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Copyright Protected Kantoi Dah!


ucking bullshit!

Why am I angry? Yeah, I must!!!! The users of Social Hot Ticket internet plan by
Maxis must have known this problem or are currently facing it. But what the problem is?
Let me explain to you!
Once upon a time, Social Hot Ticket internet plan by Maxis provided 500MB data
package, 1GB data (2-7am) and free internet for Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp for 5
days at a price of RM10. Unfortunately, Maxis has just put 500MB quota for those three
features which were used to be unlimited although the price & duration are still the same.

Holy fucking shit!

Copyright Protected Kantoi Dah! 2016

Uuuuuuuhhhh.OKNo problem! Now Whatsapp, Facebook & Twitter are

limited. But still we can use/browse all those via smartphones.

Facebook is accessible via FB Lite app

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Facebook is also accessible using browser such as Opera Mini

Now try to turn on your smartphones hotspot & connect your desktop/laptop to
that wifi hotspot. Then can you access Facebook via your computer? Can you?!
Of course you cannot!! The retarded Maxshit has blocked the access to Facebook
& Twitter if youre using wifi which uses the Social Hot Ticket subscription. Owh my
fucking shit!
Ive tried the ability of all browsers to browse Facebook or at least to connect to
it. Below are the results that Ive got.

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Facebook access failed using Chromium!

Weirdly Fontspace is accessible!

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osu! is accessible.

But not for Facebook. Fuck!

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3.Google Chrome

Website for downloading Facebook videos is accessible.

But Facebook cant be opened! Shit!!!!

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4.Internet Explorer 11

Theres no problem in accessing Youtube.

But Facebook cant be accessed due to the blockage. Fuck yeah!

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Anilinkz is accessible

But Facebook isnt. Why the hell!?

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Gmail is accessible using Opera

But Facebook cant be connected to. What a pig!

See?!!!? The browsers are not at fault but this shitty internet plan is to be blamed!
Wait..You said that Facebook server has blocked my IP from accessing? Nope! Ive
tried connecting to Facebook using TM internet and its accessible!!!

Copyright Protected Kantoi Dah! 2016

It is possible to browse Facebook using other than Social Hot Ticket internet

Now are all the proves enough? Ive also done the ping tests for Facebook server
& other websites servers using this Social Hot Ticket plan.

Ping test towards Steam. All sent packets were replied.

Google is also accessible


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Matriculation colleges portal is also acccessible.

This is bullshit! All packets sent to Facebook werent replied. Packets were 100% lost! This means that
Facebook cant be accessed using Social Hot Ticket!

Comparison of ping test towards two websites in a CMD window when using Social Hot Ticket. Blogger
is accessible but Facebook failed to be connected to. Fuck!!!!!!


Copyright Protected Kantoi Dah! 2016

Ive also pinged Facebook when being connected to TM internet. And it was OK!

Are all Maxis internet plans like this? Nope! Only plans having special quota for
Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp give this kind of cock-block! As another prove, below
shows the Facebook pinging test when I was using RM3 internet plan for 150MB/day.

See?! Its possible to connect to Facebook!!

Owh shit nigga! It is really a worldwide problem when Maxis becomes a major
dickhead like this!! For that reason, Ive changed to Celcom internet plan which is also a
fucking bullshit to the infinity just like Maxshit! But at least I can still access Facebook
when I use my smartphone as hotspot! Totally worth it! Fuck you Ananda Krishnan! May
you rot in the hottest hell soon! And dont forget to shove your middle finger to the
following creature when you see him anywhere & anytime!


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