneeded for demonstration.> Time andeffort
on the part of studentnurse andfamily.> Flyers to begiven to theclient/familyfor their owncopy.
Partially met,after thenursingintervention theclient willverbalizedunderstandingof disease
process andtreatmentregimen asevidence byMrs. Melisa Napal Cruzverbalization
Iiwasan ko naang mgabawal napagkain gayang matatabaat maaalat.lilimitahan kona din ana
paginom ng kape,upang maagapan angmga posiblengkomplikasyonna dulot ngaking sakit

Example of Family Nursing Care Plan

Case: This is a case of S. Family. S. Family is composed of 5 children and both parents were alive.
Upon observation the family practices improper hygiene in eating and waste disposal. The 5
children have 2 to 3 years of age gaps, having the youngest child to be 1 year old and the oldest
to be 9 years old.
Problem Identified: Improper Hygiene
Date Identified: January 5, 2012 7:00AM
Date Evaluated: January 5, 2012 1:00PM
Problem Cues:
Subjective data: Dahil sa dami ng anak ko, minsan ang dudungis na nila. Mabuti na lang
nandyan ang panganay ko na si Nene, siya yung nagbabantay sa dalawang kapatid niya.
Objective data: Nene, her nine-year-old daughter cuddles her younger brother Jose who has flu at
this time. She manages to feed her other sibling with bare hands without hand washing. The
fingernails and toenails of these children were not trimmed properly and filled with dirt. The
other two siblings came into the house sweating and their feet were smudged with mud. Jose
suddenly wet his shorts and Nene must clean him up. The place wherein he peed was not
cleaned but left only. The pillow that was affected by the urine was just placed outside for the
sun to dry.
Family Nursing Diagnosis: Inability to provide home environment conducive for health and
maintenance secondary to unhygienic practices

Goal of Care: Within 3 hours of nursing interventions, the family will be able to recognize the
current home environment and health practices. They must be able to identify healthy practices
and be able to practice them habitually. These hygienic measures are as follows: proper hand
washing, proper waste disposal and proper house cleaning.
Within 3 hours of nursing interventions, the family will be able to:
1. Recognize the need for proper hand washing before and after meals as well as after using the
2. Enumerate factors that promote in unhygienic practices
3. be knowledgeable in ways on how to maintain hygiene
4. Accept the importance of proper hygiene in the activities of daily living
5. Exhibit the desire to change the current unhygienic practices
Interventions & Rationale:
1. Check if the family is aware of their health practices. This will help the nurse to know the
severity of the health problem.
2. Demonstrate the proper hand washing. The nurse must perform the proper hand washing
technique so that the family will be able to see the proper technique. A return demonstration will
be necessary so that the nurse can assess if the family members can absorb the lesson.
3. Emphasize the importance of proper hygiene in preventing health problems. This step will
enable the family members to know the consequences if health practices were not observed in
their family.
4. Listen to the concerns of the family regarding the hindrance to practice such hygienic
practices. This will be a way of keeping in touch with the family and facilitate them to be able to
find concrete ways to achieve the goal of observing hygienic practices.
1. Home Visits
2. Diagram of path of infection, steps in correct hand washing
3. Demonstration

4. Hand washing supplies

5. Time and Effort for the family members as well as to the nurse
After 3 hours of nursing interventions, the goal was met. The parents were able to demonstrate
proper hand washing. The siblings who were five years old and above were able to wash their
hands with assistance from their parents. Lunch was served and the children filed for a line in
washing their hands before and after the meal

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