Jolie-Pitt Divorce

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FL-100 PAT VATHOUT ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY ‘STATE BARI aR COURT USE ORLY nave Laura A. Wasser, Esq. (SBN 173740) rruwae WASSER, COOPERMAN & MANDLES, P.C. raetranoness. 2049 Century Park East, Suite 800 4. LEGAL RELATIONSHIP (check all ina app): 2. WZ Weare maried. i & EQ) We are demestc pariners and our domestic partnership was established in Cetfoppign ts c. EO) Weare domestic partners en our domestic partnership wae NOT esiabliched in Califor 2, RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS (chook lf het apply) a WZ] Pettioner [2] Respondent nas peer a resident ofthis stale for attest six months and ofthis county for atleast tires montis immediately preceding the fling ofthis Petition. (Fora divorce, at lest one person i ine legal relationship described initers ta and te must comply with thie requirement) v, C2) Our domestic partnership was established in California, Neither of us has to be @ resident or have a domicile in California: to dissolve our partnership here. 2. CE Woare the same vox, wete married in California, but curently live ina jurisdiction that does not recognize. and wil net ‘isso¥ve, our marriage. This Peon is filed inthe counly where we maried. Petitioner lives in (specify): Respondent lives in (specify): 2. STATISTICAL FACTS a ZA (1) Bate of mariage (specify: 8114/2014 {@) Time from date of mariage to date of separation (speci) @) Dots of separation (speci): 9/16/2016 2 years 1 Months em, Los Angeles, CA 90067-3110 Grate: a “TELEPHONE QT7TFTT Faxwo: (310) 553-176 Pehl inna | FILED arrow ronieano- Angelina Jolie Pitt Sugai Cotoaraelon Lee eee AG Sear a mo eM ET sect anoress: 111 North Hill Street in tv seoress 114 Nort Hil Street SEP 19 20) emvavo ae cove Los Angeles, CA 90012 She tor, Offiggrterk | araxcu nave: CENTRAL DISTRICT WH 8 ‘Deputy | SennONER ANGELINA JOLIE PITT Boia RESPONDENT: WILLIAM BRADLEY PITT | PETITION FOR Cl amenveo Niniinnniill (Dissolution (Divorce) of: ZY Mariage EI) Domestic Partnership (LD Leas! Separation of: C) Marriage 2) Domestic Partnership CO Naty ot Ti tarsage Ch Domest partners © CA (1) Registration date of damestic partnership with the California Secretary of State or other state equivalent (specify below) @) Date of separation (spc) 6) Tie fm te ofteraton of amet panei dat copter (pec ears ‘ants 4. MINOR CHILDREN a) There are no minor children. b. GAL The minor chifdron aro: chiss name Birthdate Age Sey 1) Maso Joe it 004 eeaan & ea tae gist 5 2 f eo 2 acta wae, «= gga dag 8) Vienna Marcheline Jolie-Pitt TH22008 eee eae 8) Shiok Nouvel let 512712008, BF 50 so (CA continued on Attachment db @ CD actild whois not yet bom. es «: any etre fisted above were oom before the mariage or domestic porinorhi, tho court has th authory to dob es those eilaren to be chien of te mariage or domestic partnership. 4: Ifthere are minor children of Petioner and Respondent, a completed Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdigto and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA} (orm FLe105) must be attacned. Fo 2. Co Petitioner ana Respondent signed a voluntary decieraton of paternity. A copy Cis CP igngt | dechod 5 a PETITION=MARRIAGEIDOWE: TNERSHIP ee EERE egontial ‘(Family Law) Fess s ElForme #3989719 Bacpedg . hi ti I H f FL-100 PETITIONER: Le aN TTI RESPONDENT: WILLIAM BRADLEY PITT Patitioner requests that the court make the following orders: 5. LEGAL GROUNDS (Family Code sections 2200-2210, 2310-2312) 2 Zl Divorce or C2) Legal senaration of the marrage or domestic partnership based on (check one): (1) TA treconaiaie aifercnacs. @) [OJ pormanent legal incapacity to make decisions. vb. CO) Nutlty of void marriage or domestic partnership based on ) CD incest. 