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Tutorial Sheet 1

Module 1 (Static and Dynamic Balancing)


A disturbing mass of 500 kg attached to a shaft, is rotating at a uniform angular velocity of

rad/ sec. the distance of the centre of gravity of the disturbing mass from axis of rotation is
250 mm. the disturbing mass is to be balanced by two masses in two different planes parallel
to the plane of rotation of the disturbing mass. The distances of the centre of gravity of the
balancing masses from the axis of rotation is 400 mm. the distance between the two planes of
the balancing masses is 1500 mm and the distance between the plane of the disturbing mass
and one of the planes of balancing mass is 300 mm. Determine:
i. The distance between the plane of disturbing mass and the plane of other balancing mass


(Ans.1.8 m)
ii. The magnitude of the balancing masses when :
a. The planes of balancing masses are on the same side of plane of disturbing mass.
(Ans.375 kg)
b. The planes of the balancing masses are on either side of the plane of the disturbing mass.
(Ans.250 kg)
The four masses m1, m2, m3 and m4 are respectively 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg. The
corresponding radii of rotation are 20 cm, 15 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm and the angles, , and
are 450, 750 and 1350. Find the position and magnitude of the balance mass required if the
radius of rotation is 20 cm.


(Ans.116.1kg and 201.3)

Four masses m1 = 200 kg, m2 = 300 kg, m3 =240 kg, and m4 = 260 kg are attached to a shaft
and are revolving at radii r1 = 270 mm, r2 = 210 mm, r3 = 300 mm and r4 = 360 mm
respectively in planes measured from plane of m 1 at l1 = 270 mm, l2=240 mm and l3 = 720
mm respectively. The angles measured counter clockwise are m1 to m2 45, m2 to m3 75, m3

to m4 135, and distance between planes L and M, the planes in which balance masses

are placed

is 500 mm. The distance between plane of m1 and plane L is 120 mm and plane M

and plane

for m4 = 100 mm. the radius of rotation of balance mass b is 720 mm. determine the magnitude and
angular position of the balancing masses. Solve the problem analytically.
(Ans. BM = 106.3 kg and M = 49 and BL = 160.48 kg and L = 220 )

A shaft carries four rotating masses, A, B, C and D in this order along its axis. Mass A may
be assumed to be concentrated at radius of 18 cm, B at radius of 24 cm, C at a radius of 12cm
and D at a radius of 15 cm. The masses of B,C and D are 30 kg ,50 kg and 40 kg
respectively. The planes containing B and C are 30 cm apart; the angular spacing of planes

containing C and D are 90 and 210 respectively relative to B measured in the same plane.
If the shaft and masses are to be in complete dynamic balance, find:
i. the mass and the angular position of mass A
(Ans: 20.043kg and 236.257)
ii. The positions of planes A and D.
(Ans: Distances of planes A,C and D from plane B are:
lA =98 cm ,lC = 30 cm and lD = -37.8 cm)
A 300 cm long shaft carries three pulleys, two at its ends and the third at mid span. The two


end pulleys have masses 50 kg and 25 kg and their centre of gravities are 1.5 cm and 1.3 cm
respectively from the axis of the shaft. The mid span pulley has a mass of 60 kg and centre of
gravity located at 1.6 cm from the shaft axis. The pulleys are so keyed to the shaft that the
system is in static balance. The shaft rotates at 500 rpm in two bearings 200 cm apart with
equal over hungs on either side. Determine: the relative angular positions of pulleys. Solve
the problem analytically.
(Ans:163.2 and 138.1, 58.7)
The following data apply to a single cylinder reciprocating engine
speed = 500 rpm, stroke = 150 mm, mass of reciprocating parts = 21 kg, mass of revolving


parts = 15 kg at crank radius. If two thirds of reciprocating masses and all the revolving
masses has to be balanced, determine:
(I) the balance mass at a radius of 150 mm, and


(Ans; 14.5 kg)

(II) The unbalanced force when the crank has moved 45 from inner dead centre.
(Ans. 2276N)
Prove that the resultant unbalanced force is minimum when half of the reciprocating masses


are balanced by rotating masses, i.e. when c = .

The ranks of a two cylinder, uncoupled inside cylinder locomotive are at right angles and
their radius is equal to 320 mm long. The distance between the cylinders is 700 mm. the
rotating mass per cylinder is 200 kg at crank radius and mass of reciprocating parts per
cylinder is 210 kg. The distance between the wheel centers is 1.5 m. All of the rotating
masses, and two third of reciprocating masses are to be balanced. The balance masses are to
be placed in the planes of rotation of the driving wheels at a radius of 700 mm. Determine, at
crank speed of 300 rpm. (Solve the problem by Graphical and Analytical method

The magnitude and direction of the balancing masses
(Ans: MA =MB = 121.9 kg and A = 200 and B = 250)
The a magnitude of the hammer blow
(Ans: 34682 N)
The variation interactive effort
(Ans:31234 N)
Maximum swaying couple
If the dead load or the static load on each wheel is 50 kN, determine the maximum and
minimum pressure on the rails and
(Ans: 54682 N and 15318 N)

f. The maximum speed of locomotive without lifting the wheels from the rails. The diameters
of wheels are 1.8 m.
(Ans:122.2 km/hr)

Theoretical Problems
1. What is meant by balancing of rotating masses?
2. Why rotating masses are to be dynamically balanced?
3. Define static balancing.
4. Define dynamic balancing.
5. State the conditions for static and dynamic balancing.
6. State the conditions for complete balance of several masses revolving in different planes of a
7. Why complete balancing is not possible in reciprocating engine?
8. Can a single cylinder engine be fully balanced? Why?
9. Differentiate between the unbalanced force caused due to rotating and reciprocating masses.
10. Why are the cranks of a locomotive, with two cylinders, placed at 90 to each other?
11. List the effects of partial balancing of locomotives.
12. Define swaying couple.
13. Define hammer blow with respect to locomotives.
14. What are the effects of hammer blow and swaying couple?
18. Define tractive force.
19. What is reciprocating balancing?

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