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Agricola, cum Quintum audivisset, Salvium furens arcessivit. .qui, simulatque intravit,
aliquid dicere coepit Agricola tamen, cum silentium iussisset, Salvium vehementer
di immortales! Cogidubnus est innocens, tu perfidus. Cur tam insanus eran ut tibi
crederem? Quinque annos hanc provinciam iam administro. Regem Cogiduubnum bene
cognovi. Saepe rex mihi auxilio fuit. Neque mendacem umquam se praestit. Cur tu crimen
falsum in eum intulisti? Accusavistine eum ut potentiam tuam augers/ simulatque ad hanc
provinciam venisti, amici me monuerunt ut te caverem. Alii callidatem tuam
commemoraverunt, alli superbiam. Nunc res ipsa me docuit. Num Imperator Domitianus
hanc tantam perfidia ferre potest? Ego sane non possum. In hac provincial summam
potestatem habeo. Iubeo te has inimicitas deponere. Iubeo te ad Cogidubni aula mire,
veniamque ab eo petere. Praeterea te oportet Imperatori ipsi rem explicare.
Agricola, when he might have heard Quintum, summoned Salvius in a rage, who, as soon
as he had entered, began to say something. However Agricola, when silence had been
ordered, accused Salvius violently.
Immortal gods! Cogidubnus is innocent, you are treacherous! Why so insane was that I
might trust in you! Five years this province I administer. King Cogidubnus knows well. The
king was often my help. Neither treacherous nor lying has he ever showed. Why you
brought onto him false crimes? You accuse him in order to increase your power? As soon
as you came to this providence, my friends warned me to beware of you. Some talked of
your cleverness, others of arrogance. Now a thing itself taught me. Surely the Emperor
Domitian can be able to bring this so great treachery not? I am not able to be healed. In
this providence I have the greatest power. I order you to take off these feuds. I order you to
go to Cogidubnus palace, and go by to ask for mercy. Besides you must go to explain the
thing to the Emperor himself.
When Agricola said this, Salvius responded angry,
How blind are you! How you made a big mistake! You yourself must to explain the
Emperor what you did in Britain. You have administrated this province very badly for five
years. You wage war in the last war of Britain and empty victory you bear to Scotland; but
Emperor wanted to accept money and wealth. And so Cogidubnus decided to take over
the kingdom; He did not give a sheep about Scotland. You obviously need this. You are in
many danger, if you reject my idea. You Not only block mine, but the Emperor him selfs.
When they had this argument, suddenly the messenger of the prince, having entered,
shouted Cogidbunus is dead!

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