2) CY bigamy. c. () Nullity of voidable marriage or domestic partnership based on (1) CA petitioner's age ettime of registration of domestic (4) CO) frau, Parinership or mariage pa 2) CD pir existing mersiage or domestic partnership. & CO unsound mind. (©) CD physica incapacity 5. CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION (PARENTING TIME) Petitioner Respondent Joint Other 2. Legal eustody of eilren to. LEE a Qo @a Physical custody of eileen te i 6 g reat a a €. Child visitation (parenting time) be granted to oO a As requested in; (]) form EL-3tt 2 form Fu-a12 firm F-24110 form F-34110) form F-34106 C1 attechment Gor) 7. CHILD SUPPORT €@. Ifthere are minor children born to er adopted by Petitioner and Respondent befors or during thie marriage or comostic partnership, the cour wil make orders for the support ofthe children upon request and submission of financial forms by the requesting party, ». An eamninge assignment may be issued without further notice, ©. Any panty required to pay support must pay Interest on overdue amounts at the “legal” rate, which is currently 19 percent d, Ch Other (specify): 8, SPOUSAL OR DOMESTIC PARTNER SUPPORT a. (Spousal or domestic partner support payable to (CJ Petitioner () Respondent b. C2) Terminate (end) the courts abilty to award supporto} Petitioner) Respondent . c. Col Resene for future determination the issue ef euppert payabiete LL) Petitioner] Respondent Cl omnar (specify: ©. SEPARATE PROPERTY 2. (2) There are no such assets or detis that ! know of io be confirmed by the court te, Gl Confirm as separate property the assets and debts in (L] Property Declaration form FL-160. () Attachment 9b. Zi te fatowing ist. tem Contin to a} Miscellaneous jewelly and other personal effects Pellioner 5) Earrings and accumulations of Petitioner from and after the date of separation Pettioner ) There are additional soparate property assets and obligations of the parties, the exact nature and extent of which are not presently known, (Family Law) mn 7 FL-100 BETTIONER: ANGELINA JOLIEPITT SE NNER | RESPONDENT: WILLIAM BRADLEY PITT 410. COMMUNITY AND QUASI-COMMUNITY PROPERTY 2. (There are no such assets or debi that | know of to be divided by the cour. b, Ed Determine rights te community and quasi-community assets end debts. All such assets and debte oe listed (C2 in Property Decteration form FL=t60) (2) in Attachment 100. Zh as foes (speci There are community and quasi-community assets and obligations of the partios, tho oxact naturo and oxtant ‘of which are unknown to Petitioner at this time 11, OTHER REQUESTS 2. EZ Attomoys feos and cocte payable by [Z) Petitioner CZ) Respondent jeach pasty to pay om) vb. [E] Pettioners former name be restored to (snedty) on Cl other (speci: C2 Continued on Attachment 110. 42. |HAVE READ THE RESTRAINING ORDERS ON THE BACK OF THE SUMMONS, AND | UNDERSTAND THAT THEY APPLY ‘TO ME WHEN THIS PETITION I$ FILED. | dostare under panalty of perjury undor tho lawe of the Stato of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: September (4 , 2016 i pA Angelina Jalie Pitt (PE oR eA) Date: September [24,2016 LawaA Wasser Esq Wasser, Cooperman & Mandies, PC CTYPE OR PRINT NAMED » “(SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY FOR PETSTIONERY FOR MORE INFORMATION: Read Legal Steps fora Divorce or Lega! Separatif (onn EL-107-INEO) and visit "Families Change" _t wn — an online guide far parents and childron going through divaree or aoparation NoT : You may redact (black out) social security numbers from any written material fled with the court inthis case other than a form used to collect child, spousal or partner support NOTICE—CANCELLATION OF RIGHTS: Dissolution or legal separation may automatically cancel the rights of a domestic partner (or spouse under the other domestic partner's or spouse’s wil, trust, retirement plan, power of altomey, pay-on-death bank account, survivorship rights to any property owned in jlnt tenancy, and any other similar thing. It does not automatically cancel the right of = | domestic partner or spouse as beneficiary of the other partner's or spouse's ite insurance polity. You snould review these matters, fas well as any credit cards, othar cradit acoounts, insurance polices, retirement plans, and credit reports, to determine whether they | should be changed or whether you should teke any other actions. Some changes may require the agreement of your partner or | spouse or a court order. omer *RETITION-MARRIAGEIDOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP asso Essential (Farnily Law) FL-A10 SUMMONS (Family Law) CITACIOI 19 familiar) ance NOTICE TO RESPONDENT (Nome): SORE Te Los Arcades AVISO AL DEMANDADO (Nombre}: WILLIAM BRADLEY PITT sep 19 208 y richer gherti Potarter, Grapativg Office Deputy Botan Galv Nombre del demandante: ANGELINA JOLIE PITT ASE MBER MOMERS DEGAS, ‘You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Tiene 30 dias de ealendario después de haber recibido la Pelion are served on you to file a Response (form entrege legal de esta Citacién y Peticion para presentar una FL120) at the court and have a copy served on the Respuesta (formularro FL-120)) ante !a corte y efectuar la petitioner. A letter, phane call. cr court appearance centrega legal de una copia al demendante. Una carta o llamada ‘all not protec! you. {elefénica o una audloncia de la corto no basta para protogerio, It you do not file your Response on time, the court Sino presenta su Respucsta a tiompo, 19 corte puede dsr may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic Ordenes que afecten su metrimonio o pareja de hecto, sus pparinershin, your property. and custody of your bienes y la custodia de sus hios. La core también le puede children. You may be ordered to pay support and onienar que pague manutancién, y honorarios y costos legates. nA AT Para ososoramiente legal, péngase en contacto de inmediato Forlegal advice, contact @ lawyer immediately. Get con un abogado. Puede obtener nformacién para encontrar un help finding a lawyer atthe California Courts Online bogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Calforia SelHelp Centar (, atthe (vane gov), ene! sto web de los Servicios Legales Celfornia Legel Services website (wnw lawheloca.or), de Calforia (wumlewheleea org) 0 poniéndose en contacto Cr by contacting your local county bar association on 8! colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTIGE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 7: “AVISO—LAS GRDENES DE RESTRIGCION SE ‘These restraining orders are efecive against both ENCUENTRAN EN LA PAGINA 2: Las Ordenes de restrocion spouses or domestic partners unfl the petition is ‘sin on vigoncia en cuanto a ambos cényuges o miembros de dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court mekes Ja para de hecho hasta quo co dospide le peticién, x0 emita un turer orders. They are enforceable anywhere in {allo of corte dé otras Crdenes. Cualquer agencia dal orden CCalforis by any law enforcement officer who has piblico que heya reibida o visto une copia de estas drdenes ropeived oF agon a copy efter ude hacortas avatar en cuslquier gar de Cabfomia, FEE WAIVER: Ifyou cannot pay the fling foe, ask the EXENCION DE CUOTAS: Sino puede pagar cuots de ler fora tee walver form. The court may order you to presentaciéo, pda el seeretaro un formularo de exencisn de pay back all or pat ofthe fees and costs that the court ‘uotes. Le cote puede ortenar que usted pague, ya sea en waived for you or the other poy. parte o por completo, las cuotas y eostos de la core previaments exentos a paticiin de usted a de le otra part. 4. The nama and address of the court are (E! nombre y aireccién de Ja corte son): LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT 111 North Hill Steet Los Angeles, CA 20012 CENTRAL DISTRICT 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’ altorney, or tie petitioner without an attomey, are: (Ei nombre, direccién y nimero de telélono del abogado del demandante, o det demsndante sno fiene abogado, son): Laura A. Wasser, Esq. (SBN 173740) % Telephone No.: (310) 27-7117 WASSER, COOPERMAN & MANDLES, P.C, 2048 Century Park East, Suite 800 ‘Los Angeles, CA $0087°3110 Ry Date roche): SEPT 9 ONG Cet, by (Secretaria eT cw (Asistons) “Sy Page tot th we "aasmenmaet el one TE REE eels AF a er remy NE) (Family Law) ‘woneconrtsc3 ESSENTIAL FORMS ‘STANDARD FAMILY LAW RESTRAINING ORDERS ‘Starting immediately, you and your spouse or domestic partner are restrained from: 4. removing the minor children of the parti from tho stato Co applying for a new of replacement passport fos those ‘minor chitgren without the priar writen consent of the ‘thor party or an erder of the court 2. caching, borrowing againet, canceling, transferring, spasing of, or changing the beneficiaries of any insurance or other coverage. including Ife, health, automobile, and disability, held for the benefit of the panties and their minor children, 3. transferring, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, orn any way disposing of any property, real or personal, ‘whether community, quasi-cammunity, or separate, without the written consent ofthe other parly or an order of the court, except in the usual course of business or for the necessities of fife; and 4, creating a nonprabate transfer or modifying @ aonprobate transfer in a manner that affects the disposition of property subject to the transfer, winout the written consent of me other party or an order ofthe court. Before revacation of a nonprotete iranefer can take offoct ar aright of survivorsnia to propery can be eliminated, notice of the change must be fled and served on the other party ‘You must notify each other of any proposed extraordinary ‘expenditures at least five business days prior to incurring these ‘extraordinary expenditures and account to the court forall extraordinary expenditures made after these restraining orders are effective. However, you may use community properly, quasi-community properly, ar your own separate property to pay an attomey io help you or to pay court costs. NOTIGE--ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE: Do you or someone in your housshold need alfordable hezlt insurance? If so, you should apply for Covered Calfomia, Covered Calfornia can help reduce the ‘cost you pay towards high quality affordable health eave. For more information, visit www. Or call Covered California at 1-800-300-1508, 'WARNING—IMPORTANT INFORMATION California law provides that, for purposes of division of property upon dissolution of a marriage or domestic partnership or upon legal separation, property acquired by the portios during marriage or domestic partnership in Jolnt form Is presumed to he community propery. if elther party to this action should die before the jointly held ‘community property 'e divided, the language in the de that characterizes how tite is held (., joint tenancy, tenants in common, or community property) will be controlling, and net the community property presumption. You should consult your attorney ifyou ‘want the community property presumption to be written into the recorded title to the property. a Covered California al 1-800-300-021: FORO lan 25) Essenriat FORMS™ ‘SUMMONS (Family Law) ORDENES DE RESTRICCION ESTANDAR DE DERECHO FAMILIAR En forma inmediata, usted y su cényuge 0 pareje de hecho tienen pronibida: 1. Tevarse del estado de Califomia a los hijos manores de las parles, 0 sofciter un pasaporte nuevo 0 de repuesto para fos ‘hijos menores, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de fa otra parts 0 sin una orden dele corte: 2. cobrar, pedir prestado, cancelar, transferir, deshacerse 0 cambiar ef rombre de los beneficiarins de cualquier seguro w otto tipo de cabertura, como de vida, salud, vehicula y discapacided, que tenge como eneficiario(s) a las partes y ‘su(3)hijo(s) menortes): 3. transfert, rover, hipolecer, ecultar deshacerze de Ccuaiquier manera de cualquier propiedad, inmueble 0 personal, ya sea comunitaria, cuasicomunitariao separada, sin ef consentimianto escrito de la otra parte o una orden de a corte, excepto en e! curso habitual de actividades personales y comerciales o para satisfacer fas necesidades 01a veo; y 4. creare madifcar ena transferencia no testamentaria de manera que afecte fa asignacién de une propiedad sujete @ transferencia, sin 6! consentimiento por esarto de fa otra pparto 0 una orden do fa corto. Antes do quo se pueda eliminar fa revocacion de una transferees No testamentaria, se debe preseniar ante la corte un aviso def cambio y hacer una entraga legal de dicho aviso ala otra parts, Cade parte tiene que notificara la otra sobre cuskquler gasto ‘extraordinaria propuesto por a menos cinco dias nabiles antes de