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Eucharistic celebration/5 June 2015/SMX

The Christian Witness: Salt of the Earth and Light of the World

Call to order
Introduce the main celebrant
Worship at the Gloria and Communion
Teach the Responsorial Psalm
Other announcements and instructions
Introduction to the liturgy

Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ!

"Martyria" is the Greek word used in legal courts and judicial
proceedings. It means "witnessing". Thus, a "martyrios" is a
witness, one who testifies in court about something he has seen,
known or experienced. In the Christian understanding, a martyr
is someone who testifies -- with and by his life -- and witnesses
to the truth and love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In our Mass today, the Lord tells us how we, as His disciples,
are to testify and be effective witnesses to His truth and love. In
and with the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians do affect, change
and transform the world -- in much the same way as salt enhances
the flavor of food and light dispels the darkness of this world.
Let us all now rise and begin our celebration.

Entrance procession
Entrance song: "To the King of Ages"
Penitential rite


My brothers and sisters, as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the

sacred mysteries, let us call to mind the many times we have failed
to witness to others the truth and love of our Lord Jesus. (pause)
For the times we were overcome by fear and self-concern and so
failed to stand up to the demands of justice and truth, Lord have


Lord, have mercy.


For the times we were embarrassed to boldly proclaim and share

our faith to those around us, Christ have mercy.


Christ, have mercy.


For the times we failed to behave and act as good Christians and
instead give poor and scandalous witness to the Christian life, Lord
have mercy.


Lord, have mercy.


May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring
us to everlasting life.



Bells will be rung throughout the singing of the Gloria.
Brief spontaneous worship follows.
Opening prayer
The liturgy of the Word

Let us all remain standing. (pause)

(Holding up the lectionary) My brothers and sisters, this is the
Word of God. This is wisdom from on high. Let us hear it. Let us
believe it. And let us obey it.



Introduction to the first reading (Col 3:12-17) (write full text)


A life of virtue is the most compelling and clearest testimony to the

truth of our Christian faith. The practice of the virtues in love not
only draws people to God but also honors and glorifies Him.

Reader 1:

A reading from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians . . . The Word

of the Lord.


Thanks be to God.

Responsorial psalm (Ps 146)

Sing "Praise the Lord, O My Soul" (will be sang or recited)
Gospel acclamation

Let us all rise to honor the holy Gospel.

Gospel (Mt 5:13-16) (write full text)


A proclamation from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.


Glory to you, O Lord.


. . . The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

Profession of faith

I believe in God . . . (you may write the full text) will you use the
apostles creed or the Nicene creed?

Prayers of the faithful


We are witnesses and testify to the truth and love of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who provides for all the needs of His servants. Let us now, with

confidence, bring to Him all our concerns and ask Him to bless and grant
our petitions.
After each petition, we way: "Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of
your love." Please repeat.

Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We pray for the Church, the community of God's people spread all over
the world. We pray especially for Pope Francis, all the bishops, priests
and those entrusted with the care of God's people. May these men and
women shepherd us after God's own heart, remain courageous in
teaching the faith, and be models for us in living holy and radical lives
for God. For this we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We pray for the world, especially those areas torn by war and ethnic and
religious violence. We pray for the conflict in the Middle East, the
terrorized people in western and northern Africa, and even the ongoing
fighting in southern Mindanao. May these places come to know the
peace of Christ and that lasting solutions may be found for all these
years of conflict. For this we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We pray for our country, especially for those who govern and lead us in
government. May our civil rulers govern us with selflessness and justice,
looking out only for the welfare and betterment of the Filipino people.
For this we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We pray for our prayer communities and renewal movements gathered

here today. May the fire of renewal ignite once again our heart for the
mission and, through our evangelistic efforts, bring many more to the Lord
in repentance and faith. May the Lord also provide us with the needed
resources to pursue that mission for His greater glory. For this we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We pray for those who are sick, those who are hungry and in prison,
those who are in pain and suffering for various reasons, those who are
losing hope, those with financial challenges, those who are abandoned
and are alone. May they, even in their challenging situations, come to
know the love and mercy of our loving Father in heaven and continue to
put their trust and hope in His salvation. For this we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


We now prayer silently for our personal concerns and intentions. (Pause)
for all these we pray.


Lord, help us to be effective witnesses of your love.


Lord, we humbly commend all these needs and concerns to you. In your
great mercy, grant and bless these for the sake of your Kingdom. We ask
this through Christ our Lord.



Liturgy of the Eucharist/Offertory


Please be seated for the Offertory and join the Music Ministry in
Singing our offertory song.
Song: Lord We Gather Today

Preparation of the gifts

Prayer over the gifts
Holy, holy, holy
Song: Holy, Holy, Holy
Acclamation/Mystery of faith (to be sung) When we eat this bread..
Amen, Amen, Amen
The Lord's Prayer (to be sung)
Song: "Our Father"

Invitation to peace
Lamb of God (to be sung)
Song: "Lamb of God"
Invitation to communion

. . . Happy are we who are called to His supper.


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say
the word and my soul shall be healed.


Let us all be seated.

Please wait for the ushers to lead you to your line for communion.
The Eucharistic Ministers will be going to designated communion
stations around the hall. Please wait for your turn for an orderly
reception of holy communion.
After receiving communion, please return quietly to your seats.
you may remain standing or be seated. In any case, please join
the Music Ministry in singing our communion songs as we thank
the Lord and together worship Him.

Communion songs: Let Us Exalt His Name Together

Prayer after communion

Concluding rite
Announcements (Commentator thanks the Mass Presider / Concelebrants / lay
ministers/ Choir / music min etc)
Final song/recessional
Final song: "I will sing Forever"

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