realizaro, y rendir cuenta a la corte de todos los gastos ‘extraordinarios resiizados después de quo estes érdenes de resticcton hayan entrago en vigencia. No opstante, puede usar propiedad comunitaria, cuasicomunitaria 0 suya separada para pagara un ebogada quo lo ayude o para pagar los oastos do la corte. ‘AVISO—ACCESO A SEGURO DE SALUD MAS ECONOMIC: Nacesita seguro de salud a un costo esaquibla, ya sea para usted © alguien en su hogar? Si es asi, puede presentar una solcitud con Covered California, Covered Califomia io puede ayudar ceducir el costo que paga por seguro de salud asequible y de alta calidad. Para obtener mas informacién, visite, © llama ‘ADVERTENCIA—INFORMACION IMPORTANTE De acuerdo ala lay da California, tes propiedades adquiridos ‘Por fas partes durante su matrimonio 0 pareja de hecho on forma conjunta se consideran propiedad comunitaria para Fines doa dlvisién do bienes que oeurre cuando se produce una disolucién 0 separacién legal del matrimonio o parefa de hecho. Si cualquiera de les partes de este caso llega a fallecer antos de que 50 dvida la propiedad comunitaria da tenencia conjunta, el destino de la misma quedard detarminado por las cléusulas de la escritura correspondiente que doseriben au tenencia (pore, fenencia conjunta, fenencia en comin o propiedad comunitaria) y no por la presuncion de propiedad comunitara. Si quiere que fa presuncién comunitaria quede registrada en a escritura de J propiedad, deberta consultar con un abogado. Pearl? FLM05/GC-120 FoRCOURT USE OMY TToRUST 0) TART WNGUT ATTORNEY lana Bu wa no ”L Laura A. Wasser, Esq. (SBN 173740) WASSER, COOPERMAN & MANDLES, P.C. 2049 Coniury Park East, Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90067-3110 | retpsonev (310) 277-7117 anno epics (310) 553-1793 | enn aconee ns | arromser ron ane: Angelina Jolie Pitt SUPERION COURT GF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF COS ANGELES] srrecraconeae 111 North Hil Street wl ANE oma russ avoness. 111 North Hill Street Beaty of Los Angeles crvainze cove. Los Angeles, CA 90012 oranouname CENTRAL DISTRICT SEP 19 208 {Ts es uF ay ae) PeTMONER: ANGELINA JOLIE PITT Sher poping oer responpenT: WILLIAM BRADLEY PITT bee Th OTHER PARTY. (Tis savin anaes ont garden rses CaSENER |_quaRownsH@ OF ame) Nie B£646058 DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCGJEA) 1 Lama party to this proceeding to determine custody ofa child. 2.) My present address and the provent addroes of each child residing with me is confidential under Family Code section 3429 as ‘nave indicated In item 3. 3. There ate (specify number}: Six (6) minor children who are subject to this proceeding, a follows: invert the information requested below. The residanca information must be given forthe last FIVE years) Ta. Chis name Place of bith ‘Dale of birth Sex Maddox Jolie-Pit Cainbodia 6/2001 M wot tare Tasos eno died oa al corps caraadinnd|__Reaioone 2004 |Los Angeles, California |Angelina Jolie Pitt & William Bradley Pitt |Mother & toprecent 2 Confidentiat 2 conngentiat Father childs residence (Gy. State) ‘Person child lived with (name snd complete cument address) . | Ct nee Ov, SO) Pern Sic nae ot a eT ARE anit eames Ov, Sa] Fea 6 dl nae and aoe ee oP rates or rE 1 | Pax Jolie-Pitt Vietnam 11/29/2003 )M 2 spas comme ne cussermseer t= oo ates Peace ih ane nd can arene | Raion |2006 pent confdentia CA confident hats mute iy SK) Poamn Sihed wh fans el camp oar aioe ® Tissmeern EW By 7 daa aaah ane ol cma cari aed » HW [Saino Sat Pees thas nt cone aoe © ‘og ‘Addiiional residence information fora child listed in item @ or Dis continued on attachment So. <. EZ Adcitional children are listed on form F.~105(A)/GC-120(A) (Provide all requested information for addtional children.) _ rape 1et2 EGLARATION UNDER UNI CHILD CUSTOD' Ee -A05(AVGC-120(A) Fu + [ease wa eR FHARRIAGE OF PITT ATTACHMENT TO DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCCJEA) 7 Fania Ca teen cs 3s. enero Zatara Joke Pit Ethiopia 11872005 F Oh peer ae se WRET RARE ne [Fedora Tara ean NS a rd co BERT] REDD birt seem conten | contents: I ce are (3, Sa) Pon eis wt rane and eae one oa) el 1 ass ane (Sie Feo ced rae ad cna ae / | | I HI | atts Sa ei Bid eb Gare ora ES) ‘B.d_ chase name Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt Ponce SHi19008 wo Sh ppstcee cies NDT BASSI me | Pearce i ee a Bich to present 2) Confidentiat (1 Confidential Gees (0, SR) Per ca dh ae Cs oR | Ge esr Se Pa RSW ae TTR OTT sa Sa Fae a naw a OS a a i Paco oxen = oe een Free ie i? ERS ES a Ba fre ‘es Pon edna rd coc comma | Rear ‘Birth | fo ee OD confident A confident | Seta ndewe (ty Ba] oe ch ln wn ana war reo] 7 | cies ae Taocen cad rans npn | c a ia acne, Ben oad hare wd aon oa) a III rasta "ages sens ees Aisc: beeahtsys C2 esr a= ‘ATTACHMENT TO DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM GHILD GUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCCJEA) SUERTE FL-A05(A)KGC-420(0 ‘CASE NAME! MARRIAGE OF PITT [esenees ATTACHMENT TO DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCCJEA) aa Txt Cassa = ‘Bi, crrsrane Soh Nowvel Jolie Pit [es ee ? SS HINGT Beane: pone ts See eS ynareencpo | Paar etere Fee aibae Faia NI Gane a RARE | ROTH Birth o_present 1) Confidential 2 contasntat Chie Se oi heh ranean cna creas) ‘2 i ase ir Se =o Od hein ane dae EE © | ll ns was i ans oe RSW a a ED » ma rao Taam m= Tr pests ee nent we Taide a Fa a a ane TI | RAS | 30 present CO) Confidentiat (2) Confidential Teter Sa) PER eb ut a sn a Ties was So Fes Si an a TE TD a FSSC Wa a A CE CE ST = rao ona om = SAREE SE BOY Bee e O peer spar 1 Rabati ‘ete eto Gel fae don aa | ea fo _ present (2) Confidential CY Confidential Sa seen 65, BY en sire wh oe od emp aria) a an Fan SIC Fa a RCE IRS) a ia aS) Foca elt re tao aST a Page LE ot Fetosafec it iia Qiseratiaar ‘ATTACHMENT TO DECLARATION UNDER UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCCJEA) pose aah if SS Hl PN FLA05/G6-120 CASE MIME SHORT TIE: |— MARRIAGE OF PITT 4, Do you have information about, or have you participated as a parly oF ae e witness or in some other espacly in, another court ease ‘ot custody or visitation proceeding, in Califomia or elsewinere, conceming @ child subject to this proceeding? Co ves QQ No (if yes, attach a copy of the orders {if you have one} and provide the following information): Court Court order Your Proceeding ase number | (name, sate, cation) | orjudgmont | Name of each child | connection ta] Case statis (date) the case 2 CV Family & Ca) Guardianship = CQ Otter i Proceeding Case Numbar Court (aame, sate, location) <4. CO swvenite Delinquency! Juvenile Dependency e. CO) Adoption 5. Lo} One or more domestic violence restraining/protective orders are now in effect. (Attach a copy of ine orders f you have one and provide the fellowing infomation) Court County State Case number (if known} Orders expire (date) = Cd Caminat b. CO Fomily ©. Co) suvenite Delinquency Juvenile Dependency dC other 5. Do you know of any person wha is nat a party fo this proceeding who has physical custody or claims to have custody of oF visitation rights with any child inthis case? LJ Yes QZE No. (ifyas, provide the following information). ~. Name and addiess of person ®, Name and address of parson = Name and eddross of person i [1 Has prysicalcustoay Fras ptysical custody D1 Hes pnysicalcusiosy j | Ga Gains custody rights || Cy claims custody rights Claims custody nghts | TD Chaim visitation rights | Ey Craives visitation rights TA claims visitation rights i Taine of each child Waite of each cia ame of each child | | doddare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of Galfornia thi the foregoing is true and correc. Date: September (4, 2016 Loe TE TTT (TYEE OR PRINT NAME) Number of pages attached: NOTIGE TO DECLARANT: You have a continuing duty t inform thie court f you obtain any information about a custody proceeding in a California court or any other court concerning a child subject to this proceeding. DECI Paez JURISDICTION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT (UCCJEA) “AYTOREY OR PARTY WATHOUT ATTORNEY Nore ee bev amb, nd ars OT RESERVED FOR CLERKS PLE STAMP Laura A. Wasser, Esq. (SBN 173740) | WASSER, COOPERMAN & MANDLES, P.C, 2048 Century Park East, Suite 600 ‘Los Angeles, CA 90067-3110 eutrvoneno. (310) 277-7117 reo oxen (310) 553-1793 | na A00RES8 sor I | zrromer ron nener_ Angelina Jolie Pt FILED ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES suporict Court of Oatfornia (COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: lor iit Street rounty of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90012 renmosenetanter ANGELINA JOLIE PITT iii) SEP 19 2088 | ReSpORSSNT Sar ooae WILLIAM BRADLEY PITS ter, Gropptg Often Cle RESPORGOTSEFNOAT aa FAMILY LAW CASE COVER SHEET anne CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT Bb646058 Case Filing Instructions ‘This cover sheet is required so thatthe cour can assign your case te the correct cout district for fling and nearing. tt attios tho requirement fo a catifcate authorizing fing n the cite, as set forint Los Angeles Superior Court Rules 2() and 5.2, kms! be completed and subsmitted tothe cout slong withthe original Complaint or Petition in ALL Family ceses filed in any dstict ofthe Los Angeles County Superior Cour. This form is not requifed in ‘Abandonment & Emancipation cases, which ara to be filed at Children’s Court 1. Flin the requested information @) Enter avoress of Petitioner apes or ae ga 9804 Wilshire Biva., #500 Beverly Hills CA 90240 ) Enter auoress of Respondent. 00 NOT COMPLETE THIS ITEM IF THIS (S A MINOR'S CONTRACT CASE omnes ore eae ae coe Unknown Los Angeles CA MINOR CHILDREN INVOLVED? TZhves — Howwany? six @) Cano 11, Select the comect district: 8. Under Column t belo, check the one type of action which best describes the nature ofthis case. b. In Column 2 below, circle the reason for your choice of district that applies tothe type ef action you have checked. Applicable Reason for Choosing District (See Column 2 below) 4. May be fed in Central Diatiet. 3. Child resides within the dstet. 2._Distict where one or more ofthe parties reside. 4. Distiet where Petitioner resides. ill + | TYPE OF ACTION cess ony om cane 2 | APPLICABLE REASONS crestor ZI 45820 © Dissolution of Marriage a9 (1 A5525 Summary Dissolution of Marriage 42 (45521 Dissolution of Domestic Partnership 12 (Ay 45530. Nulty of Void or Voidable Marriage 12 (C1 45531 Nulty of Void or Voidable Domestic Nha Parnarship| ee FAMILY LAW CASE COVER SHEET eqs? Bahn esse? (CERTIFIGATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT rn 2, Beat Fins MARRIAGE OF PITT Mi (Dd 48510 Legal Separation a2 {2} A5811 Legal Separation of Domestic Partnership 4.2 (Cd A6128 Petition tor Custody and Support of Minor | |} 48131 Child Support Services Department (CSSD) 1 ParetagerSopport 1} AS139 Foreign Support Order 1.23 (Cy A6136 Foreign Custody Oraer eae |J 46138 Uniform interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) 4.2.3 Responding Pettan |] A8122 Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Civil (Any Court Junsdiction - DV's only) Herasomert- vse Chl Cover Shot (J 46600 Habeas Corpus Petition - Child Custody a [2 As0e0 Petition to Estalich Parentage /Patemty (Non- 424 govemmen CV A811 Approval of Minoy’s Contract (6751 Family Code) 4 EQ A010 Other Family Complaint er Petiion (Speci): 423 (2) A101 Agency Adoption 14 (TV As102 independent Adoption 14 (C1 As106 stepparent Adoption 14 |} A8i03 Adult Adoption 44 1) 6106 Sole Custody Petition 44 UL, Enter address of minor child if known. (DO NOT COMPLETE UNLESS YOU HAVE CIRCLED ITEM 3 AS AN APPLICABLE REASON) ec nay i ro Peel IN. Emerthetnfemiton bow and sign the corte CCorticate/ Declaration of Assignment: Tha undersionad hereby cetfies and deciars that the above entited matter is property fled for assignmmenttothe CENTRAL Distiet of the Loe Anglos Superior Court under Coda of Civil Procedure $202 et seq, 2200 seq, of the Family Code, end Rute 20), (Can (2) ots cour for reason checked above, I cetly and declare under senally of vevry under the favs ofthe State of Californie thatthe foregoing is rue and corect. pate. September \" , 2016 (Sonny gf arroRNEEPARTY THOUT ATTORNEN LAURA A. WASSER, ESQ. ae FAMILY LAW GASE COVER SHEET eR CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT 2) samt

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